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Orders from External systems - eg external Websites, Marketplaces, Aggregators or customers systems
SaaSplications Shopping Site.
SaaSplications recommends a SaaSplications Shopping site instead of a stand alone shopping site that requires integration.
External websites can pass orders to the SaaSplications System directly using a gRPC connection to pass XML. In this way the order is in our system awaiting picking minutes later.
gRPC will require a connection (standard with gRPC) and when the XML is passed into the system it will provide a success response.
Please contact us if you need assistance with this as there are many scenarios you may wish to cover
Older integration methods include our system picking up xml from FTP sites then marking picked up orders as imported after import / problem orders are put back not processed.
Our system will look for orders every 5 mins
Problem orders are put back and marked as a problem
This method does not allow our system to provide the other system with any information
Example scenarios in use today:
Business orders (B2B) send from Warehouse Scenario (gRPC)
Orders created on the website are picked up by the system every few minutes - then if they pass validation they are ready to pick minutes later.
gRPC is a connection direct to the system - the order is created immediately
gRPC requests can be made to update website information regularly (eg stock levels) or during the order process (eg customer specific prices, current credit notes available etc)
Consumer Orders (B2C) send from warehouse scenario (SFTP)
Orders created on the website are passed to the system as they checkout
FTP is a very old integration method using files dropped in a location and the system checking regularly to find new files.
It is currently required for sites like Shopify
Retail pickup in store orders
Note - stock levels in store must be made available to the website
Note - POS allows OOS sales (customer has the product in their hand). So POS will alert if a customer has an OOS product that has a unfulfilled website order
Customer Marketplace Orders from customer systems
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