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Warehouses and Stock Locations
Warehouses defines the warehouse and interwarehouse move times. Different types of warehouses can be defined
- Normal Warehouse
- Retail Store
- Mobile Warehouse
- Quarantine Warehouse
When a business has multiple warehouses - stock is commonly moved between locations. The duration of transport can be defined in each direction and is used in move orders and stock availability transactions
If the number of Days is Zero - then the warehouse is considered close enough to be used to fulfill sales orders sent to another warehouse. The orders will have separate picklists for each warehouse and a driver may fill up at one warehouse then drive to fill up at the other warehouse to manage deliveries.
Stock Locations
Stock location is where all the locations in the organisation that can hold stock are defined. Stock locations are a hierarchy. Right click to add.
- Warehouses are the top level of the tree
- A warehouse may have a child which is a warehouse - a way to limit some stock availability for example.
- Ad-Hoc Group is a group of locations
- Transit locations are used to track stock moving between warehouses (and is only system created when stock is moving)
Create a hierarchy of locations to as many levels as you require.
The behaviour in the system of the stock locations recommended for stock transactions get information from the Stock Article such as stocking vs picking locations etc.
The default warehouse can be set per host company and per branch at a host company.
Viewing the details of a stock location
Right click on a stock location to select that location (Properties)
Show the stock listed in the bay
- the stock location is type "Lot/Pallet Bay
- then > Edit > Copy Articles / Qty to clipboard
- Can be pasted to a move order using Edit > Paste Items/qty from clipboard
Creating stock for testing purposes in Test
When testing you can either import stock quantities on xls using Stock Take
or in a single click create 500 of each SKU into a location in a warehouse.