Finance Role

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Finance Role

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SaaSplications ERP Financials includes

Security controls

  1. All changes and deletions to any journal tracked
  2. Security levels easily set for different users / functions

GL Chart of accounts

  • To n levels - central definition across a group of companies
  • GL Control Accounts settings and ability for key users to post to control accounts

Bank Reconciliation (see also credit cards section below)

  1. Bank and credit accounts reconciliation processes
  2. Merchange accounts tracking (eg fuel cards)

Fixed Assets Depreciation

  1. As part of physical asset definition enter depreciation information
  2. Use purchase journals for initial value - or create manually
  3. Monthly depreciation journal across all assets including low value pool
  4. Track assets location, ownership, renter, other journals (eg repairs etc), fuel cards
  5. Assets may also be vehicles (buses, trucks, cars etc) used by the system


  • Customer / Supplier Allocations: A company can be a Debtor AND and Creditor, A Person can be a Debtor AND a Creditor AND a contact for a Company

  • CRM and Reporting: Sales Rep, Sales Channel, Price lists, Category, Division, Branch, 

  • Invoices: Invoice me, invoice my parent, invoice my buying group, default invoice template, default statement method

  • Flags on debtor: Never Stop Supply, Never Charge freight, Auto-email invoice on creation

  • Optional flags (can make available on a debtor): subscription to periodic emails, is distributor, is courier, provides leads (and wants lead report), is key account, is broker transport, requires order confirmations, waive need for per order agreements (legal agreements), On Watchlist, Is Regional (for delivery planning), POD required, Delegation partner (when assigning work), Do not auto allocate trading term credits, do not auto email credit notes, places bulk orders (ignore for forecasting general sales)

  • Multiple contacts with full person details - each person may be a contact at multiple companies

  • Multiple addresses of different types (shipping, sales, EDI) with associated notes, priority and indicators (loading dock etc)

  • Ownership of other debtors 

  • Debtor P&L including Me and my children or me and my buying group (if a buying group manager)

  • View my transactions, transactions related to me (invoice my parent) and general journals linked to the debtor in one place

  • Login to online shopping / customer portal

  • Attachments: Attached documents and agreements

  • Telesales notes history

  • Emails sent linked to any related documents, can send emails, track conversations

  • Linked assets (at site or owned by)

Terms and Collections processes

  • Debtor terms including invoice date, end of month, prepay, COD, Loan

    • Term = "Loan" between owned entities breaks out in Accounts Receivable Profit and Loss report

  • Terms: Invoice discount (credit note created as invoice created), Standard Order discount, trading terms GL Account, auto email invoices/credit notes flag, never charge freight, key account, pricing Auto on hold management available (Terms plus grace days, sudden increase in spend), never stop supply flag - for large numbers of debtors

  • Indicators: Aging, credit limit, average days overdue, average days to pay, collections Notes, Watchlist Notes - provides quick information
  • Deposits: Separate Deposit Ledger to Accounts Receivable Ledger - avoid deposits being used at the wrong time - track outstanding amount easily.
    • Track deposits per SKU - Deposit list shows remaining deposit cover of related SKU's

Credit cards (PCIS compliant)

  • Reservations for transactions in addition to the actual transactions
  • Remembered card for reuse from connected persons - by office or by customer on shopping cart checkout
  • Integration to credit card gateways to capture credit card payments on phone or through shopping cart in website
  • Track linked Terminals for Point of Sale (POS) or back office phone payment capture

Sales Analysis on a customer

  • Customer profit and loss - my or me and my children
  • Sales $ by brand / category / services / bookings across months
  • Lists of sales orders, returns
  • Previous Owner (for sales order history when businesses change hands)
  • Attritions and Activations Report showing regular order customers that are dropping off - and customers that are ramping up

Landed Costing

Two methods

  1. Simple - can be done after receipt - allocation only using value
  2. Complex - prepare with estimates (or actuals) prior to stock receipt, update actuals afterwards - allocate using value, weight, volume or manual for each charge

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