IOS and Android Test App

IOS and Android Test App

The SDK uses an established session with the server.  SDK fields send a message when updated (eg tab out of a field) to the server and the server will send a response that covers other fields being displayed.  When a grid is requested by the SDK - the local app will not know the number of columns returned and related methods.


The requirement is to create

  1. The example Android App from the link above
  2. A new example Android App (See below)
  3. The example IOS App from the link above
  4. A new example iOS app (see below)
  5. Supporting documentation created in Confluence (here)

The example App's will require

  1. Login Page / Ability to use thumbprint login
  2. Ability to bypass login - note that server times out so app may need to send server login as part of a request for information
  3. Landing Page - navigation to 2 other pages + grid of data
  4. Send current location Button
  5. Enable current location when using the app (minimal traffic)
  6. Respond to server request for location when using the app
  7. Allow app to receive messages when not in use
  8. Key is showing use of the SDK so others can follow the examples
  9. A test App with
    1. Tours - Drivers Portal#DriversPortal-Driverlogsin
      1. Full menu options should show (as they do down LHS in image)
        1. Add additional menu option (GL Chart of Accounts) > will be available from the server
      2. Roster Page 
        1. > two date fields, list roster button, show grid result > hyperlink available
      3. GL Chart of Accounts Page
        1. > Tree view > can select node in tree, displays updatable custom name, save button saves to server and refreshes tree
        2. > supplier claim tickbox available > can select and save or unselect and save
        3. > Transactions TAB > from date, to date, Journal type filter, refresh button > display grid result, display opening, total debits, total credits, closing



  <GetSessionData />

returns all menus

<ESA success="1" operationalMode="Testing" timeZone="(UTC+10:00) Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney" windowTitle="Test test [Company name here]" userName="Test test" blobCacheURL="http://crp.saasplications.com.au/" userCulture="en-AU" SalesOrderClass="ERP.SalesOrder" ReturnAuthorisationClass="ERP.ReturnAuthorisation" BookingOrderClass="ERP.Booking" unreadMessages="0" keepDBStats="0" responseTime="1" cpuTime="0">
    <ProcessArea id="TourDriver" title="Driver">
      <Activity name="ERP.TourRun" style="VehicleCheck" title="Vehicle Check" />
      <Activity name="ERP.TourRun" style="Manifest" title="Manifest" />
      <Activity name="ERP.TourRun" style="MealMenu" title="Menu" />
      <Activity name="ERP.TourRun" style="ReturnManifest" title="Return Manifest" />
      <Activity name="ERP.Person" style="PortalRoster" title="Roster" />
      <Activity name="ERP.JournalBatch" style="Driver" title="Cash count" />
      <Activity name="ERP.TourRun" style="ConfirmManifest" title="Confirm Tomorrow" />
    <ProcessArea id="Financials" title="Financials">
      <ProcessArea title="Banking">
        <Activity name="ERP.BankReconciliation" title="Bank Reconciliation" image="BankRec.png" />
        <Activity name="ERP.BankReconciliation" style="Statement" title="Bank Reconciliation (Statement-centric)" image="BankRec.png" />
        <Activity name="ERP.JournalBatch" style="Banking" title="Banking Batches" hint="Groups of transactions that impact on the bank statement" />
        <Activity name="ERP.JournalBatch" style="POSCashCount" title="POS batches" image="moneybag.png" />
      <ProcessArea title="Assets">
        <Activity name="ERP.Asset" title="Asset Register" hint="Assets defined in the system and used throughout the system" />
        <Activity name="ERP.Asset" style="FixedAssetDashboard" title="Fixed Asset Dashboard" />
      <Activity name="ERP.GLAccount" title="Chart of Accounts" hint="Manage the chart of accounts and review all transactions" />
      <Activity name="ERP.Journal" style="Browse" title="Find/browse Journals" hint="Ability to review all journals in the system" />
      <Activity name="ERP.Journal" title="General Journals" hint="General Journal" />
      <Activity name="ERP.ExpenseClaim" title="Expense Claim" hint="Expenses that are to be claimed from the company" />
      <Activity name="ERP.JournalBatch" title="Journal Batches" hint="Grouping of transactions for easier management" />
      <Activity name="ERP.JournalTemplate" title="Journal Templates" />
      <Activity name="ERP.GLAccount" style="StandardReports" title="Standard Reports" hint="View of the Profit and Loss, Balance Sheet, Trial Balance Reports" />
      <Activity name="ERP.GSTExplorer" title="GST Explorer" hint="The BAS statement with drill down to GST calculation details" />
      <ProcessArea title="Advanced">
        <Activity name="ERP.DebtorDeposit" title="Customer Deposits" hint="Record and review customer deposits" />
        <Activity name="ERP.DebtorGeneralJournal" title="Customer General Journal" hint="Create and review customer general journals" />
        <Activity name="ERP.CreditorGeneralJournal" title="Supplier General Journal" hint="View and Maintain Suppliers General Journals" />
        <Activity name="ERP.Voucher" title="Manage vouchers and credits" />
        <Activity name="ERP.DiscountVoucher" title="Manage partner discount vouchers" />
        <Activity name="ERP.Dashboards" style="CardAuth" title="Card Pre-authorisations" />
    <ProcessArea id="FinanceAdmin" title="Admin">
      <ProcessArea title="Finance">
        <Activity name="ERP.FinancialYear" title="Financial Years" hint="Open and Close periods, roll account totals" />
        <Activity name="ERP.JournalTemplate" title="Journal Templates" />
        <Activity name="ERP.Journal" style="AuditExplorer" title="GL Audit Explorer" hint="Review all changes to Journals in the system" />
        <Activity name="ERP.AssetType" title="Asset Types" />
        <Activity name="ERP.CostCentre" title="Cost Centres" />
        <Activity name="ERP.FixedAssetClassification" title="Fixed Asset Classifications" />
        <Activity name="ERP.ExpenseCode" title="Expense Codes" hint="Manage expense codes for employee expenses" />
        <Activity name="ERP.PayCode" title="Pay Codes" hint="Manage Paycodes used to pass to ePayroll for payment" />
        <Activity name="ERP.PayGroup" title="Pay Groups" hint="Manage Paygroups to group employees for ePayroll" />
        <Activity name="ERP.GLCurrency" title="Currencies" hint="Setup Currencies used in the system for GL accounts, Customers, Suppliers and related transactions" />
        <Activity name="ERP.Bank" title="Bank" hint="Define banks used if not already in the list" />
        <Activity name="ERP.BankBranch" title="Branch" hint="Define bank branches used by your bank accounts on host company" />
        <Activity name="ERP.ImportGLAccount" title="Imported GL Accounts and mappings" />
    <ProcessArea id="MaintenanceAdmin" title="Admin">
      <ProcessArea title="Maintenanace">
        <Activity name="ERP.MaintenanceSchedule" title="Maintenance Schedules" />
        <Activity name="ERP.Asset" style="Maintenance" title="Vehicle Maintenance List" />
      <UserRole id="Driver-Tour">Driver- Tour</UserRole>
      <UserRole id="Financials">Financials</UserRole>
  <UIPreferences />

Driver Portal Roster Page - example screens in WPF

Request - driver portal roster blank page
  <CreateActivity name="ERP.Person" style="PortalRoster" suppressFields="1">
    <Field id="CurrentBranchId" masked="0" />
    <Field id="QueryDateRange.From" masked="0" />
    <Field id="QueryDateRange.To" masked="0" />
    <DataPublication autoPopulate="0" id="driverroster" populateMethod="listDriverRoster" />
    <DataPublication autoPopulate="once" id="CurrentBranchComboBox" populateMethod="listBranches" queryMode="single" />

Response - Driver Portal Roster blank page
<ESA success="1" unreadMessages="1" responseTime="115" cpuTime="125">
  <Activity activityHandle="636864275194232724.42" title="Maintain Person" titleField="Name" newInstance="1" ActivityPersistentId="0">
    <Field id="CurrentBranchId" label="Branch Id" value="0" datatype="number" disabled="1" hidden="1" contentType="integer" null="0" valid="1" static="1" />
    <Field id="Name" null="1" valid="0" disabled="1" />
    <Field id="Calendar._QueryDateRange.From" label="From" datatype="date" />
    <Field id="Calendar._QueryDateRange.To" label="To" datatype="date" />
    <Field id="Calendar.QueryDateRange.From" null="0" valid="1" value="1/01/2019" date="1/01/2019" DayOfWeek="Tuesday" datatype="date" static="1" />
    <Field id="Calendar.QueryDateRange.To" null="0" valid="1" value="31/12/2019" date="31/12/2019" DayOfWeek="Tuesday" datatype="date" static="1" />
    <Field id="Correspondence.MySource" null="0" valid="1" label="MySource" datatype="string" maxLength="-1" disabled="0" hidden="0" value="Person -" />
    <Field id="_QueryDateRange.From" label="From" datatype="date" />
    <Field id="_QueryDateRange.To" label="To" datatype="date" />
    <Field id="QueryDateRange.From" null="0" valid="1" value="18/02/2019" date="18/02/2019" DayOfWeek="Monday" datatype="date" />
    <Field id="QueryDateRange.To" null="0" valid="1" value="24/02/2019" date="24/02/2019" DayOfWeek="Sunday" datatype="date" />
      <Type id="ERP.Company" image="Company" />
      <Type id="ERP.HostCompany" image="HostCompany" />
    <Data id="CurrentBranchComboBox">
        <Column id="1" label="Branches" datatype="string" width="auto" />
      <Rows Type="cell">
        <Row Type="Branches" id="2">
          <Cell id="1">AEA</Cell>
        <Row Type="Branches" id="3">
          <Cell id="1">MNB</Cell>
        <Row Type="Branches" id="1">
          <Cell id="1">RCT</Cell>

Request date options

  <Activity activityHandle="636864277196912678.43">
    <Method name="QueryDateRange.DateActionMenu" />

<ESA success="1" responseTime="0" cpuTime="0">
  <Activity activityHandle="636864277196912678.43">
      <MenuItem action="$QueryDateRange.Today" text="Today" />
      <MenuItem action="$QueryDateRange.Tomorrow" text="Tomorrow" />
      <MenuItem action="$QueryDateRange.Yesterday" text="Yesterday" />
      <Menu name="This">
        <MenuItem action="$QueryDateRange.ThisWeek" text="Week" />
        <MenuItem action="$QueryDateRange.CurrentMonth" text="Month (Calendar)" />
        <MenuItem action="$QueryDateRange.ThisYear" text="This Year (Calendar)" />
        <MenuItem action="$QueryDateRange.ThisYearFin" text="This Year (Financial)" />
      <Menu name="Last">
        <MenuItem action="$QueryDateRange.LastWeek" text="Week" />
        <MenuItem action="$QueryDateRange.LastMonth" text="Month" />
        <MenuItem action="$QueryDateRange.LastYearFin" text="Financial Year" />
        <MenuItem action="$QueryDateRange.LastQuarter" text="Last Quarter" />
        <MenuItem action="$QueryDateRange.LastYear" text="Last Year (2018)" />
      <Menu name="Next">
        <MenuItem action="$QueryDateRange.NextMonth" text="Next Month" />
        <MenuItem action="$QueryDateRange.NextWeek" text="Next Week" />
      <MenuItem action="$QueryDateRange.PreviousMonth" text="Previous Month (January)" />
      <MenuItem action="$QueryDateRange.Clear" text="Clear" />
    <Method name="DateActionMenu" result="True" />

Select date range Option Choice (last quarter)

Select date range choice
  <Activity activityHandle="636864277196912678.43">
    <MenuAction action="$QueryDateRange.LastQuarter" />
Result of selection of date range choice
<ESA success="1" responseTime="14" cpuTime="15">
  <Activity activityHandle="636864277196912678.43">
    <Field id="QueryDateRange.To" null="0" valid="1" value="31/12/2018" date="31/12/2018" DayOfWeek="Monday" />
    <Field id="QueryDateRange.From" null="0" valid="1" value="1/10/2018" date="1/10/2018" DayOfWeek="Monday" />

Request roster results

  <Activity activityHandle="636864275194232724.42">
    <Method name="listDriverRoster" />

<ESA success="1" unreadMessages="1" responseTime="175" cpuTime="0">
  <Activity activityHandle="636864275194232724.42">
    <Method name="listDriverRoster" result="null" />
    <Data id="driverroster" frozenColumnCount="5" source="Publishable Collection : Driver Roster" clearColumnDefinitions="1">
        <Column id="1" label="Date" datatype="string" width="50" />
        <Column id="2" label="Day" datatype="string" width="60" />
        <Column id="3" label="Reqd" datatype="number" width="40" />
        <Column id="4" label="Rost" datatype="number" width="40" />
        <Column id="5" label="Assn" datatype="number" width="40" />
        <Column id="6" label="Scott" datatype="string" width="50" matrixKey="20" />
        <Column id="7" label="Dane" datatype="string" width="50" matrixKey="1005" />
        <Column id="8" label="PaulS" datatype="string" width="50" matrixKey="15" />
        <Column id="9" label="Lindsay" datatype="string" width="50" matrixKey="14" />
        <Column id="10" label="Steve" datatype="string" width="50" matrixKey="23" />
        <Column id="11" label="Clint" datatype="string" width="50" matrixKey="372" />
        <Column id="12" label="Graham" datatype="string" width="50" matrixKey="715" />
        <Column id="13" label="PaulB" datatype="string" width="50" matrixKey="662" />
        <Column id="14" label="Axel" datatype="string" width="50" matrixKey="1067" />
        <Column id="15" label="SteveH" datatype="string" width="50" matrixKey="1374" />
        <Column id="16" label="LAZ" datatype="string" width="50" matrixKey="13" />
        <Column id="17" label="JS" datatype="string" width="50" matrixKey="1006" />
        <Column id="18" label="Charles" datatype="string" width="50" matrixKey="1313" />
        <Column id="19" label="Vorn" datatype="string" width="50" matrixKey="16" />
        <Column id="20" label="Christophe" datatype="string" width="50" matrixKey="1704" />
        <Column id="21" label="DON" datatype="string" width="50" matrixKey="8" />
        <Column id="22" label="Mario" datatype="string" width="50" matrixKey="1103" />
        <Column id="23" label="PeterM" datatype="string" width="50" matrixKey="26" />
        <Column id="24" label="JL" datatype="string" width="50" matrixKey="1336" />
        <Column id="25" label="KS" datatype="string" width="50" matrixKey="908" />
        <Column id="26" label="GregCole" datatype="string" width="50" matrixKey="850" />
        <Column id="27" label="TonyM" datatype="string" width="50" matrixKey="1687" />
        <Column id="28" label="James" datatype="string" width="50" matrixKey="27" />
        <Column id="29" label="Jelle" datatype="string" width="50" matrixKey="17" />
        <Column id="30" label="JL" datatype="string" width="50" matrixKey="557" />
        <Column id="31" label="MC" datatype="string" width="50" matrixKey="416" />
        <Column id="32" label="PS" datatype="string" width="50" matrixKey="11" />
        <Column id="33" label="TT" datatype="string" width="50" matrixKey="500" />
        <Column id="34" label="TS" datatype="string" width="50" matrixKey="417" />
      <Rows contextId="20190224" Type="cell">
        <Row Type="RosterItem" id="20190218">
          <Cell id="1">Feb 18</Cell>
          <Cell id="2">Monday</Cell>
          <Cell id="3">1</Cell>
          <Cell id="4">0</Cell>
          <Cell id="5">0</Cell>
          <Cell id="6">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="7">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="8">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="9">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="10">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="11">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="12">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="13">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="14">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="15">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="16">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="17">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="18">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="19">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="20">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="21">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="22">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="23">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="24">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="25">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="26">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="27">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="28">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="29">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="30">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="31">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="32">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="33">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="34">-</Cell>
        <Row Type="RosterItem" id="20190219">
          <Cell id="1">Feb 19</Cell>
          <Cell id="2">Tuesday</Cell>
          <Cell id="3">1</Cell>
          <Cell id="4">0</Cell>
          <Cell id="5">0</Cell>
          <Cell id="6">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="7">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="8">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="9">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="10">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="11">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="12">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="13">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="14">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="15">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="16">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="17">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="18">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="19">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="20">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="21">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="22">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="23">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="24">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="25">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="26">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="27">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="28">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="29">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="30">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="31">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="32">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="33">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="34">-</Cell>
        <Row Type="RosterItem" id="20190220">
          <Cell id="1">Feb 20</Cell>
          <Cell id="2">Wednesday</Cell>
          <Cell id="3">1</Cell>
          <Cell id="4">0</Cell>
          <Cell id="5">0</Cell>
          <Cell id="6">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="7">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="8">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="9">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="10">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="11">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="12">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="13">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="14">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="15">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="16">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="17">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="18">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="19">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="20">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="21">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="22">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="23">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="24">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="25">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="26">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="27">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="28">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="29">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="30">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="31">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="32">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="33">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="34">-</Cell>
        <Row Type="RosterItem" id="20190221">
          <Cell id="1">Feb 21</Cell>
          <Cell id="2">Thursday</Cell>
          <Cell id="3">1</Cell>
          <Cell id="4">0</Cell>
          <Cell id="5">0</Cell>
          <Cell id="6">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="7">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="8">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="9">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="10">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="11">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="12">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="13">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="14">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="15">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="16">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="17">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="18">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="19">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="20">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="21">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="22">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="23">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="24">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="25">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="26">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="27">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="28">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="29">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="30">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="31">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="32">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="33">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="34">-</Cell>
        <Row Type="RosterItem" id="20190222">
          <Cell id="1">Feb 22</Cell>
          <Cell id="2">Friday</Cell>
          <Cell id="3">1</Cell>
          <Cell id="4">0</Cell>
          <Cell id="5">0</Cell>
          <Cell id="6">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="7">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="8">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="9">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="10">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="11">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="12">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="13">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="14">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="15">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="16">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="17">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="18">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="19">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="20">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="21">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="22">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="23">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="24">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="25">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="26">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="27">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="28">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="29">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="30">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="31">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="32">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="33">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="34">-</Cell>
        <Row Type="RosterItem" id="20190223">
          <Cell id="1">Feb 23</Cell>
          <Cell id="2">Saturday</Cell>
          <Cell id="3">1</Cell>
          <Cell id="4">0</Cell>
          <Cell id="5">0</Cell>
          <Cell id="6">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="7">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="8">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="9">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="10">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="11">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="12">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="13">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="14">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="15">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="16">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="17">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="18">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="19">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="20">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="21">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="22">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="23">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="24">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="25">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="26">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="27">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="28">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="29">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="30">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="31">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="32">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="33">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="34">-</Cell>
        <Row Type="RosterItem" id="20190224">
          <Cell id="1">Feb 24</Cell>
          <Cell id="2">Sunday</Cell>
          <Cell id="3">1</Cell>
          <Cell id="4">0</Cell>
          <Cell id="5">0</Cell>
          <Cell id="6">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="7">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="8">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="9">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="10">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="11">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="12">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="13">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="14">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="15">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="16">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="17">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="18">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="19">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="20">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="21">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="22">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="23">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="24">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="25">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="26">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="27">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="28">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="29">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="30">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="31">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="32">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="33">-</Cell>
          <Cell id="34">-</Cell>

GL chart of accounts page

Blank Page includes tree view of chart of accounts

  <CreateActivity name="ERP.GLAccount" style="" suppressFields="1">
    <Field id="AccountType" masked="0" />
    <Field id="SubType" masked="0" />
    <Field id="DefaultTaxType" masked="0" />
    <Field id="FixedCurrencyId" masked="0" />
    <Field id="QuerySearchInclusions" masked="0" />
    <Field id="QueryAcctInclusions" masked="0" />
    <Field id="HelperJournal.JournalType" masked="0" />
    <Field id="HelperJournal.SubTypeFilter" masked="0" />
    <Field id="QueryAmountMode" masked="0" />
    <Field id="ShowReport" masked="0" />
    <Field id="CurrentBranchId" masked="0" />
    <Field id="CoaCode" masked="0" />
    <Field id="NameOverride" masked="0" />
    <Field id="ParentName" masked="0" />
    <Field id="Disabled" masked="0" />
    <Field id="SpecialType" masked="0" />
    <Field id="DisplaySequence" masked="0" />
    <Field id="ReportSequence" masked="0" />
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<ESA success="1" unreadMessages="1" responseTime="249" cpuTime="250">
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    <Field id="ParentName" label="Parent" datatype="string" maxLength="-1" disabled="1" hidden="0" null="0" valid="1" value="[root]" />
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        <Row id="2">
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        <Row id="5">
          <Cell id="1">Dividends</Cell>
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          <Cell id="1">NA</Cell>
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        <Row id="1" Type="parent" value="REVENUE - Revenue">
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            <Row id="157" Type="child" value="TI - Tour Income" />
        <Row id="2" Type="parent" value="EXPENSES - Expenses">
          <Row id="19" Type="parent" value="OPERATIONALEXP - Operational Expenses">
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            <Row id="35" Type="child" value="COMPUTER - Computer Expenses" />
            <Row id="59" Type="child" value="OFFICE - Office Supplies" />
            <Row id="60" Type="child" value="POST - Postage n" />
            <Row id="61" Type="child" value="PRINT - Printing" />
            <Row id="66" Type="child" value="REPAIRS - Repairs Maintenance" />
            <Row id="67" Type="child" value="ADMINWAGES - Admin Wages &amp; Salaries" />
            <Row id="68" Type="child" value="ADMINSUPER - Admin Superannuation" />
            <Row id="69" Type="child" value="STAFFAMENITIES - Staff Amenities" />
            <Row id="70" Type="child" value="TELEPHONE - Telephone office and mobile" />
            <Row id="74" Type="child" value="UNIFORMS - Uniforms" />
            <Row id="204" Type="child" value="SEC - SECURITY/ALARM" />
            <Row id="266" Type="child" value="PTPLEVY - Point to Point Booking Levy" />
          <Row id="22" Type="parent" value="ADMIN - Administration Costs">
            <Row id="31" Type="child" value="BANKFEES - Bank Fees and Charges" />
            <Row id="40" Type="child" value="MERCHANTFEES - Merchant Fees" />
            <Row id="42" Type="child" value="FILING - Filing Fees" />
            <Row id="47" Type="child" value="LEGALFEES - Legal Fees" />
            <Row id="164" Type="child" value="NDE - Non Deductable Expense" />
            <Row id="165" Type="child" value="AME - Amortisation Expense" />
            <Row id="166" Type="child" value="BADD - Bad Debts Written Off" />
            <Row id="168" Type="child" value="DEP - Depreciation Expense" />
            <Row id="169" Type="child" value="DON - Donations" />
            <Row id="170" Type="child" value="ENTDED - Entertainment - Deductable (Claim GST)" />
            <Row id="171" Type="child" value="ENTNON - Entertainment Non Deductable (Do Not Claim GST)" />
            <Row id="172" Type="child" value="HPE - HP Charges Expense" />
            <Row id="177" Type="child" value="NCA - loss on Sale of NCA" />
            <Row id="188" Type="child" value="ACCT - Accounting and Fees" />
            <Row id="194" Type="child" value="PAY - Payroll Tax" />
          <Row id="43" Type="parent" value="INS - INSURANCE EXPENSES">
            <Row id="44" Type="child" value="PUBLICLIABILIT - Public Liability Insurance" />
            <Row id="45" Type="child" value="WORKERSCOMP - Workers Compensation" />
            <Row id="173" Type="child" value="TVLIN - Travel Insurance" />
            <Row id="175" Type="child" value="OFFIN - Office Insurance" />
          <Row id="49" Type="parent" value="MOTORVEHICLE - MOTOR VEHICLE EXPENSES">
            <Row id="54" Type="child" value="VEHICLEINSURAN - Vehicle Fleet Insurance" />
            <Row id="78" Type="child" value="CHPLEASE - CHP / Lease Payments" />
            <Row id="79" Type="child" value="REGO - Rego/Greenslips" />
            <Row id="80" Type="child" value="SERVICE - Service/Repairs" />
            <Row id="167" Type="child" value="CLE - Cleaning" />
            <Row id="189" Type="child" value="REFIT - New/Repair Fitout of Vehicle Interiors" />
            <Row id="229" Type="child" value="GPS - GPS - Gps Tracking of Vehicles" />
          <Row id="62" Type="parent" value="RENTRATES - RENT RATES &amp; LEVIES">
            <Row id="63" Type="child" value="WASTE - Waste Removal" />
            <Row id="64" Type="child" value="PROPERTYLEVIES - Property Levies" />
            <Row id="65" Type="child" value="RENT - Rent" />
          <Row id="71" Type="parent" value="TRAVEL - Travel Costs">
            <Row id="72" Type="child" value="LOCALTRAVEL - Local /domestic Travel" />
            <Row id="73" Type="child" value="OVERSEAS - Overseas Travel Costs" />
          <Row id="75" Type="parent" value="UTILITIES - UTILITIES">
            <Row id="76" Type="child" value="ELECTRICITY - Electricity" />
            <Row id="77" Type="child" value="SYDWATER - Sydney Water" />
        <Row id="3" Type="parent" value="ASSETS - Assets">
          <Row id="6" Type="parent" value="CURRENTASSETS - Current Assets">
            <Row id="8" Type="parent" value="BANKACCOUNTS - Bank Accounts">
              <Row id="9" Type="child" value="SUNCORP - SUNCORP EVERY DAY ACT" />
              <Row id="10" Type="child" value="NAB - NATIONAL AUST BANK" />
              <Row id="180" Type="child" value="PAYMENTCLEARING - Payment Clearning Account" />
              <Row id="181" Type="child" value="CASHDISCR - Cash Discrepancy" />
              <Row id="195" Type="child" value="PETTY - Petty CAsh" />
            <Row id="81" Type="child" value="ACR - ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE" />
            <Row id="83" Type="child" value="RBOND - RENTAL BOND 1" />
            <Row id="84" Type="child" value="UND - UNDEPOSITED FUNDSTS" />
            <Row id="231" Type="child" value="OTHERDEBTORS - Other Debtors" />
            <Row id="232" Type="child" value="LOANRC - Loans - Red Carpet Pty Ltd" />
          <Row id="7" Type="parent" value="NONCURRENTASSET - Non Current Assets">
            <Row id="85" Type="parent" value="PROP - PROPERTY PLANT EQUIPMENT">
              <Row id="86" Type="child" value="LAND - Land and Buildings at Cost" />
              <Row id="87" Type="child" value="LEASE - Leasehold Building Improvements at Cost" />
              <Row id="88" Type="child" value="LAA - Less Accumulated Amortisation" />
              <Row id="89" Type="child" value="MVC - Motor Vehicles at Cost" />
              <Row id="90" Type="child" value="LAD - Less Accumulated Depreciaton" />
              <Row id="91" Type="child" value="PEC - Plant and Equipment at Cost" />
              <Row id="92" Type="child" value="SCE - Sale Proceeds of Capital Equipement" />
              <Row id="93" Type="child" value="SMV - Sale Proceeds of Motor Vehicles" />
              <Row id="228" Type="child" value="PED - PED - Less Accumulated Depreciation (P&amp;E)" />
            <Row id="94" Type="parent" value="GWILL - GOODWILL">
              <Row id="95" Type="child" value="AWPT - AWPT" />
              <Row id="96" Type="child" value="DMT - Dal Myles Tours" />
              <Row id="97" Type="child" value="RCT - Red Carpet Tours" />
            <Row id="98" Type="parent" value="LOANS - LOANS">
              <Row id="99" Type="child" value="7A-F11 - Loan - Div.7A F11" />
              <Row id="100" Type="child" value="7A-F13 - Loan-Div.7A F13" />
              <Row id="101" Type="child" value="UNSEC - Loans-Unsecured" />
            <Row id="102" Type="child" value="PREEXP - Preliminary Expenses" />
            <Row id="103" Type="child" value="PREBOR - Prepaid Borrowing Expenses" />
        <Row id="4" Type="parent" value="LIABTS - Liabilities">
          <Row id="11" Type="parent" value="CURRENTLIABIL - Current Liabilities">
            <Row id="13" Type="parent" value="CREDITACCOUNTS - Credit Accounts">
              <Row id="14" Type="child" value="AMX - American Express Don" />
              <Row id="15" Type="child" value="CITI - Citibank Ready Credit Card" />
              <Row id="105" Type="child" value="ANZ - ANZ Visa" />
              <Row id="106" Type="child" value="NABV - NAB Visa 6353" />
              <Row id="107" Type="child" value="NABMC - NAB Property Mastercard 7111" />
              <Row id="108" Type="child" value="AMXT - American Express Tane" />
            <Row id="104" Type="child" value="ACP - Accounts Payable" />
            <Row id="109" Type="child" value="ATO - ATO ICA - unpaid BAS" />
            <Row id="111" Type="child" value="CSA - Child Support Agency Clearing" />
            <Row id="112" Type="child" value="OC - Other Creditors" />
            <Row id="114" Type="child" value="PAYG - PAYG Withholding" />
            <Row id="115" Type="child" value="SUP - Superannuation Payable Clearing" />
            <Row id="116" Type="child" value="PIT - Provision for Income Tax" />
            <Row id="117" Type="child" value="IAL - Income In Advance Liability" />
            <Row id="118" Type="parent" value="HIREP - HIRE PURCHASE">
              <Row id="119" Type="child" value="HPLG - Hire Purchase Liability General" />
              <Row id="120" Type="child" value="HPUC - Hire Purchase Unexpired Charges General" />
              <Row id="121" Type="child" value="HP5863 - Hire Purchase Liabiilty TV 5863" />
              <Row id="122" Type="child" value="HPUC5863 - Hire Purchase Unexpired Charges TV 5863" />
              <Row id="123" Type="child" value="HP7205 - Hire Purchase Liability TV 7205" />
              <Row id="124" Type="child" value="HPUC7205 - Hire Purchase Unexpired Charges TV 7205" />
              <Row id="125" Type="child" value="HPTV7504 - Hire Purchase Liabilty TV 7504" />
              <Row id="126" Type="child" value="HPUC7504 - Hire Purchase Unexpired Charges TV 7504" />
              <Row id="214" Type="child" value="HPTV9033 - HPTV9033" />
              <Row id="218" Type="child" value="HPTV8910 - Current HP Liability TV 8910" />
              <Row id="219" Type="child" value="HTTV8910C - Current HP Unexpired Charges TV 8910" />
              <Row id="220" Type="child" value="HPAUDIQ7 - Long Term Hire Purchase Liabiilty TV8910" />
              <Row id="221" Type="child" value="HPAUDIQ7C - Current HP Unexpired Charges AUDI Q7" />
              <Row id="224" Type="child" value="MERV250C - Current HP Unexpired Charges 8911" />
              <Row id="225" Type="child" value="MERV250 - Current HP Liability NEW 8911" />
              <Row id="233" Type="child" value="HPCWD56C - Hire Purchase Liabiilty BMW CWD56C" />
              <Row id="234" Type="child" value="HPUCCWD56C - Hire Purchase Unexpired Charges BMW CWD56C" />
              <Row id="235" Type="child" value="HP8251 - Hire Purchase Liabiilty TV 8251" />
              <Row id="236" Type="child" value="HPUC8251 - Hire Purchase Unexpired Charges TV 8251" />
              <Row id="237" Type="child" value="HP8252 - Hire Purchase Liabiilty TV 8252" />
              <Row id="238" Type="child" value="HPUC8252 - Hire Purchase Unexpired Charges TV 8252" />
              <Row id="239" Type="child" value="HPA2K - Hire Purchase Liabiilty A2K Technology" />
              <Row id="240" Type="child" value="HPUCA2K - Hire Purchase Unexpired Charges A2K Technology" />
              <Row id="241" Type="child" value="HPASKI - Hire Purchase Liabiilty Saasaski" />
              <Row id="242" Type="child" value="HPUCASKI - Hire Purchase Unexpired Charges Saasaski" />
              <Row id="253" Type="child" value="HP9582 - Hire Purchase Liabiilty TV 9582" />
              <Row id="254" Type="child" value="HPUC9582 - Hire Purchase Unexpired Charges TV 9582" />
              <Row id="255" Type="child" value="HP9583 - Hire Purchase Liabiilty TV 9583" />
              <Row id="256" Type="child" value="HPUC9583 - Hire Purchase Unexpired Charges TV 9583" />
              <Row id="257" Type="child" value="HP9584 - Hire Purchase Liabiilty TV 9584" />
              <Row id="258" Type="child" value="HPUC9584 - Hire Purchase Unexpired Charges TV 9584" />
            <Row id="127" Type="parent" value="CHAT - CHATTEL FINANCE">
              <Row id="128" Type="child" value="BKC67F - Chattel Finance BKC67F" />
              <Row id="129" Type="child" value="5812 - Chattel Finance TV 5812" />
              <Row id="130" Type="child" value="6904 - Chattel Finance TV 6904" />
            <Row id="132" Type="child" value="LUC - LOANS - Unsecured/Director/Shareholder" />
            <Row id="183" Type="parent" value="GSTLIAB - GST Liabilities">
              <Row id="113" Type="child" value="GPC - GST Paid Control" />
              <Row id="184" Type="child" value="GCC - GST Collected Control" />
              <Row id="213" Type="child" value="WITHHOLDNOABN - Withholding for companies with no ABN" />
            <Row id="192" Type="child" value="SAL - Salary/Wages Clearing Account" />
            <Row id="193" Type="child" value="PAYR - Payroll Tax Payable" />
          <Row id="12" Type="parent" value="NONCURRENTLIAB - Non Current Liabilities">
            <Row id="133" Type="parent" value="HPL - HIRE PURCHASE">
              <Row id="136" Type="child" value="HPLG2 - Long Term-Hire Purchase Liability General" />
              <Row id="137" Type="child" value="HPUCG - Long Term-Hire Purchse Unexpired Charges General" />
              <Row id="138" Type="child" value="HP63 - Long Term-HP Liability TV5863" />
              <Row id="139" Type="child" value="HPU63 - Long Term-HP Unexpired Charges TV 5863" />
              <Row id="140" Type="child" value="HP05 - Long Term-HP Liability TV 7205" />
              <Row id="141" Type="child" value="HPU05 - Long Term- HP unexpired charges TV 7205" />
              <Row id="142" Type="child" value="HP04 - Long Term - HP Liability TV 7504" />
              <Row id="143" Type="child" value="HPU04 - Long Term - HP Unexpired Charges TV 7504" />
              <Row id="215" Type="child" value="HIREPURTV9033 - HIRE PURCHASE 9033" />
              <Row id="216" Type="child" value="HP8910 - Long Term Hire Purchase Liabiilty TV8910" />
              <Row id="217" Type="child" value="HP8910C - Long Term - HP Unexpired Charges tv8910c" />
              <Row id="222" Type="child" value="HPXAUDIQ7 - Long Term Hire Purchase Liabiilty AUDI Q7" />
              <Row id="223" Type="child" value="HPCAUDIQ7 - Long Term - HP Unexpired Charges AUDIQ7" />
              <Row id="226" Type="child" value="XMERV250 - Long Term Hire Purchase Liabiilty 8911" />
              <Row id="227" Type="child" value="XMERC8911 - Long Term - HP Unexpired Charges NEW MERC 8911" />
              <Row id="243" Type="child" value="HPBMWCWDD56C - Long Term-HP Liability BMW CWD56C" />
              <Row id="244" Type="child" value="HPUBMWCWD56C - Long Term- HP unexpired charges BMW CWD56C" />
              <Row id="245" Type="child" value="HP51 - Long Term-HP Liability TV 8251" />
              <Row id="246" Type="child" value="HPU51 - Long Term- HP unexpired charges TV 8251" />
              <Row id="247" Type="child" value="HP52 - Long Term-HP Liability TV 8252" />
              <Row id="248" Type="child" value="HPU52 - Long Term- HP unexpired charges TV 8252" />
              <Row id="249" Type="child" value="HPAK2 - Long Term-HP Liability A2K Technology" />
              <Row id="250" Type="child" value="HPUA2K - Long Term- HP unexpired charges A2K Technology" />
              <Row id="251" Type="child" value="HPSASKI - Long Term-HP Liability Saasaski" />
              <Row id="252" Type="child" value="HPUSASKI - Long Term- HP unexpired charges Saasaski" />
              <Row id="259" Type="child" value="HPL9852 - Long Term-HP Liability TV9582" />
              <Row id="261" Type="child" value="HPLUC9582 - Long Term- HP unexpired charges TV 9582" />
              <Row id="262" Type="child" value="HPL9583 - Long Term-HP Liability TV 9583" />
              <Row id="263" Type="child" value="HPLUC9584 - Long Term- HP unexpired charges TV 9584" />
              <Row id="264" Type="child" value="HPL9584 - Long Term-HP Liability TV 9584" />
              <Row id="265" Type="child" value="HPLUC9583 - Long Term- HP unexpired charges TV 9583" />
            <Row id="144" Type="parent" value="CFL - CHATTEL FINANCE LONG TERM LIABILITY">
              <Row id="145" Type="child" value="CF67F - Long Term - Chattel Finance BKC67F" />
              <Row id="146" Type="child" value="CF12 - Long Term - Chattel Finance TV 5812" />
              <Row id="147" Type="child" value="CF04 - Long Term - Chattel Finance TV 6904" />
            <Row id="148" Type="child" value="LRP - Loans - Related Parties" />
            <Row id="149" Type="child" value="LSC46 - Loans - Suncorp Act 108685546" />
            <Row id="150" Type="child" value="LSC95 - Loans - Suncorp Account 108685595" />
            <Row id="202" Type="child" value="LMNB - Loan - Mark Wardrop Sale MNB" />
            <Row id="203" Type="child" value="LPH - Loan Peter Hussey ($44000.00)" />
            <Row id="212" Type="child" value="LDRSTG - Loan - Don St George Loan 21/10/15" />
            <Row id="230" Type="child" value="LNF - Loan Nicole Flanagan" />
            <Row id="267" Type="child" value="LOANDIRECTOR - LOANS - Director Don 2018" />
        <Row id="5" Type="parent" value="CAPITAL - Capital/Equity">
          <Row id="151" Type="child" value="IC - Issued Capital" />
          <Row id="154" Type="child" value="EQUITY - Equity CHANGED" />
        <Row id="36" Type="parent" value="OTHER - OTHER INCOME">
          <Row id="158" Type="child" value="FR - Fuel Rebate" />
          <Row id="160" Type="child" value="INTINC - Interest Income" />
          <Row id="161" Type="child" value="MISIN - Miscellaneous Income" />
          <Row id="162" Type="child" value="PSA - Profit on Sale of Assets" />
          <Row id="163" Type="child" value="CG - Capital Gains Income" />
          <Row id="185" Type="child" value="EE - Employee contribution" />
        <Row id="205" Type="child" value="OTHEREXP - Other Expends" />
        <Row id="207" Type="parent" value="DIVINTTAX - Dividends Interest and Company Tax">
          <Row id="46" Type="child" value="INTEREST - Interest and Finance Expense" />
          <Row id="152" Type="child" value="DIV - Dividends Paid" />
          <Row id="153" Type="child" value="ITE - Income Tax Expense" />
        <Row id="208" Type="parent" value="COSTOFSALES - Cost of Sales">
          <Row id="18" Type="parent" value="TOUREXPENSES - TourExpenses">
            <Row id="23" Type="child" value="ACCOMMODATION - Accommodation" />
            <Row id="27" Type="child" value="FUEL - Fuel" />
            <Row id="28" Type="child" value="LIQUOR - Liquor /Champagne" />
            <Row id="30" Type="child" value="WATER - Water" />
            <Row id="33" Type="child" value="COMMISSION - Commission" />
            <Row id="37" Type="child" value="FERRIES - Ferry Tickets" />
            <Row id="38" Type="child" value="NATIONALPARK - National Park Fees" />
            <Row id="41" Type="child" value="BOOKS - Books and Publications" />
            <Row id="48" Type="child" value="LICENCESPERMIT - Licenses and Permits" />
            <Row id="58" Type="child" value="CRUISES - Lunch Cruises" />
            <Row id="190" Type="child" value="REFUND - Refunds" />
            <Row id="191" Type="child" value="GENERAL - General Expenses" />
            <Row id="209" Type="parent" value="VEHICLES - Vehicle Expenses">
              <Row id="25" Type="child" value="VEHICLEHIRE - Vehicle Hire" />
              <Row id="29" Type="child" value="TOLLS - Tolls" />
          <Row id="210" Type="parent" value="DRIVERS - Drivers">
            <Row id="34" Type="child" value="CONTRACTORS - Contractors" />
            <Row id="39" Type="child" value="TRAFFICEFINES - Traffic Fines" />
            <Row id="186" Type="child" value="TOURWAGES - Tour Wages" />
            <Row id="187" Type="child" value="TOURSUPER - Tour Superannuation" />
          <Row id="211" Type="parent" value="TOURSERVICES - Tour Services">
            <Row id="24" Type="child" value="ADMISSIONS - Admissions" />
            <Row id="26" Type="child" value="FOOD - Food" />
        <Row id="269" Type="child" value="junk - test" />
        <Row id="268" Type="child" value="1234 - Test" />
    <Data id="QuerySearchInclusions" source="Search for enum.ListMe">
        <Column id="1" label="QuerySearchInclusions" datatype="string" width="200" />
        <Row id="1">
          <Cell id="1">Internal Reference</Cell>
        <Row id="2">
          <Cell id="1">External Reference</Cell>
        <Row id="3">
          <Cell id="1">All Text Fields</Cell>
    <Data id="QueryAcctInclusions" source="Include enum.ListMe">
        <Column id="1" label="QueryAcctInclusions" datatype="string" width="200" />
        <Row id="1">
          <Cell id="1">This Account</Cell>
        <Row id="2">
          <Cell id="1">Include Children</Cell>
        <Row id="3">
          <Cell id="1">All Accounts</Cell>
    <Data id="HelperJournal.JournalType" source="Journal Type enum.ListMe">
        <Type name="JournalType" image="JournalType.ico" />
        <Column id="1" label="HelperJournal.JournalType" datatype="string" width="200" />
        <Row Type="JournalType" id="1">
          <Cell id="1">General Journal</Cell>
        <Row Type="JournalType" id="2">
          <Cell id="1">Debtor Invoice</Cell>
        <Row Type="JournalType" id="3">
          <Cell id="1">Debtor Payment</Cell>
        <Row Type="JournalType" id="4">
          <Cell id="1">Creditor Invoice</Cell>
        <Row Type="JournalType" id="5">
          <Cell id="1">Creditor Payment</Cell>
        <Row Type="JournalType" id="6">
          <Cell id="1">Debtor Credit Note</Cell>
        <Row Type="JournalType" id="7">
          <Cell id="1">Creditor Credit Note</Cell>
        <Row Type="JournalType" id="8">
          <Cell id="1">Creditor Prompt Payment</Cell>
        <Row Type="JournalType" id="10">
          <Cell id="1">Debtor Prompt Payment</Cell>
        <Row Type="JournalType" id="11">
          <Cell id="1">Debtor General Journal</Cell>
        <Row Type="JournalType" id="12">
          <Cell id="1">Creditor General Journal</Cell>
        <Row Type="JournalType" id="13">
          <Cell id="1">Stock Adjustment</Cell>
        <Row Type="JournalType" id="14">
          <Cell id="1">Debtor Refund</Cell>
        <Row Type="JournalType" id="15">
          <Cell id="1">Debtor Deposit</Cell>
        <Row Type="JournalType" id="20">
          <Cell id="1">Invoice Allocation Journal</Cell>
    <Data id="QueryAmountMode" source="Condition enum.ListMe">
        <Column id="1" label="QueryAmountMode" datatype="string" width="200" />
        <Row id="1">
          <Cell id="1">=</Cell>
        <Row id="2">
          <Cell id="1">&gt;</Cell>
        <Row id="3">
          <Cell id="1">&lt;</Cell>
        <Row id="4">
          <Cell id="1">Near</Cell>
    <Data id="ShowReport" source="Report enum.ListMe">
        <Column id="1" label="ShowReport" datatype="string" width="200" />
        <Row id="1">
          <Cell id="1">Acct Usage</Cell>
        <Row id="2">
          <Cell id="1">Acct Usage by Company</Cell>
        <Row id="3">
          <Cell id="1">Acct Usage by Month</Cell>
        <Row id="10">
          <Cell id="1">Special Types</Cell>

Right click menu

  <Activity activityHandle="636864290723432600.48">
    <Context id="157" Type="child" />
    <ContextMenu Type="recursiveList" />

<ESA success="1" responseTime="1" cpuTime="0">
  <Activity activityHandle="636864290723432600.48">
    <ContextMenu defaultAction="SELECTPROPERTIES">
      <MenuItem action="SELECTPROPERTIES" text="Properties" />
      <Separator />
      <MenuItem action="NEWCHILD" text="New Child" />
      <MenuItem action="NEWPEER" text="New Peer" />
      <Menu name="Make child of">
        <Separator />
        <MenuItem action="MOVETO_1" text="Revenue" />

Select an account from the tree after opening a few nodes

  <Activity activityHandle="636864281564482561.44">
    <MenuAction action="SELECTPROPERTIES" />
<ESA success="1" responseTime="5" cpuTime="0">
  <Activity activityHandle="636864281564482561.44" ActivityPersistentId="157">
    <Field id="ParentName" null="0" valid="1" value="DIRECTINCOME - Direct Income" />
    <Field id="Name" null="0" valid="1" value="Tour Income" />
    <Field id="Disabled" null="0" valid="1" value="0" text="No" disabled="0" />
    <Field id="CoaCode" null="0" valid="1" value="TI" />
    <Field id="AccountType" null="0" valid="1" value="1" text="Revenue" disabled="1" />
    <Field id="SubType" null="1" valid="1" disabled="1" />
    <Field id="DefaultTaxType" null="0" valid="1" value="2" text="GST" />
    <Field id="ReportSequence" null="1" />
    <Field id="DisplaySequence" null="1" />
    <Field id="FixedCurrencyId" null="1" rate="" disabled="1" />
    <Field id="SpecialType" text="">
      <Item value="10" text="Supplier Claim" />
      <Item value="20" text="Stock Adjustment" />
      <Item value="40" text="Spend Money" />
      <Item value="45" text="Landed Cost" />
      <Item value="46" text="Clearing" />
      <Item value="50" text="Debt Write off" />
      <Item value="60" text="Force Tax Type Default" />
    <Field id="CurrentBalance" null="1" valid="1" />
    <Field id="CurrentFCBalance" null="1" valid="1" />
    <Field id="NameOverride" null="0" valid="1" value="Tour Income" />
    <Field id="OpeningBalanceTemp" null="1" />
    <Data id="lvBalanceHistory" menuContext="ERP.GLAccount" source="ERP.GLAccount.listBalanceHistory">
        <Column id="1" label="As At" datatype="string" width="85" />
        <Column id="2" label="Balance" datatype="number" width="120" />
      <Rows Type="cell">
        <Row Type="ERP.GLAccount" id="0">
          <Cell id="1">30-Jun-1901</Cell>
          <Cell id="2">0.000</Cell>
    <Data id="lvAccountVisibility" menuContext="AccountVisibility" hasEditableColumns="1" source="ERP.GLAccount.listAccountVisibility">
        <Column id="1" label="Host Company" datatype="string" width="155" />
        <Column id="2" field="VisibleToCompany" editable="1" label="Show" datatype="bool" width="38" />
        <Column id="3" label="Name" datatype="string" width="120" />
      <Rows Type="cell">
        <Row Type="AccountVisibility" id="3">
          <Cell id="1">AEA Luxury Tours</Cell>
          <Cell id="2">True</Cell>
          <Cell id="3"></Cell>
    <Data id="lvTransactions" clearOnly="1" />

Update Name on the account (enter value then TAB out of the field)

  <Activity activityHandle="636864281564482561.44">
    <Delta id="NameOverride" value="Tour Income now" />

Display the system message

<ESA success="1" responseTime="19" cpuTime="0">
  <Activity activityHandle="636864281564482561.44">
    <Field id="NameOverride" null="0" valid="1" value="Tour Income now" />
      <Message type="Info" key="" messageSource="Application">Custom Name for this account applied</Message>

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