Promotions Module

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Promotions Module

Promotions Module

Promotions can have an expected sales quantity uplift that affects forecasting of sales.

Promotions can be entered to be Automatically applied - or manually selected from a list

Promotions can have a GL account to journal the $ benefit provided.

Promotions can be limited by dates, price lists, customer groups, individual customers in a list, branches, frequency (per week, month, ever), other promotions (eg no others per order, or only if you took promotion x will you qualify for y)

A promotion may be a template of items - to allow quickly entering a standard order with 10 lines etc of these products etc.

A contract promotion is used for agreed pricing by SKU, be linked to one or many companies, or to a company group and can have active and expiry dates

Promotions may have a % that can be claimed from the supplier of the $ sale, $ cost, Volume etc. for supplier assisted promotions - like new product introductions.

  • A supplier claim process with supporting documentation is created via the invoice linking to the promotion.

Qualifiers for a promotion include:

  • Standard volume discount on a price list (above a number of qualifying cases discount is applied to anyone with the price list
  • Brand Volume or $ value promotions - from a selected brand
  • Identified basket of items volume or $ value (any 5 from these 10, or one of each from these 5 etc)
  • Fixed template of items at fixed prices (normally manual)

Bonuses for a promotion include

  • Discount on selected items
  • Discount on other items (from a list - often limited to a quantity of bonuses
  • Promotional price offered
  • Sales Agent commissions (note standard commissions can be set at the Agent level)

Promotions for Tours are specific to Tour companies

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