Order Batch for 3PL
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Order Batch for 3PL
Very similar to /wiki/spaces/SI/pages/33055150 with the difference that the Manager does not need to Authorise
How to use Order Batches for 3PL
Change to Relevant Warehouse
Create a Batch
Orders Tab
- Select a batch owner
- Select a delivery zone
- Tas1 or Tas2 are two different example 3PL suppliers
- Save
Add orders to the batch
Open Batches Held Orders Tab
- DoubleClick on a batch to select
- Right click on an order in RHS to add to the batch "Add to current Batch"
- Or in Order Screen - use '''Order Batch''' to add to the batch
To finish the day
- Step 1 - check for shortfalls
- * Exceptions will show in "Short stock exceptions and Returns"
- * Either Open order and adjust amounts - change quantity
- * Can allow short picking - it will pick actual stock available - sales order shipped amount updates new amount on invoice
- Step 2 - will pick and pack
- * Screen will show status and will go to done
- * All orders will show invoice numbers in the column
- Step 3 - Email to 3PL supplier
- * Sends the email
- Orders tab
- Preview stock available. Reconcile shortfalls. If there is not enough stock to fulfill what is required it will tell you which orders are affected.
- Either adjust the sales order or proceed without changes
- Preview stock available. Reconcile shortfalls. If there is not enough stock to fulfill what is required it will tell you which orders are affected.
- Pick or Pack or Invoice. Assumes all stock level in the system is correct and remove the stock from the picking list. The stock removed is limited to the amount available
- Email is sent to 3PL Supplier. Consolidating invoices on email (warehousing)
- Pick is by invoice (not by item or batch). Manual weekly stocktakes to track actuals
, multiple selections available,
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