- Snippets - are prebuilt text that can be copied into a report area by selecting from a dropdown
- Sections - are a section of the report that requires questions to be answered, findings and recommendations
- Document Fragments - are sections of the report that do not require questions to be answered - example "Terms and Conditions"
- Headings / Parents - is where you can setup the headings that sections will assemble under
- Templates - are where the report structure is defined - the headings involved, the sequence of the report, the brand of the report
- Templated Answers (repeat answers) - a special type of Section that creates re-usable answers (eg high / medium / low)
- Sub Section - used as a repeating set of questions on demand and pulled in by a section
Check all the headings you require in the report have been defined
Note |
This is the default sequence that can be over-riden in a template |
Define the sections to be added - or check if they already exist - link to headings
Note |
Note the Template text flows here - "Perimeter gutters are constructed of copper material/s and are in Good condition....etc" will be the result. ie a paragraph will result from the answers to a number of questions. |
Text is text of the question
Template text - is the text that will be used with the answers once entered.
Repeating Sections Defined
Repeating Sections can be repeated in a report if required - for example "Bedrooms" where the set of questions repeats each time a bedroom is found
Repeat Answers (Special type of Template)
Repeating answers provides simple entry of multiple answer sets
Note |
Each report can only have one instance of any Repeating key. ie - 2 different bedroom sections for different purposes would not normally mix on a report. The report can have multiple repeating keys - just no duplicates. ie - may have repeating key for bedroom and repeating key for kitchen, stairs etc If a repeating section is not found (ie no stairs in this inspection) - make the section NA when doing the report. |
Using Repeating Answers (Template Options)
Definition of templated answers
Sub Sections Defined
A sub section is a section that is used by a section and can be requested on demand. An example is walls in a room. A room section can include a wall sub-section so during the inspection the inspector can capture details for none, 1, 2, or any number of walls.
Using Sub Sections
The "Wall Defects" subsection above is a repeating subsection. So it can be made to repeat when doing the report. Hence if a room has 3 walls repeat it 3 times, if a room had 6 walls repeat it 6 times.
Result Template for a section - Example Results
Result templates can over-ride the standard layout of the PDF result.
If you do not enter a result template - the question Template Text is used as the default for the PDF
If you do have a result template then this is used
Two types of behaviour
- Use the question / or if exists the template text as response with all questions in sequence
- manually entered paragraph from the answers as you like. Type in the LHS - check results in RHS
If you click "Reset Template" it will copy from the questions template text. if you save this it will over-ride any previous template text.
These are standard sections with no questions - define as many as required by your documents.
Tags enable fixed vs variable price variations - require us to setup as you need them.
High level overview
Document fragments
used to create numbered bullets in the final reports
Define the Report Template
A report template is constructed from available questions and document fragments.
Special type is used to determine if the recommendations should appear in the title page or in a summary page.
Note |
When a section is marked as "Optional" the template will allow the inspector to mark the entire section as "NA". This may be required if a repeating key section (example stairs) is not found in the property. |
Repeating sections in the header / recommendations at the end