- If the item is perishable then the stock will be returned to the 'Default Chilled Return Bay' of the Warehouse, if any, otherwise to the 'Default Chilled Return Bay' of the host company.
- If the item is not perishable then the stock will be returned to the 'Default Ambient Return Bay' of the Warehouse, if any, otherwise to the 'Default Ambient Return Bay' of the host company.
- When Return To of Stock is chosen on the RA Inspection form a Stock Location text filter box and drop down list are displayed.
- The drop down list shows:
- The default return bay, ambient or chilled as required.
- The bays that this article has been in, with the most recent first.
- Other bays that match the Storage Requirement of the article.
- Other bays.
- If text is entered as a filter then bays that match the text filter will be listed first.
- The Stock Location initially defaults to the second bay on the list, i.e. the one after the default return bay
Delivery Error = no COGS Required