Customers may not have logged in yet (Guest) and a login is created on payment
The shopping wizard would normally be imbedded in a webpage and can be restyled using CSS in that page. The wizard can also be in a portlet within a surrounding page.
Landing Page
This page has across the top the different navigations and a general description in the main part of the page. The book now button starts the therapy booking wizard.
Gift vouchers ($ Value)
Electronic Vouchers - an email will be sent with the voucher code to the recipient listed - but it can be used by anyone and be any value.
Physical Cards - You can use physical cards in the clinic - scan the card then enter the amount (it can be any value in the POS.
Later scanning of the code will identify the amount that remains to be used.
Bulk Buys
To entice a customer to become regular - offer a discount for a bulk purchase
Landing Page
Gift vouchers ($ Value)
Bulk Buys
Bundles of services and or products
Product bundles enable a customer to access a range of therapies and products
showing here the setup screen for product bundles over the customer view
Buying Products
All products will by default be listed. To hide set “Shopping Cart Status” to “Hidden”
Booking Appointments Wizard
The wizard allows booking of multiple therapies in a single flow through and payment. Including multiple of the same therapy
Select the Therapies you would like to book
Then choose from available Sessions
Where a therapy is offered by multiple therapists then select first the therapist.
Review summary of sessions chosen before checkout
Customer Surveys pre-visit