Add pricing for the Voucher on the Price Tab selecting from a list of your price lists
Selling Vouchers
Vouchers can be redeemed for a fare. Vouchers are not tracked as unique numbers.
Vouchers can be sold to any company that is a Route Stop (see above).
Create an invoice for the customer and link the Service to the line
Once the invoice for the has been created - you can provision the voucher count and update the vouchers available for redemption.
the vouchers available can be seen on the Customer (Debtor)
Entering a Booking that is paid for by Vouchers
Vouchers discount one fare to zero. If 3 people are travelling and 2 vouchers are presented the calculation works as follows:
- The system checks that the Route Stop (Hotel) they are travelling from / to has vouchers
- The system looks up the fare for 3 passengers (say $35)
- The system discounts the total fare by 2/3 leaving $11.67 to pay
- Extra fees such as extra luggage and other items are not covered by the voucher