Therapists may have a separate survey to fill in during a session
Point of Sale
Find / capture individual details including Health Fund Membership
Note AutoPosLogin role has “IsSalesManager” > 9 then POS will default to the logged in user
Venue Dashboard
Practitioners have regular schedules that can be updated for changes on an individual day (earlier start, later finish, no show / swap, gaps). Open any shift to update as required and Practitioners can do this from their portal
The Venue Dashboard covers all rooms / Practitioners for the day
Right click on any session to
mark arrived (will change to yellow)
Take payment (opens in POS so can add any other sales)
Open session
to move - lists available future times
review - can update any details, re-send surveys, flag as problem
cancel - with or without penalty using rules
Badges indicate first time attendees, friends of the clinic, overdue amounts, problem flags and other items
New Bookings are NOT made via the calendar - instead the customer and service is selected in the POS and suitable sessions selected
Point of Sale
AutoPosLogin role has “IsSalesManager” > 9 so POS Sales Rep will default to the logged in user.
Alternative is initials + PIN or Thumbprint scanner.
First page is to Find / create the customer
Then uses the same processes as the customer on the web above.
services and choose dates
products (indicate mail out or pickup
bulk buys
Checkout payment
Any credit notes
Health Fund Membership for claim attempt
On file credit cards (via Eway)
Physically present cards (via Tyro)
Booking Sessions via the POS