Using the screen - sort / filter / see only those you have not yet completed
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Image Added
Review any new leads in the dashboard to action first
Warning |
End of Day Process- If all calls have been made ....You can Manually postpone any calls that were not able to be made to later dates .....
- Action - End Day
- You can "Action - roll forward calls not done today" so they will append to the end of your next day
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Filter by label (Content by label) |
showLabels | false |
max | 5 |
spaces | com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.model.resource.identifiers.SpaceResourceIdentifier@8e1 |
showSpace | false |
sort | modified |
reverse | true |
type | page |
cql | label in ("nr","salesmanager","telesales","branchmanager","salesrep") and type = "page" and space = "GH" |
labels | Telesales salesrep salesmanager branchmanager NR |