Changing or Amending a Booking

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Changing or Amending a Booking

Client calls, emails, sends an SMS or walks in requesting to change a booking by date and/or time.

  • Admin can find the appointment by looking up client details and double clicking on their name to get a drop down view of all bookings past, present and future

From the Point of Sale

Client calls, emails, sends an SMS or walks in requesting to change a booking by date and/or time.

Find next appointment for a person using “Bookings Button”

  1. right click to open the session to move / open it from that list

    1. Email update sent by the system

    2. Audit trail of date / time changes ? last emailed date / time ?

  2. Want “past bookings” AND “Future bookings” buttons

    1. Past > Clients want to see appointment patterns - eg who treated me last time ?

    2. Future > next visit / changes

Move to Same Day

POS bookings list

  • Right click > move to same day list of available slots

  • Right click > open to move

From the Calendar View

Calendar > Right click > move to same day list of available slots

Move to alternative date / therapist

Right click > open to move:

Current therapist chosen by default - nav calendar then times

Alternative therapist can be chosen - nav calendar then times

Give appointment spot to another person in the family - or another person

Open appointment > Client over-ride ? but need list of other family members ?

Does not currently find family members - like the POS screen does

And the session booking screen does

Note that the attendee may need to pay the balance of the session

Client Duplicate Bookings

If a client online accidentally creates 2 bookings in their name, with 2 separate deposits and we need to update amend the booking by client name

  1. Call the customer

    1. Either delete or move one of these

    2. Move to a different person who will have a seperate POS transaction at end of session

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