Website Details

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Website Details

The website works broadly as follows

  1. Anon - ie not logged in user
    1. Wordpress Database - refreshed manually includes all information in the website
    2. Cart is held in a cookie on the users machine
      1. when they revisit from the same machine the cart will display
      2. Quantities only held in the cart - pricing when viewed comes from the database
  2. User Registration > Creates a new user in SaaSplications
    1. Login is set to email address
    2. Password email ?
    3. Cart not populated in next screen (Payment Screen)

Child pages...

How to test what it will look like on a mobile


The ANON website has the following details from SaaSplications

 Click here to expand...collapse

Screenshots of the XML data

From the data - apply the following logical flow

Updating the website data

You can run the updates yourself now as follows:

1. Go to http://dev.wholesalepak.com.au/getxml.php

2. Go to

https://www.wholesalepak.com.au/wpkimport/getarticlexml.php - DO NOT USE THIS URL UNLESS YOU WANT TO CLEAR ALL THE PRODUCTS OUT AND RELOAD THEM ALL


If run with no letter parameter - then it will clear out all products in the database and do only the products that start with "a"

Once it says done simply enter the next letter and hit submit (must be uppercase). Run through until Z and then do a final one for !

3. If the categories and items do not resolve - you will need to update the slugs.  Ensuring you are logged into the back end go to http://dev.wholesalepak.com.au/add-slugs/.  Backend login details... 

For information about SaaSplications go to http://saasplications.com.au