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SaaSplications is an extremely flexible system - but everyone says that - so how are we different?

Table of Contents

See also

We develop very fast

When we build applications - we do not build tables


  • We do not have to develop or support for multiple platforms
  • So all our development is ALL application feature improvements

We aim for 100% fit

This really is different and takes customers some time to get used to.

  • We do not explain "how we do it now"
  • We do ask "how would you like it to work"

We do not know exactly what the end result will be when we start and we find that customers do not know what they need until they are using the system.

  • We expect requirements to evolve as our customers understand what is possible
  • So we include any changes wanted during the first three months of use of the software 

Customers are so used to having to "fit into a software system" it can take some time for them to understand they do not need to do that with us.

Business does not stand still

  • Anytime you are using our system and want to evolve - talk to us - we can do it quickly
  • It has been described by customers as our biggest strength "you can do anything" and the biggest weakness "you can do anything" (so think about what you want to do).

So if you want to be able to do different things to your competitors PLUS have a system that can be adapted as your business changes - there is no better place.

Projects are quick

Because we can develop so quickly we prefer Agile project development - see core principles - see Wikipedia

Our version of Agile is as follows :

  1. Discuss key flows with customer (a few hours each flow)
  2. Configure key flows in rough form ( a week or two)
  3. Review with customer in the system (a few hours each flow)
  4. Refine
  5. Review with customer in the system / start testing
  6. Define edge cases (departures from the main flows)
  7. Refine - back to 5

We expect to have rough software for new customers to try their processes within weeks

We expect changes to continue for 3 months as part of the project - customers do not know what they need until they are using the system.

Easy integration, easy screens on devices


  • All logic is on the server
  • All communication with the server is via secure XML linked to a secure session - see Wikipedia on XML  "XML has come into common use for the interchange of data over the Internet."
  • All screens use XML to communicate with the Server linked to a secure session
  • So any screen is a painting exercise (ie just put the fields on the screen) - eg: webstores / customer portals as well as in house screens
  • So screens can be rapidly developed in any medium by anyone who knows that medium (java, html, html5, iphone, android, wordpress, etc = anything)
  • So the system is device agnostic requiring only the required screens to be painted and the fields wired up.
