Therapist not available > from calendar open shift (right click from therapist name) > Entire shift not Available
Could be a date, could be a date range
Select replacement therapist
Show for selected therapist
Therapist qualifications
if overlap exists in roster (indicate only)
Button > Replace Therapist
Existing Shift actual time updated to zero
New Shift created for Replacement Therapist
All sessions moved
Alert all sessions of changes (with reason) and link
Your session has moved sms - link with “Confirm”, “Change time / date”, “contact me” buttons
No replacement
Decision required
Alert all of cancellation
Mass Create credit notes for deposits
Part of shift not available (any date)
Can update Actual time (Start / End of shift)
Save button to mark all affected bookings as “Problem (Therapist not available)
Contact Bookings affected
Move bookings manually
Alter a Roster
Venues - Rosters - Double click on the date you want to alter
Double click on Roster you want to alter
Enter a Break from and to
Extend Roster From to start earlier
Alter the Roster From or Roster To and shorten the day
If this impacts any bookings you get the Confirm Time Change message