Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Matches are assessed in this sequencePre-requisitesTestResult

The journal or batch has not been ticked as reconciled in another bank statement or reconciled or assessed as a match in this bank statement

the Bank Description contains 'Tyro Settlement' or ends in "Tyro"
  1. A POS batch with the same date as the Bank Date
  2. Not a Zippay batch

The total of the journal lines for the bank account in the batch that do not have 'american' (not case sensitive) in the Transaction Summary matches the Bank Credit.

If the total does not match but the date does then it will be listed with the amounts highlighted.

If the Bank Description contains 'AMEX GR' 
  1. A POS batch with a date between 1 and 6 days before the Bank Date.
  2. Not a Zippay batch

The total of the journal lines for the bank account in the batch that have 'american' (not case sensitive) in the Transaction Summary matches the Bank Credit.

If the Bank Description ends with or ends in " AMEX"

will match on date in bank description regardless of amount
If the Bank Description contains 'ZIPMONEY'
  1. A Zippay POS batch with a date between 1 and 6 days before the Bank Date.

The total of the journal lines for the bank account in the batch is equal to or greater than the Bank Credit.

If more than 1 batch qualifies then the batch with the total closest to the Bank Credit.

If the Bank Description starts with 'Direct Credit' and ends with 'Payments'
  1. A journal batch with a journal type of Creditor Payment and a subtype of Direct Deposit.
  2. The Batch Date matches the Bank Date.

The total of the journal lines for the bank account in the batch matches the Bank Credit.

  1. A journal with a date that matches the Bank Date.

The total of the journal lines for the bank account matches the Bank Credit.


  1. Ticking the Reconcile Box will:
    1. Link the journal or batch to the bank statement line.
    2. Write today's date as the cleared date for all journal lines to the bank account in the journal or batch, unless the line already has a cleared date.
  2. Un-ticking the Reconcile Box will:
    1. Unlink the journal or batch from the bank statement line.
    2. Remove the cleared date for all journal lines to the bank account in the journal or batch, unless the date is on or before the last original bank rec reconciled date for the host/bank account.
  3. The Action menu includes an option to 'Reconcile all lines with matching amounts'.

Manually Reconciling

  1. Right click on a line with bank details only
    1. will search the grid for our transaction matching amount and show actions to match the bank line with our journal or batch.
  2. Right click on a line with our details only
    1. will search the grid for lines with bank details only and a matching amount and show actions to match the bank line with our journal or batch.
  3. Choosing to match will merge the lines and tick Reconcile.
  4. Unreconciling these lines will split them again.

Changing from the non-statement centric (old method) Bank Reconciliation process
