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Perishable items Management
Table of Contents
Perishable items normally have expiry dates and may also have batch numbers.
Pressure exists to avoid purchasing too much stock (as it may expire) and selling what you have.
See Product Forecasting Based on Sales History for:
- Managing purchasing
- Risk into the bin report (stock that is predicted to expire before it will be sold)
- Low Stock Report (stock that is predicted to run out before the next purchase order can be placed)
Configure your host company to support perishable Articles
Perishable flag on Article
Managing perishable items in the system starts with flagging the individual articles as perishable
Now all movements of this stock article will require a use by date
Batch number flag on Article
If batch numbers are tracked
Receipting stock into the system - default expiry dates
The system provides default expected expiry date that can be over-ridden on receipt of stock. This is also used to predict stock expiry on receipt in the Sales Based Forecasting Module.
The majority of any suppliers products will be provided with the same minimum expiry days - so set the supplier default
The value on Supplier will not cover all Articles - so those with different default use by dates are set at the Article Level. As a general rule the Article value over-rides the supplier value.
When stock is receipted on a Purchase Order Receipt that has less than the expected minimum useby days
- A warning shows to the operator - in case they have made a mistake
- An email is sent internally to notify of the short dated stock receipt
Quarantine days is used for planning date to purchase more stock
UseBy Days for Distributors you send stock to
Distributors normally require extended stock expiry compared with end customers as they plan to sell to end customers.
Hence planning for stock availability requires a combination of knowing which sales are to distributors:
The minimum expiry you want to ship them set at the Article level
Absolute minimum expiry length a customer will accept
Note that you can set absolute minimum expiry at the customer level if required for any customer
Stock Article Temperature Requirements
Warehouse Locations Temperature Capabilities
Stock storage will be limited to the locations that suit them
Dietary and Lifestyle Claims / Nutritional Information Panel (Stock Article)
First define the NIP items
Then update the individual articles
Allergens / Alibi Claims
There are two lists here
- The Allergens list
- The Alibi list (this product was produced on equipment that may have had contact with...)
Ingredients List
The website ingredients list can be maintained for each article
MSDS - Material Safety Data Sheets
Once stock is receipted in the system any movements will present the available useby dates to select from
Picking for customers will default to the shortest expiry date (oldest stock) stock that meets the minimum expiry days
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