Setting up the online form
How to setup an online form
Instructions for customers that want an online form for Event Registrations - see Event Maintenance
In Visual Studio - on rhs have all Rego pages that are created every time.
Change the names
- copy and paste from existing
- Right click and copy then right click and paste
- Rename to suit event
- Review .cs source public partial class and rename to new name then save
- Review .designer and rename public partial class to new name then save
- Back to .aspx main page
- Change first line ending Inherits= to new file name then save
Work with code
Move from source area to design area
- Change the text
- Insert images
- Change the event details
- Edit Event controls - turn on or of areas of the Event page
- Can turn on test mode
- Member text override - change the text to whatever is required to be collected
- Show event price true
- Promotion code (free text code)
- Thank you page (created after this) is pointed to here
- Web publish category - in Event Maintenance Web Publish Category is used to link this event selection to the event in the system so information will be drawn from this event
- Save
- Registration Details and contact persons
- Can hide areas if required - blank is visible and also by default
- Hide Affiliation normally false. Affiliation in the Person Profile tab.
- Is rego only (if event is free of charge)
- Udef1, Udef2 are free text fields that can be used if requiredÂ
Not normally changed
Payment details
- Visible = true
- PayNowOnly if they have to pay now is trueÂ
Create thank you page
- Copy from another page
- Html page updated
- Save into visual studio - make sure it is in the folder "Thank you page"
- Right click - Rebuild solution - check for errors