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Common when purchasing one SKU that is then broken down into smaller SKU's for sale.

Table of Contents

Assembly type of "Pack" is a special assembly

  1. There can only be one component (with whatever required multiple)


When a sales order is for the component - and only the PACK is in stock - the system will know the component is available and will break the number of packs required as part of the picking process.


  1. 10 cartons of paper cups are in the warehouse - SKU = "Cup1Carton"
  2. The carton is an Assembly of type PACK 
  3. The components of the Pack = 20 x SKU "Cup1Sleeve" =  sleeves of 100 that may be sold
  4. A sales order for 15x SKU "Cup1Sleeve" - shows the component is in stock although no component stock exists in the warehouse.
  5. The pick process indicates to the picker using a colour that a carton will need to be opened
  6. The pick qty of 15 is entered
  7. The resulting stock in the warehouse is 9 x "Cup1Carton" + 5 x "Cup1Sleeve"

Managing Changes

When a carton or a sleeve article is saved then

  • if the Status, Storage Requirement, Private Owner Id or Production Batch Size do not match between the carton and the sleeve then the article that is NOT being saved will be updated to match the one that is being saved. 
  • The exception is that if the status of the article being saved is Active this will not be update on the other article.