- Person or Company Main email address - Each Debtor / Creditor belongs to either a person or a company
- A person has an email address
- A company has a general email address
- People who are contacts at a Debtor or Creditor - All contacts available are listed
- if sending to a debtor > all contacts linked to the debtor are listed
- if sending to a credito > all contacts linked to the creditor are listed
- A person can be linked to both creditor and debtor if relevant
- Roles - Accounts for example - everyone with the role of Accounts at the Debtor (creditor) will get the email
- Email Copy check box to Host Company form, More tab, Contact Info. If ticked then this email address will be added to the list of potential recipients of a composed email.Adding to the default list of addresses
- Add contact button: Add a contact on the fly (as you get ready to send the email - can create a new linked contact)
- More Addresses Button:
- Companies (and Persons) have the ability to add additional unlimited email addresses (contact / audit page). Think of these as generic or alternate addresses. An example is "Accounts@companyx.com" - there is no person associated but any entity may have many of these
- Your employees - in case you want to copy them in
Note you can also simply record correspondence like phone calls, letters, inbound emails etc in the system as well.