It is also important to regularly check stock levels in the clinic
Stock Cycle Counts
It is common to regularly count stock in the store - especially the fast moving items
In the Store
The store has access to a created cycle count for todays date
Identify the person counting
Note the initials and password are on the employee
Counting items
the list of items gets smaller as item counts are completed
Scan every item on the shelf is a great way to ensure the items are not mixed up
Scan a single item and update a count (the system assumes this is the final count)
Discrepancies in counts found
Stock adjustment journals are created as lines are counted
Creating Cycle counts
Purchasing Stock
Receiving Purchase Orders in the Store
Trigger + Replenishment target
Scanning with count screen
Choose the purchase order from the list using purchase order number
Trigger + Target to create Purchase Orders
Use this option for a store or warehouse that has trigger (min) and target (max) set for each item
Daily sell rate is for information only in this screen
Edit the qty in “order” to adjust the amount that will be ordered (set to zero to skip)
Create the purchase order
Review and send to supplier
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Trigger (min) + Target (max) settings on Stock Article
This is the easiest way to manage stock
Set a low trigger level
When stock is below this you want to order
Set a target level
The order will lift stock levels to this qty
Sell Rate
Sell rate is recalculated every friday night (Setting on Host Company)
Individual Stock Article > Calculate Sell Rate Button
All Articles > Stock Article > Action Menu > Recalculate Raw Sales Data
Uses “sell rate days” from stock control settings as days to look back
New items only calculate from first sale
Articles by supplier / category and with ability to manually adjust > Product Forecasting Based on Sales History
To remove orders from the sell rate calculation you can
Example - a customer orders a lot and does not expect you to have stock on hand
Set the debtor involved to “Places Bulk Orders” to ignore all their orders in forecasting
Example - an unusual order is placed that you do not want to affect your forecast
Open the order in the back end view and update the “is bulk order” flag
Instead of above : update Sales Details for the date in Sales Based Product Forecasting
Receiving Purchase Orders in the Store
Manual Count screen with ability to add other products received
Find the packing slip - check count the items
Open the PO Receipt screen > find the purchase order in the dropdown and update counts if required
Scanning with count screen
Choose the purchase order from the list using purchase order number
Trigger + Target to create Purchase Orders
Use this option for a store or warehouse that has trigger (min) and target (max) set for each item
Daily sell rate is for information only in this screen
Edit the qty in “order” to adjust the amount that will be ordered (set to zero to skip)
Create the purchase order
The Purchase order will show
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Fast moving stock Sales Based Product Forecasting
Used in high volume and fast moving environments where sell rates can fluctuate due to seasonal or annual events.
see Product Forecasting Based on Sales History for details