Seasonal Purchase Order
Seasonal Purchase Order
To order Articles for a Seasons and await supplier confirmation before confirming the articles that will be available
Has visibility to order quantities placed for each Article for the relevant month of the Season on Seasonal Sales Orders.
Multiple Seasonal Purchase Orders may be required for the season depending on the supplier
- One for each month is common
- Any number based on supplier maximums or minimums from 1 to n
- A single brand may have purchase orders placed on different factories
Therefore a single view of the season may cross multiple Seasonal Purchase Orders
A Purchase Order is based on a normal Purchase Order from PO to Goods Receipt with the following differences:
- Linked to a Season
- May also have "Prospective" Articles from the season added to it (until PO in "Confirmed' Status)
- Moves through a number of statuses
- "Prospective" when still deciding the season range
- "Await Supplier Confirmation" when decided on range and checking with supplier
- "Confirmed" when supplier has confirmed ordered items can be fulfilled
- Once in "Confirmed" status - will cause changes to Articles
- Articles status will move to "Active" for all Articles on confirmed purchase order
- This will affect Seasonal Sales Orders in the system as described
- Once in "Confirmed" status - will cause changes to Articles
- Changes in status will cause:
- From "Prospective" to "Await Supplier Confirmation"
- Articles in "Prospective" Status
- are not affected if they remain on the Seasonal Purchase Order
- become inactive if user removes them from the Seasonal Purchase Order and agrees they should become inactive
- Can no longer be placed on Seasonal Sales Orders
- Are listed with a strike through where existing on Seasonal Sales Orders
- Articles in "Prospective" Status
- From "Await Supplier Confirmation" to "Confirmed"
- Articles that are on the Seasonal Purchase Order in "Prospective" status become "Active"
- Articles that have been removed from the Seasonal Purchase Order become "Inactive"
- Can no longer be placed on Seasonal Sales Orders
- Are listed with a strike through where existing on Seasonal Sales Orders
- unless they have Sample Stock in which case they will become a status of "Run out" until the samples are sold or scrapped.
- From "Prospective" to "Await Supplier Confirmation"
, multiple selections available,