- Show 'Set Scan to Sent or Reqd on all lines' button under items list of Scan Receipt form
- Will set Scan quantity to Sent quantity on all lines.
- If Sent quantity is null (shows as 0 in grid), will set Scan to Reqd Quantity. Note this is different to a value of zero sent which is the case in interfranchise orders.
- This will allow this feature to be used for receiving warehouse purchase orders where the Sent or Invoiced quantity might not have been set.
- If Sent quantity is null (shows as 0 in grid), will set Scan to Reqd Quantity. Note this is different to a value of zero sent which is the case in interfranchise orders.
- The Done button must still be clicked to finalise the process.
Accept Store Batch Box
This may be used by the Warehouse to accept a store batch box which has not been accepted by the Store
- Swap to the Store
- In / Out Dashboard
- Find the appropriate Store Batch
- Right click on Store Batch Box to receive
- Click on Accept pre-scanned Store Batch Box