Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Store Batches are used by Franchisors to send products to Franchisees.


  1. Deliveries are frequent

  2. It is common for a single delivery to have multiple orders

    1. Intra-Franchise Orders (Sales Order from the Franchisor to the franchisee with mirror PO created in Franchisee)

      1. New stock items / urgent stock / special requests etc

      1. Parts replenishment

      2. Accessories replenishment

      3. Consumable items

      4. etc

    2. Supplier Drop Ship via Franchisor PO's (Purchase order from the Franchisor to a Suppliers that will pack an order per store but send to the Franchisor to check )

      1. It is expected that the lines on these purchase orders may not all arrive at the same time and hence they can cross store batches - including splitting partially counted lines

  3. It is important to check at both ends - this is done using scanning

    1. Every product that departs

    2. Every product that arrives

With so many things travelling - it is common that they travel together (often mixed in the same boxes) so this process manages that



A problem is created when stores do not indicate acceptance of the store batch and instead simply put the stock away. 

Late store order batches emails:

  1. Emails sent after 2:30 am daily.

  2. Sent to users with 'Receive Late Store Order Batches' secure feature for stores in their context.

  3. Store order batches will be reported if they are in Despatched status and the Expected date is before today.

  4. (Expected date is set to the next working day after the batch is created.)

Starting a Store batch

The Franchisor selects a store they want to send things to.  A list of transactions that may be ready to go now are listed


Right click to set a line to zero - the line will remain in "Plan" Status with the "Ship QantityQuantity" set to zero and the line value set to zero.

Scan of items stored in carton quantities will add the carton quantity.

Scan Locks


Any user that scans into a batch is added to the locked users list. The batch cannot be completed and ready for shipping until all users with a lock have released their lock.


  1. When a user scans an item into a box they put a lock on the batch.

  2. The user will be in the 'Show users with lock' popup grid.

  3. The lock will also show as Type Start, Notes Scan, in the Log on the Log/Audit tab.

  4. If a user has a lock on the current batch then the 'Release My Batch Lock' will be enabled.

  5. Clicking this button will release the lock.

  6. This should be done when a user has finished scanning items into a box.

  7. Removing items from a box will not release the lock.

  8. The release will also show as Type Stop, Notes Release, in the Log on the Log/Audit tab.

  9. The batch lock prevents any user from clicking 'All boxes picked/packed' until all locks on the batch have been released.

  10. The batch lock does not prevent this or other users from adding to or removing from boxes in the batch.

  11. A user with secure feature 'Override Store Batch Lock' can right click a user in the 'Show users with lock' list and override the lock.

  12. The override will also show as Type Stop, Notes Override, in the Log on the Log/Audit tab.

  13. The user who overrode will be named in the Related column.


Just keep scanning


If you print a picklist for the orders you are picking you can then walk around the warehouse picking it - and scanning items directly into a box as you go


Stores can be setup to either

  1. Be able to do a single scan receipt of a box (common for non-profit share ownership stores)

  2. to not have access to single scan receipt of store batches (common for profit share ownership stores)

    1. Use Host company flag on each store “Franchisor handles stock receipt”

    2. open store batch screen for full scanning receipt of stock - do not allow single scan receipt (current functionality but not initiated by scan in POS)

      1. users with access to Warehouse in/out dashboard can initiate scan from there

      2. If a scan qty for a line is not the same as expected it must be scanned again


After prescan - status  on the batch is "Sealed"


If not pre scanning then from the In Out Dashboard > Mark Dispatched (Store will have to scan each item to check)

  1. You cannot Despatch a batch unless it has a Booking Ref.

  2. You cannot Despatch a group of batches unless they all have a Booking Ref.

Dispatch when ready (can multi-select )



Only available to users with the secure feature - Secure Features#SetStoreBatchCounted

  1. Show 'Set Scan to Sent or Reqd on all lines' button under items list of Scan Receipt form

  2. Will set Scan quantity to Sent quantity on all lines.

    1. If Sent quantity is null (shows as 0 in grid), will set Scan to Reqd Quantity.  Note this is different to a value of zero sent which is the case in interfranchise orders.

      1. This will allow this feature to be used for receiving warehouse purchase orders where the Sent or Invoiced quantity might not have been set.

  3. The Done button must still be clicked to finalise the process.

Accept Store Batch Box

This may be used by the Warehouse to accept a store batch box which has not been accepted by the Store

  1. Swap to the Store

  2. In / Out Dashboard

  3. Find the appropriate Store Batch

  4. Right click on Store Batch to receive

  5. Click on Accept pre-scanned Store Batch Box


Flow Process

