Outbound Freight booking
Integration to your freight company at time of entering the sales order. The system works out the number of cartons to be dispatched, their weight and knows the address so then passes this information to your freight company to get an accurate quote you can then provide to your customer. The information is available in the system and can be presented to the person entering the order including on the webstore checkout page. Alternatively you may wish to use an intermediate company that passes the information to a list of your preferred freight companies leaving your customer to select their preference - requires Once a customer has placed an order the next question is the freight charge. If you use external carriers the system will calculate the cartons you will pack into using Cartonising process including weights and measures then send this information along with dates and addresses to external freight companies to quote on. The quotes are in real time and can provide your customer with choices of cost / time / preferred carriers as you finalise the order. The quotes can be provided also during the checkout process on the Customer Portal and the Webstore - and once a carrier is chosen it is then booked directly. Requires an account at Temando (http://www.temando.com.au).
note that integration does not exist to all freight companies and can be built directly to preferred companies (if they support it), each case will need to be reviewed with the freight company to determine suitability and cost.