Certifications, SOP Training Tracking, License Management

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Certifications, SOP Training Tracking, License Management

Table of Contents


Certifications are managed centrally for a number of areas in the system

  1. People - licenses, working with vulnerable persons, SOP's etc
  2. Companies - eg licenses, organic certifications, SOP's
  3. Assets - licenses, registrations, certifications
  4. Stock Articles - Organic Certifications, general certifications
  5. Services

Statutory Certifications are already existing in the system (ask us to add more)

When defining certifications there are a number of options

  1. Expiry dates may / may not be mandatory
  2. Certificate numbers may / may not be mandatory
  3. Certifiers may be listed to be selected from
  4. Scanned documents, photos, word docs, pdf, excel etc can be attached

Manage expiring Certifications

Where certifications are held in the system

Person Certifications

Company Certifications

Asset Certifications

Organic Certifications

A special type of certification that can apply to companies and therefore to all stock purchased from that company by default.  Note that it can be over-ridden at the batch level.

Note if you send us a list of all the certifiers you use we will import them for you.

Defining Certifications and SOP's

Define the certification / SOP involved

Enter the certification details

  1. Certifiers list is optional

Then link to the person / asset / company etc as required.




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