List of Purchase Orders that require Action
The Purchase Reports dashboard highlights all items that require action.
Filter based on the role in the business to see the purchase orders that require action by that role.
Right click to open the related documents.
Goods Received not Invoiced Account
Used to confirm the movements in the Goods Received Not Invoice Account (or landed cost accounts).
Has one line for each Purchase Order
Shows all transactions, Opening balance, difference, closing balance
Move Orders
A Purchase Order that purchases stock for multiple warehouses - will create move orders when receipted to move stock from the receiving warehouse to the other warehouses.
This report shows all Move Orders that require attention - or have missing details
Managing Shipments - International Purchase Orders
This dashboard tracks key dates and required documents. Note that confirmed date column is the latest confirmed date of the dates that are tracked on the PO.
International Purchase orders have key dates to meet and require specific documentation at key times
- Proforma Invoice (supplied in advance of stock receipt and used by Customs)
- Bill of Lading
- Packing List
- Packing Declaration
Documents attached to a PO
Documents can be attached anytime to a Purchase Order - if they are missing when require then they show in the list
Some SKU's require additional certifying documents to be provided with each purchase order - some examples
- Fumigation - common with wood or outdoor furniture products
- Veterinary Health - common for products for pets
- TGA-ARTG (Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods) inspection
- Refrigerant check
Documents required with every shipment by SKU
This is where to indicate which SKU;s require documents with every shipment.
Expiring Certifications
It is also important to highlight any certifications on any SKU that will expiry in the next 12 months - eg
- Electrical Certifications