Limousine Transfer Bookings

Limousine Transfer Bookings


Limousines provide a personalised service and are not booked by the seat - the entire vehicle is booked

Bookings are made by Travel Agents (or tour groups or other Debtors) providing a service to travellers - so the payment is collected from the Agents monthly

The Fares (Prices) for many trips are fixed - Sell, Buy and Cost prices.  Although individual bookings may vary.

Limousines may be

  • owned by the company (driver is still typically a contractor) - cost rate is paid
  • owned by an external person who is also the driver (scheduling is important) - Buy Rate is paid
  • owned by an external organisation ( normally have capacity for more than one vehicle ) - Buy rate is paid

External Limousine owners are paid monthly and are paid the same rate as external organisations

Bookings may be linked (returns, Multiple vehicles required) to simplify mass changes (eg late cruise ship)

Bookings may be allocated to (note can view the scheduling screen while allocating manually)

  • Us - Vehicles owned by the company > choose a driver and vehicle. 
    • Employees flagged as "Driver (BUS)" but do not own a vehicle.
  • Drivers - choose the driver and the vehicle is defaulted
    • Person who own's a vehicle
    • AND are a creditor flagged as "Delegate"
  • Partners - Companies may run multiple vehicles
    • Company Creditor flagged as "Delegate" 

Rostering is for people and their availability.

  • All persons with an employee card that is flagged as "Driver (BUS)" will be on the rostering list

Entering a booking

Bookings when first saved (once the booking has a "Booking Number" it has been saved) the status will be "New/Incomplete".  Incomplete bookings cannot be scheduled.

Indicate the booking is "Ready to Schedule" will trigger validation checks that the required information is there - and the booking will move to "OK".

State is required in order to select a rate.

Booking will be incomplete until Marked as Confirmed.  

Marking as confirmed does validation checks and once confirmed triggers an email to the Agent with the booking details.

Incomplete Bookings List 

Bookings start as incomplete > until the status is changed to confirmed.  The list of incomplete bookings allows management of bookings that need attention

Pricing of a booking

Contract Prices or Standard Prices use Get Pricing button

will go and calculate the pricing

  • The customer price is based on their fare contract for the booking travel date, or if none exists uses the base rates.  The rate is by rate fare and vehicle type.
  • Additional charges may be added per stop as the stop is entered
  • Child seats are also an additional charge per seat
  • "Charges Summary" field may be edited

To enter a manual price use FOC / Manual Costing tickbox

Enables overwrite of the final price and charges summary

To enter cancellation fee use XXL Fee

Cancellation fees are held separately to the booking value and any value there will be used instead of the booking value when invoiced

The customer cancellation fee may be added as a $ value or as a % of the fare.

The Driver or Partner cancellation fee may be updated as a $ value or as a % of the normal driver payment

Disputes that should not be invoiced yet

Use tickboxes to indicate a dispute exists:

  • Do not RCTI
  • Do not Invoice

They will appear on the Disputed Bookings list

Any booking can be flagged as subject to a dispute

Any booking not yet invoiced will not be on the invoice list if flagged

Planning the work by assigning to a vehicle or delegation partner

Bookings that are considered complete are listed on the transfers planner.

If they are not assigned yet they will appear in the top list.  Right click to assign them and they will appear in the bottom list.

Note - where a booking is assigned to a partner company there is no need to plan the bookings

Sending the manifest to the drivers

Review the bookings and send the manifests

Review the PDF before it is emailed

Invoicing customers

How to invoice the bookings

The created invoice

Print preview of the created invoice

To email a customer as soon as an invoice is created - set autoemail on the customer

Creating RCTI's for drivers and partners

The resulting invoice will open - use correspondance tab to email out.



Destinations are used for pricing of transport from or to common places

Airports, Ports, Railway stations, tourist operators and other common destinations have addresses

These destinations may have multiple addresses and it be important which one the booking is from or to.

Hotels and other common pickup and drop-off points are flagged as a stop

Any company can be flagged as a route stop so their name / address is added to the list of locations a vehicle may be booked from or to.

Customers or Agents

Travel Agents are customers who pays for the services provided.

That have a role of "Booking Agent"

Fare Contracts by Customer

Each customer may have a Fare Contract for any rates that are agreed between dates

Fare Contracts per Driver or Partner

Each supplier (Driver or partner) may have a fare contract