IOS and Android Test App
IOS and Android Test App
The SDK uses an established session with the server. SDK fields send a message when updated (eg tab out of a field) to the server and the server will send a response that covers other fields being displayed. When a grid is requested by the SDK - the local app will not know the number of columns returned and related methods.
The requirement is to create
- The example Android App from the link above
- A new example Android App (See below)
- The example IOS App from the link above
- A new example iOS app (see below)
- Supporting documentation created in Confluence (here)
The example App's will require
- Login Page / Ability to use thumbprint login
- Ability to bypass login - note that server times out so app may need to send server login as part of a request for information
- Landing Page - navigation to 2 other pages + grid of data
- Send current location Button
- Enable current location when using the app (minimal traffic)
- Respond to server request for location when using the app
- Allow app to receive messages when not in use
- Key is showing use of the SDK so others can follow the examples
- A test App with
- Tours - Drivers Portal#DriversPortal-Driverlogsin
- Full menu options should show (as they do down LHS in image)
- Add additional menu option (GL Chart of Accounts) > will be available from the server
- Roster Page
- > two date fields, list roster button, show grid result > hyperlink available
- GL Chart of Accounts Page
- > Tree view > can select node in tree, displays updatable custom name, save button saves to server and refreshes tree
- > supplier claim tickbox available > can select and save or unselect and save
- > Transactions TAB > from date, to date, Journal type filter, refresh button > display grid result, display opening, total debits, total credits, closing
- Full menu options should show (as they do down LHS in image)
- Tours - Drivers Portal#DriversPortal-Driverlogsin
<ESA> <GetSessionData /> </ESA>
returns all menus
<ESA success="1" operationalMode="Testing" timeZone="(UTC+10:00) Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney" windowTitle="Test test [Company name here]" userName="Test test" blobCacheURL="http://crp.saasplications.com.au/" userCulture="en-AU" SalesOrderClass="ERP.SalesOrder" ReturnAuthorisationClass="ERP.ReturnAuthorisation" BookingOrderClass="ERP.Booking" unreadMessages="0" keepDBStats="0" responseTime="1" cpuTime="0"> <Menu> <ProcessArea id="TourDriver" title="Driver"> <Activity name="ERP.TourRun" style="VehicleCheck" title="Vehicle Check" /> <Activity name="ERP.TourRun" style="Manifest" title="Manifest" /> <Activity name="ERP.TourRun" style="MealMenu" title="Menu" /> <Activity name="ERP.TourRun" style="ReturnManifest" title="Return Manifest" /> <Activity name="ERP.Person" style="PortalRoster" title="Roster" /> <Activity name="ERP.JournalBatch" style="Driver" title="Cash count" /> <Activity name="ERP.TourRun" style="ConfirmManifest" title="Confirm Tomorrow" /> </ProcessArea> <ProcessArea id="Financials" title="Financials"> <ProcessArea title="Banking"> <Activity name="ERP.BankReconciliation" title="Bank Reconciliation" image="BankRec.png" /> <Activity name="ERP.BankReconciliation" style="Statement" title="Bank Reconciliation (Statement-centric)" image="BankRec.png" /> <Activity name="ERP.JournalBatch" style="Banking" title="Banking Batches" hint="Groups of transactions that impact on the bank statement" /> <Activity name="ERP.JournalBatch" style="POSCashCount" title="POS batches" image="moneybag.png" /> </ProcessArea> <ProcessArea title="Assets"> <Activity name="ERP.Asset" title="Asset Register" hint="Assets defined in the system and used throughout the system" /> <Activity name="ERP.Asset" style="FixedAssetDashboard" title="Fixed Asset Dashboard" /> </ProcessArea> <Activity name="ERP.GLAccount" title="Chart of Accounts" hint="Manage the chart of accounts and review all transactions" /> <Activity name="ERP.Journal" style="Browse" title="Find/browse Journals" hint="Ability to review all journals in the system" /> <Activity name="ERP.Journal" title="General Journals" hint="General Journal" /> <Activity name="ERP.ExpenseClaim" title="Expense Claim" hint="Expenses that are to be claimed from the company" /> <Activity name="ERP.JournalBatch" title="Journal Batches" hint="Grouping of transactions for easier management" /> <Activity name="ERP.JournalTemplate" title="Journal Templates" /> <Activity name="ERP.GLAccount" style="StandardReports" title="Standard Reports" hint="View of the Profit and Loss, Balance Sheet, Trial Balance Reports" /> <Activity name="ERP.GSTExplorer" title="GST Explorer" hint="The BAS statement with drill down to GST calculation details" /> <ProcessArea title="Advanced"> <Activity name="ERP.DebtorDeposit" title="Customer Deposits" hint="Record and review customer deposits" /> <Activity name="ERP.DebtorGeneralJournal" title="Customer General Journal" hint="Create and review customer general journals" /> <Activity name="ERP.CreditorGeneralJournal" title="Supplier General Journal" hint="View and Maintain Suppliers General Journals" /> <Activity name="ERP.Voucher" title="Manage vouchers and credits" /> <Activity name="ERP.DiscountVoucher" title="Manage partner discount vouchers" /> <Activity name="ERP.Dashboards" style="CardAuth" title="Card Pre-authorisations" /> </ProcessArea> </ProcessArea> <ProcessArea id="FinanceAdmin" title="Admin"> <ProcessArea title="Finance"> <Activity name="ERP.FinancialYear" title="Financial Years" hint="Open and Close periods, roll account totals" /> <Activity name="ERP.JournalTemplate" title="Journal Templates" /> <Activity name="ERP.Journal" style="AuditExplorer" title="GL Audit Explorer" hint="Review all changes to Journals in the system" /> <Activity name="ERP.AssetType" title="Asset Types" /> <Activity name="ERP.CostCentre" title="Cost Centres" /> <Activity name="ERP.FixedAssetClassification" title="Fixed Asset Classifications" /> <Activity name="ERP.ExpenseCode" title="Expense Codes" hint="Manage expense codes for employee expenses" /> <Activity name="ERP.PayCode" title="Pay Codes" hint="Manage Paycodes used to pass to ePayroll for payment" /> <Activity name="ERP.PayGroup" title="Pay Groups" hint="Manage Paygroups to group employees for ePayroll" /> <Activity name="ERP.GLCurrency" title="Currencies" hint="Setup Currencies used in the system for GL accounts, Customers, Suppliers and related transactions" /> <Activity name="ERP.Bank" title="Bank" hint="Define banks used if not already in the list" /> <Activity name="ERP.BankBranch" title="Branch" hint="Define bank branches used by your bank accounts on host company" /> <Activity name="ERP.ImportGLAccount" title="Imported GL Accounts and mappings" /> </ProcessArea> </ProcessArea> <ProcessArea id="MaintenanceAdmin" title="Admin"> <ProcessArea title="Maintenanace"> <Activity name="ERP.MaintenanceSchedule" title="Maintenance Schedules" /> <Activity name="ERP.Asset" style="Maintenance" title="Vehicle Maintenance List" /> </ProcessArea> </ProcessArea> <Roles> <UserRole id="Driver-Tour">Driver- Tour</UserRole> <UserRole id="Financials">Financials</UserRole> </Roles> </Menu> <UIPreferences /> </ESA>
Driver Portal Roster Page - example screens in WPF
Request - driver portal roster blank page
<ESA> <CreateActivity name="ERP.Person" style="PortalRoster" suppressFields="1"> <Field id="CurrentBranchId" masked="0" /> <Field id="QueryDateRange.From" masked="0" /> <Field id="QueryDateRange.To" masked="0" /> <DataPublication autoPopulate="0" id="driverroster" populateMethod="listDriverRoster" /> <DataPublication autoPopulate="once" id="CurrentBranchComboBox" populateMethod="listBranches" queryMode="single" /> </CreateActivity> </ESA>
Response - Driver Portal Roster blank page
<ESA success="1" unreadMessages="1" responseTime="115" cpuTime="125"> <Activity activityHandle="636864275194232724.42" title="Maintain Person" titleField="Name" newInstance="1" ActivityPersistentId="0"> <Field id="CurrentBranchId" label="Branch Id" value="0" datatype="number" disabled="1" hidden="1" contentType="integer" null="0" valid="1" static="1" /> <Field id="Name" null="1" valid="0" disabled="1" /> <Field id="Calendar._QueryDateRange.From" label="From" datatype="date" /> <Field id="Calendar._QueryDateRange.To" label="To" datatype="date" /> <Field id="Calendar.QueryDateRange.From" null="0" valid="1" value="1/01/2019" date="1/01/2019" DayOfWeek="Tuesday" datatype="date" static="1" /> <Field id="Calendar.QueryDateRange.To" null="0" valid="1" value="31/12/2019" date="31/12/2019" DayOfWeek="Tuesday" datatype="date" static="1" /> <Field id="Correspondence.MySource" null="0" valid="1" label="MySource" datatype="string" maxLength="-1" disabled="0" hidden="0" value="Person -" /> <Field id="_QueryDateRange.From" label="From" datatype="date" /> <Field id="_QueryDateRange.To" label="To" datatype="date" /> <Field id="QueryDateRange.From" null="0" valid="1" value="18/02/2019" date="18/02/2019" DayOfWeek="Monday" datatype="date" /> <Field id="QueryDateRange.To" null="0" valid="1" value="24/02/2019" date="24/02/2019" DayOfWeek="Sunday" datatype="date" /> <Types> <Type id="ERP.Company" image="Company" /> <Type id="ERP.HostCompany" image="HostCompany" /> </Types> <Data id="CurrentBranchComboBox"> <Columns> <Column id="1" label="Branches" datatype="string" width="auto" /> </Columns> <Rows Type="cell"> <Row Type="Branches" id="2"> <Cell id="1">AEA</Cell> </Row> <Row Type="Branches" id="3"> <Cell id="1">MNB</Cell> </Row> <Row Type="Branches" id="1"> <Cell id="1">RCT</Cell> </Row> </Rows> </Data> </Activity> </ESA>
Request date options
<ESA> <Activity activityHandle="636864277196912678.43"> <Method name="QueryDateRange.DateActionMenu" /> </Activity> </ESA>
<ESA success="1" responseTime="0" cpuTime="0"> <Activity activityHandle="636864277196912678.43"> <ContextMenu> <MenuItem action="$QueryDateRange.Today" text="Today" /> <MenuItem action="$QueryDateRange.Tomorrow" text="Tomorrow" /> <MenuItem action="$QueryDateRange.Yesterday" text="Yesterday" /> <Menu name="This"> <MenuItem action="$QueryDateRange.ThisWeek" text="Week" /> <MenuItem action="$QueryDateRange.CurrentMonth" text="Month (Calendar)" /> <MenuItem action="$QueryDateRange.ThisYear" text="This Year (Calendar)" /> <MenuItem action="$QueryDateRange.ThisYearFin" text="This Year (Financial)" /> </Menu> <Menu name="Last"> <MenuItem action="$QueryDateRange.LastWeek" text="Week" /> <MenuItem action="$QueryDateRange.LastMonth" text="Month" /> <MenuItem action="$QueryDateRange.LastYearFin" text="Financial Year" /> <MenuItem action="$QueryDateRange.LastQuarter" text="Last Quarter" /> <MenuItem action="$QueryDateRange.LastYear" text="Last Year (2018)" /> </Menu> <Menu name="Next"> <MenuItem action="$QueryDateRange.NextMonth" text="Next Month" /> <MenuItem action="$QueryDateRange.NextWeek" text="Next Week" /> </Menu> <MenuItem action="$QueryDateRange.PreviousMonth" text="Previous Month (January)" /> <MenuItem action="$QueryDateRange.Clear" text="Clear" /> </ContextMenu> <Method name="DateActionMenu" result="True" /> </Activity> </ESA>
Select date range Option Choice (last quarter)
Select date range choice
<ESA> <Activity activityHandle="636864277196912678.43"> <MenuAction action="$QueryDateRange.LastQuarter" /> </Activity> </ESA>
Result of selection of date range choice
<ESA success="1" responseTime="14" cpuTime="15"> <Activity activityHandle="636864277196912678.43"> <Field id="QueryDateRange.To" null="0" valid="1" value="31/12/2018" date="31/12/2018" DayOfWeek="Monday" /> <Field id="QueryDateRange.From" null="0" valid="1" value="1/10/2018" date="1/10/2018" DayOfWeek="Monday" /> </Activity> </ESA>
Request roster results
<ESA> <Activity activityHandle="636864275194232724.42"> <Method name="listDriverRoster" /> </Activity> </ESA>
<ESA success="1" unreadMessages="1" responseTime="175" cpuTime="0"> <Activity activityHandle="636864275194232724.42"> <Method name="listDriverRoster" result="null" /> <Data id="driverroster" frozenColumnCount="5" source="Publishable Collection : Driver Roster" clearColumnDefinitions="1"> <Columns> <Column id="1" label="Date" datatype="string" width="50" /> <Column id="2" label="Day" datatype="string" width="60" /> <Column id="3" label="Reqd" datatype="number" width="40" /> <Column id="4" label="Rost" datatype="number" width="40" /> <Column id="5" label="Assn" datatype="number" width="40" /> <Column id="6" label="Scott" datatype="string" width="50" matrixKey="20" /> <Column id="7" label="Dane" datatype="string" width="50" matrixKey="1005" /> <Column id="8" label="PaulS" datatype="string" width="50" matrixKey="15" /> <Column id="9" label="Lindsay" datatype="string" width="50" matrixKey="14" /> <Column id="10" label="Steve" datatype="string" width="50" matrixKey="23" /> <Column id="11" label="Clint" datatype="string" width="50" matrixKey="372" /> <Column id="12" label="Graham" datatype="string" width="50" matrixKey="715" /> <Column id="13" label="PaulB" datatype="string" width="50" matrixKey="662" /> <Column id="14" label="Axel" datatype="string" width="50" matrixKey="1067" /> <Column id="15" label="SteveH" datatype="string" width="50" matrixKey="1374" /> <Column id="16" label="LAZ" datatype="string" width="50" matrixKey="13" /> <Column id="17" label="JS" datatype="string" width="50" matrixKey="1006" /> <Column id="18" label="Charles" datatype="string" width="50" matrixKey="1313" /> <Column id="19" label="Vorn" datatype="string" width="50" matrixKey="16" /> <Column id="20" label="Christophe" datatype="string" width="50" matrixKey="1704" /> <Column id="21" label="DON" datatype="string" width="50" matrixKey="8" /> <Column id="22" label="Mario" datatype="string" width="50" matrixKey="1103" /> <Column id="23" label="PeterM" datatype="string" width="50" matrixKey="26" /> <Column id="24" label="JL" datatype="string" width="50" matrixKey="1336" /> <Column id="25" label="KS" datatype="string" width="50" matrixKey="908" /> <Column id="26" label="GregCole" datatype="string" width="50" matrixKey="850" /> <Column id="27" label="TonyM" datatype="string" width="50" matrixKey="1687" /> <Column id="28" label="James" datatype="string" width="50" matrixKey="27" /> <Column id="29" label="Jelle" datatype="string" width="50" matrixKey="17" /> <Column id="30" label="JL" datatype="string" width="50" matrixKey="557" /> <Column id="31" label="MC" datatype="string" width="50" matrixKey="416" /> <Column id="32" label="PS" datatype="string" width="50" matrixKey="11" /> <Column id="33" label="TT" datatype="string" width="50" matrixKey="500" /> <Column id="34" label="TS" datatype="string" width="50" matrixKey="417" /> </Columns> <Rows contextId="20190224" Type="cell"> <Row Type="RosterItem" id="20190218"> <Cell id="1">Feb 18</Cell> <Cell id="2">Monday</Cell> <Cell id="3">1</Cell> <Cell id="4">0</Cell> <Cell id="5">0</Cell> <Cell id="6">-</Cell> <Cell id="7">-</Cell> <Cell id="8">-</Cell> <Cell id="9">-</Cell> <Cell id="10">-</Cell> <Cell id="11">-</Cell> <Cell id="12">-</Cell> <Cell id="13">-</Cell> <Cell id="14">-</Cell> <Cell id="15">-</Cell> <Cell id="16">-</Cell> <Cell id="17">-</Cell> <Cell id="18">-</Cell> <Cell id="19">-</Cell> <Cell id="20">-</Cell> <Cell id="21">-</Cell> <Cell id="22">-</Cell> <Cell id="23">-</Cell> <Cell id="24">-</Cell> <Cell id="25">-</Cell> <Cell id="26">-</Cell> <Cell id="27">-</Cell> <Cell id="28">-</Cell> <Cell id="29">-</Cell> <Cell id="30">-</Cell> <Cell id="31">-</Cell> <Cell id="32">-</Cell> <Cell id="33">-</Cell> <Cell id="34">-</Cell> </Row> <Row Type="RosterItem" id="20190219"> <Cell id="1">Feb 19</Cell> <Cell id="2">Tuesday</Cell> <Cell id="3">1</Cell> <Cell id="4">0</Cell> <Cell id="5">0</Cell> <Cell id="6">-</Cell> <Cell id="7">-</Cell> <Cell id="8">-</Cell> <Cell id="9">-</Cell> <Cell id="10">-</Cell> <Cell id="11">-</Cell> <Cell id="12">-</Cell> <Cell id="13">-</Cell> <Cell id="14">-</Cell> <Cell id="15">-</Cell> <Cell id="16">-</Cell> <Cell id="17">-</Cell> <Cell id="18">-</Cell> <Cell id="19">-</Cell> <Cell id="20">-</Cell> <Cell id="21">-</Cell> <Cell id="22">-</Cell> <Cell id="23">-</Cell> <Cell id="24">-</Cell> <Cell id="25">-</Cell> <Cell id="26">-</Cell> <Cell id="27">-</Cell> <Cell id="28">-</Cell> <Cell id="29">-</Cell> <Cell id="30">-</Cell> <Cell id="31">-</Cell> <Cell id="32">-</Cell> <Cell id="33">-</Cell> <Cell id="34">-</Cell> </Row> <Row Type="RosterItem" id="20190220"> <Cell id="1">Feb 20</Cell> <Cell id="2">Wednesday</Cell> <Cell id="3">1</Cell> <Cell id="4">0</Cell> <Cell id="5">0</Cell> <Cell id="6">-</Cell> <Cell id="7">-</Cell> <Cell id="8">-</Cell> <Cell id="9">-</Cell> <Cell id="10">-</Cell> <Cell id="11">-</Cell> <Cell id="12">-</Cell> <Cell id="13">-</Cell> <Cell id="14">-</Cell> <Cell id="15">-</Cell> <Cell id="16">-</Cell> <Cell id="17">-</Cell> <Cell id="18">-</Cell> <Cell id="19">-</Cell> <Cell id="20">-</Cell> <Cell id="21">-</Cell> <Cell id="22">-</Cell> <Cell id="23">-</Cell> <Cell id="24">-</Cell> <Cell id="25">-</Cell> <Cell id="26">-</Cell> <Cell id="27">-</Cell> <Cell id="28">-</Cell> <Cell id="29">-</Cell> <Cell id="30">-</Cell> <Cell id="31">-</Cell> <Cell id="32">-</Cell> <Cell id="33">-</Cell> <Cell id="34">-</Cell> </Row> <Row Type="RosterItem" id="20190221"> <Cell id="1">Feb 21</Cell> <Cell id="2">Thursday</Cell> <Cell id="3">1</Cell> <Cell id="4">0</Cell> <Cell id="5">0</Cell> <Cell id="6">-</Cell> <Cell id="7">-</Cell> <Cell id="8">-</Cell> <Cell id="9">-</Cell> <Cell id="10">-</Cell> <Cell id="11">-</Cell> <Cell id="12">-</Cell> <Cell id="13">-</Cell> <Cell id="14">-</Cell> <Cell id="15">-</Cell> <Cell id="16">-</Cell> <Cell id="17">-</Cell> <Cell id="18">-</Cell> <Cell id="19">-</Cell> <Cell id="20">-</Cell> <Cell id="21">-</Cell> <Cell id="22">-</Cell> <Cell id="23">-</Cell> <Cell id="24">-</Cell> <Cell id="25">-</Cell> <Cell id="26">-</Cell> <Cell id="27">-</Cell> <Cell id="28">-</Cell> <Cell id="29">-</Cell> <Cell id="30">-</Cell> <Cell id="31">-</Cell> <Cell id="32">-</Cell> <Cell id="33">-</Cell> <Cell id="34">-</Cell> </Row> <Row Type="RosterItem" id="20190222"> <Cell id="1">Feb 22</Cell> <Cell id="2">Friday</Cell> <Cell id="3">1</Cell> <Cell id="4">0</Cell> <Cell id="5">0</Cell> <Cell id="6">-</Cell> <Cell id="7">-</Cell> <Cell id="8">-</Cell> <Cell id="9">-</Cell> <Cell id="10">-</Cell> <Cell id="11">-</Cell> <Cell id="12">-</Cell> <Cell id="13">-</Cell> <Cell id="14">-</Cell> <Cell id="15">-</Cell> <Cell id="16">-</Cell> <Cell id="17">-</Cell> <Cell id="18">-</Cell> <Cell id="19">-</Cell> <Cell id="20">-</Cell> <Cell id="21">-</Cell> <Cell id="22">-</Cell> <Cell id="23">-</Cell> <Cell id="24">-</Cell> <Cell id="25">-</Cell> <Cell id="26">-</Cell> <Cell id="27">-</Cell> <Cell id="28">-</Cell> <Cell id="29">-</Cell> <Cell id="30">-</Cell> <Cell id="31">-</Cell> <Cell id="32">-</Cell> <Cell id="33">-</Cell> <Cell id="34">-</Cell> </Row> <Row Type="RosterItem" id="20190223"> <Cell id="1">Feb 23</Cell> <Cell id="2">Saturday</Cell> <Cell id="3">1</Cell> <Cell id="4">0</Cell> <Cell id="5">0</Cell> <Cell id="6">-</Cell> <Cell id="7">-</Cell> <Cell id="8">-</Cell> <Cell id="9">-</Cell> <Cell id="10">-</Cell> <Cell id="11">-</Cell> <Cell id="12">-</Cell> <Cell id="13">-</Cell> <Cell id="14">-</Cell> <Cell id="15">-</Cell> <Cell id="16">-</Cell> <Cell id="17">-</Cell> <Cell id="18">-</Cell> <Cell id="19">-</Cell> <Cell id="20">-</Cell> <Cell id="21">-</Cell> <Cell id="22">-</Cell> <Cell id="23">-</Cell> <Cell id="24">-</Cell> <Cell id="25">-</Cell> <Cell id="26">-</Cell> <Cell id="27">-</Cell> <Cell id="28">-</Cell> <Cell id="29">-</Cell> <Cell id="30">-</Cell> <Cell id="31">-</Cell> <Cell id="32">-</Cell> <Cell id="33">-</Cell> <Cell id="34">-</Cell> </Row> <Row Type="RosterItem" id="20190224"> <Cell id="1">Feb 24</Cell> <Cell id="2">Sunday</Cell> <Cell id="3">1</Cell> <Cell id="4">0</Cell> <Cell id="5">0</Cell> <Cell id="6">-</Cell> <Cell id="7">-</Cell> <Cell id="8">-</Cell> <Cell id="9">-</Cell> <Cell id="10">-</Cell> <Cell id="11">-</Cell> <Cell id="12">-</Cell> <Cell id="13">-</Cell> <Cell id="14">-</Cell> <Cell id="15">-</Cell> <Cell id="16">-</Cell> <Cell id="17">-</Cell> <Cell id="18">-</Cell> <Cell id="19">-</Cell> <Cell id="20">-</Cell> <Cell id="21">-</Cell> <Cell id="22">-</Cell> <Cell id="23">-</Cell> <Cell id="24">-</Cell> <Cell id="25">-</Cell> <Cell id="26">-</Cell> <Cell id="27">-</Cell> <Cell id="28">-</Cell> <Cell id="29">-</Cell> <Cell id="30">-</Cell> <Cell id="31">-</Cell> <Cell id="32">-</Cell> <Cell id="33">-</Cell> <Cell id="34">-</Cell> </Row> </Rows> </Data> </Activity> </ESA>
GL chart of accounts page
Blank Page includes tree view of chart of accounts
<ESA> <CreateActivity name="ERP.GLAccount" style="" suppressFields="1"> <Field id="AccountType" masked="0" /> <Field id="SubType" masked="0" /> <Field id="DefaultTaxType" masked="0" /> <Field id="FixedCurrencyId" masked="0" /> <Field id="QuerySearchInclusions" masked="0" /> <Field id="QueryAcctInclusions" masked="0" /> <Field id="HelperJournal.JournalType" masked="0" /> <Field id="HelperJournal.SubTypeFilter" masked="0" /> <Field id="QueryAmountMode" masked="0" /> <Field id="ShowReport" masked="0" /> <Field id="CurrentBranchId" masked="0" /> <Field id="CoaCode" masked="0" /> <Field id="NameOverride" masked="0" /> <Field id="ParentName" masked="0" /> <Field id="Disabled" masked="0" /> <Field id="SpecialType" masked="0" /> <Field id="DisplaySequence" masked="0" /> <Field id="ReportSequence" masked="0" /> <Field id="QueryDateAt" masked="0" /> <Field id="CurrentBalance" masked="0" /> <Field id="CurrentFCBalance" masked="0" /> <Field id="Name" masked="0" /> <Field id="OpeningBalanceTemp" masked="0" /> <Field id="HelperJournal.TotalDebits" masked="0" /> <Field id="HelperJournal.TotalCredits" masked="0" /> <Field id="ClosingBalance" masked="0" /> <Field id="QueryDateRange.From" masked="0" /> <Field id="QueryDateRange.To" masked="0" /> <Field id="QuerySearch" masked="0" /> <Field id="HelperJournal.FilterOnDueDate" masked="0" /> <Field id="QueryAmount" masked="0" /> <DataPublication id="AccountType" queryMode="single" /> <DataPublication id="SubType" queryMode="single" /> <DataPublication id="DefaultTaxType" queryMode="single" /> <DataPublication autoPopulate="once" id="FixedCurrencyId" populateMethod="listCurrencies" queryMode="single" /> <DataPublication id="lvBalanceHistory" populateMethod="listBalanceHistory" /> <DataPublication id="lvAccountVisibility" populateMethod="listAccountVisibility" /> <DataPublication id="lvChartOfAccounts" populateMethod="$custom" /> <DataPublication id="QuerySearchInclusions" queryMode="single" /> <DataPublication id="QueryAcctInclusions" queryMode="single" /> <DataPublication id="HelperJournal.JournalType" queryMode="single" /> <DataPublication autoPopulate="0" id="HelperJournal.SubTypeFilter" populateMethod="listSubtypes" queryMode="single" /> <DataPublication id="QueryAmountMode" queryMode="single" /> <DataPublication autoPopulate="0" id="lvTransactions" populateMethod="listJournals" /> <DataPublication id="ShowReport" queryMode="single" /> <DataPublication autoPopulate="0" id="lvStatistics" populateMethod="listStatistics" /> <DataPublication autoPopulate="once" id="CurrentBranchComboBox" populateMethod="listBranches" queryMode="single" /> </CreateActivity> </ESA>
<ESA success="1" unreadMessages="1" responseTime="249" cpuTime="250"> <Activity activityHandle="636864281564482561.44" title="GL Chart Of Accounts" titleField="Name" newInstance="1" focusField="CoaCode" ActivityPersistentId="0"> <Field id="AccountType" label="Account Type" value="0" text="" datatype="Enum" disabled="0" hidden="0" contentType="short" null="1" valid="0" /> <Field id="SubType" label="Subtype" value="0" text="" datatype="Enum" disabled="0" hidden="0" contentType="short" null="1" valid="1" /> <Field id="DefaultTaxType" label="Default Tax Type" value="2" text="GST" datatype="Enum" disabled="0" hidden="0" contentType="short" null="0" valid="1" /> <Field id="FixedCurrencyId" label="Fixed Currency" value="0" text="?" datatype="number" disabled="1" hidden="0" contentType="text" null="0" valid="1" /> <Field id="QuerySearchInclusions" label="Search for" value="1" text="Internal Reference" datatype="Enum" disabled="0" hidden="0" contentType="short" null="0" valid="1" /> <Field id="QueryAcctInclusions" label="Include" value="1" text="This Account" datatype="Enum" disabled="0" hidden="0" contentType="short" null="0" valid="1" /> <Field id="HelperJournal.JournalType" label="Journal Type" value="0" text="" datatype="Enum" disabled="0" hidden="0" contentType="short" /> <Field id="HelperJournal.SubTypeFilter" label="Sub-type" hint="Filter journals on their sub-type, where applicable." value="" datatype="number" disabled="0" hidden="0" contentType="integer" /> <Field id="QueryAmountMode" label="Condition" value="1" text="=" datatype="Enum" disabled="0" hidden="0" contentType="short" null="0" valid="1" /> <Field id="ShowReport" label="Report" value="1" text="Acct Usage" datatype="Enum" disabled="0" hidden="0" contentType="short" null="0" valid="1" /> <Field id="CoaCode" label="Account Code" hint="Codes or names to find your accounts" datatype="string" textCase="Upper" maxLength="15" isSearchField="1" disabled="0" hidden="0" null="1" valid="0" /> <Field id="NameOverride" label="Custom Name" hint="The standard name can be overridden in a different company. Note that all host companies within your environment share GL codes." datatype="string" maxLength="120" disabled="0" hidden="0" null="1" valid="1" forcequeryval="1" /> <Field id="ParentName" label="Parent" datatype="string" maxLength="-1" disabled="1" hidden="0" null="0" valid="1" value="[root]" /> <Field id="Disabled" label="Disallow usage on new entries" value="0" text="No" datatype="bool" disabled="0" hidden="0" null="0" valid="1" /> <Field id="SpecialType" label="Special Type(s)" hint="Special types make the GL account available for particular processes (generally expense accounts)" text="(0)" datatype="Enum" disabled="0" hidden="0" contentType="integer" null="1" valid="1"> <Item value="10" text="Supplier Claim" /> <Item value="20" text="Stock Adjustment" /> <Item value="40" text="Spend Money" /> <Item value="45" text="Landed Cost" /> <Item value="46" text="Clearing" /> <Item value="50" text="Debt Write off" /> <Item value="60" text="Force Tax Type Default" /> </Field> <Field id="DisplaySequence" label="Display Sequence" value="" datatype="number" disabled="0" hidden="0" null="1" valid="1" /> <Field id="ReportSequence" label="Report Sequence" value="" datatype="number" disabled="0" hidden="0" contentType="integer" null="1" valid="1" /> <Field id="QueryDateAt" label="As At" value="22/02/2019" date="22/02/2019" DayOfWeek="Friday" datatype="date" disabled="0" hidden="0" null="0" valid="1" static="1" /> <Field id="CurrentBalance" label="Current Balance" value="" datatype="number" disabled="1" hidden="0" contentType="currency" null="1" valid="1" /> <Field id="CurrentFCBalance" label="Current foreign currency Balance" value="" datatype="number" disabled="1" hidden="0" contentType="currency" null="1" valid="1" /> <Field id="Name" label="Name" datatype="string" maxLength="80" disabled="0" hidden="0" null="1" valid="0" /> <Field id="OpeningBalanceTemp" label="Opening Balance" hint="Opening balance for the period of your query" value="" datatype="number" disabled="1" hidden="0" contentType="currency" null="1" valid="1" /> <Field id="HelperJournal.TotalDebits" label="Total Debits" value="" datatype="number" disabled="1" hidden="0" contentType="currency" /> <Field id="HelperJournal.TotalCredits" label="Total Credits" value="" datatype="number" disabled="1" hidden="0" contentType="currency" /> <Field id="ClosingBalance" label="Closing Balance" hint="Closing balance for this query (difference between credits and debits applied to opening balance)" value="" datatype="number" disabled="1" hidden="0" contentType="currency" null="1" valid="1" /> <Field id="QuerySearch" label="Search Text" datatype="string" maxLength="-1" disabled="0" hidden="0" null="1" valid="1" /> <Field id="HelperJournal.FilterOnDueDate" label="Include line link" value="0" text="(null)" datatype="bool" disabled="0" hidden="0" /> <Field id="QueryAmount" label="DR/CR/Amt" value="" datatype="number" disabled="0" hidden="0" null="1" valid="1" /> <Field id="_QueryDateRange.From" label="From" datatype="date" /> <Field id="_QueryDateRange.To" label="To" datatype="date" /> <Field id="QueryDateRange.From" static="1" null="0" valid="1" value="1/02/2019" date="1/02/2019" DayOfWeek="Friday" datatype="date" /> <Field id="QueryDateRange.To" static="1" null="0" valid="1" value="28/02/2019" date="28/02/2019" DayOfWeek="Thursday" datatype="date" /> <Field id="CurrentBranchId" hidden="1" /> <Field id="HelperJournal.Company.Correspondence.MySource" null="0" valid="1" value="Company - AEA Luxury Tours" datatype="string" maxLength="-1" label="MySource" disabled="0" hidden="0" /> <Field id="HelperJournal.Company.Owners.Owner.Correspondence.MySource" null="0" valid="1" label="MySource" datatype="string" maxLength="-1" disabled="0" hidden="0" value="Owner -" /> <Field id="HelperJournal.Company.BankAccount.Creditor.Correspondence.MySource" null="0" valid="1" label="MySource" datatype="string" maxLength="-1" disabled="0" hidden="0" value="Creditor -" /> <Field id="HelperJournal._QueryDateRange.From" label="From" datatype="date" /> <Field id="HelperJournal._QueryDateRange.To" label="To" datatype="date" /> <Field id="HelperJournal.QueryDateRange.From" static="1" null="0" valid="1" value="11/02/2019" date="11/02/2019" DayOfWeek="Monday" datatype="date" /> <Field id="HelperJournal.QueryDateRange.To" static="1" null="0" valid="1" value="17/02/2019" date="17/02/2019" DayOfWeek="Sunday" datatype="date" /> <Types> <Type id="AccountType" image="AccountType.jpg" /> <Type id="JournalType" image="JournalType.jpg" /> <Type id="ERP.DebtorInvoice" image="DebtorInvoice" /> <Type id="ERP.DebtorPayment" image="DebtorPayment" /> <Type id="ERP.DebtorDeposit" image="DebtorDeposit" /> <Type id="ERP.DebtorRefund" image="DebtorRefund" /> <Type id="ERP.DebtorPromptPayment" image="DebtorPromptPayment" /> <Type id="ERP.DebtorGeneralJournal" image="DebtorGeneralJournal" /> <Type id="ERP.DebtorCreditNote" image="DebtorCreditNote" /> <Type id="ERP.CreditorInvoice" image="CreditorInvoice" /> <Type id="ERP.CreditorPayment" image="CreditorPayment" /> <Type id="ERP.CreditorPromptPayment" image="CreditorPromptPayment" /> <Type id="ERP.CreditorGeneralJournal" image="CreditorGeneralJournal" /> <Type id="ERP.CreditorCreditNote" image="CreditorCreditNote" /> <Type id="parent" image="parent.ico" /> <Type id="child" image="child.ico" /> <Type id="AcctSummary" image="glaccount.ico" /> </Types> <Data id="AccountType" source="Account Type enum.ListMe"> <Types> <Type name="AccountType" image="AccountType.ico" /> </Types> <Columns> <Column id="1" label="AccountType" datatype="string" width="200" /> </Columns> <Rows> <Row Type="AccountType" id="1"> <Cell id="1">Revenue</Cell> </Row> <Row Type="AccountType" id="2"> <Cell id="1">Expenses</Cell> </Row> <Row Type="AccountType" id="3"> <Cell id="1">Assets</Cell> </Row> <Row Type="AccountType" id="4"> <Cell id="1">Liabilities</Cell> </Row> <Row Type="AccountType" id="5"> <Cell id="1">Equity/Capital</Cell> </Row> <Row Type="AccountType" id="6"> <Cell id="1">Cost of Sales</Cell> </Row> <Row Type="AccountType" id="7"> <Cell id="1">Other income</Cell> </Row> <Row Type="AccountType" id="8"> <Cell id="1">Other expenses</Cell> </Row> <Row Type="AccountType" id="9"> <Cell id="1">Dividends/Interest/Tax</Cell> </Row> </Rows> </Data> <Data id="SubType" source="Subtype enum.ListMe"> <Columns> <Column id="1" label="SubType" datatype="string" width="200" /> </Columns> <Rows> <Row id="1"> <Cell id="1">Current</Cell> </Row> <Row id="2"> <Cell id="1">Non-current</Cell> </Row> <Row id="4"> <Cell id="1">Shareholders equity</Cell> </Row> <Row id="5"> <Cell id="1">Dividends</Cell> </Row> </Rows> </Data> <Data id="DefaultTaxType" source="Default Tax Type enum.ListMe"> <Columns> <Column id="1" label="DefaultTaxType" datatype="string" width="200" /> </Columns> <Rows> <Row id="1"> <Cell id="1">NA</Cell> </Row> <Row id="2"> <Cell id="1">GST</Cell> </Row> <Row id="3"> <Cell id="1">FRE</Cell> </Row> <Row id="5"> <Cell id="1">EXP</Cell> </Row> <Row id="6"> <Cell id="1">GIM</Cell> </Row> <Row id="8"> <Cell id="1">CAP</Cell> </Row> <Row id="9"> <Cell id="1">GNR</Cell> </Row> </Rows> </Data> <Data id="FixedCurrencyId"> <Columns> <Column id="1" label="Currency" datatype="string" width="auto" /> </Columns> <Rows Type="cell"> <Row Type="Currency" id="1"> <Cell id="1">AUD</Cell> </Row> </Rows> </Data> <Data id="lvBalanceHistory" clearOnly="1" /> <Data id="lvAccountVisibility" clearOnly="1" /> <Data id="lvChartOfAccounts"> <Types> <Type id="AccountType" image="AccountType.jpg" /> <Type id="JournalType" image="JournalType.jpg" /> <Type id="ERP.DebtorInvoice" image="DebtorInvoice" /> <Type id="ERP.DebtorPayment" image="DebtorPayment" /> <Type id="ERP.DebtorDeposit" image="DebtorDeposit" /> <Type id="ERP.DebtorRefund" image="DebtorRefund" /> <Type id="ERP.DebtorPromptPayment" image="DebtorPromptPayment" /> <Type id="ERP.DebtorGeneralJournal" image="DebtorGeneralJournal" /> <Type id="ERP.DebtorCreditNote" image="DebtorCreditNote" /> <Type id="ERP.CreditorInvoice" image="CreditorInvoice" /> <Type id="ERP.CreditorPayment" image="CreditorPayment" /> <Type id="ERP.CreditorPromptPayment" image="CreditorPromptPayment" /> <Type id="ERP.CreditorGeneralJournal" image="CreditorGeneralJournal" /> <Type id="ERP.CreditorCreditNote" image="CreditorCreditNote" /> <Type id="parent" image="parent.ico" /> <Type id="child" image="child.ico" /> <Type id="AcctSummary" image="glaccount.ico" /> </Types> <Rows Type="parent"> <Row id="1" Type="parent" value="REVENUE - Revenue"> <Row id="16" Type="parent" value="DIRECTINCOME - Direct Income"> <Row id="157" Type="child" value="TI - Tour Income" /> </Row> </Row> <Row id="2" Type="parent" value="EXPENSES - Expenses"> <Row id="19" Type="parent" value="OPERATIONALEXP - Operational Expenses"> <Row id="32" Type="child" value="MARKETING - Marketing, Advertising Promotions" /> <Row id="35" Type="child" value="COMPUTER - Computer Expenses" /> <Row id="59" Type="child" value="OFFICE - Office Supplies" /> <Row id="60" Type="child" value="POST - Postage n" /> <Row id="61" Type="child" value="PRINT - Printing" /> <Row id="66" Type="child" value="REPAIRS - Repairs Maintenance" /> <Row id="67" Type="child" value="ADMINWAGES - Admin Wages & Salaries" /> <Row id="68" Type="child" value="ADMINSUPER - Admin Superannuation" /> <Row id="69" Type="child" value="STAFFAMENITIES - Staff Amenities" /> <Row id="70" Type="child" value="TELEPHONE - Telephone office and mobile" /> <Row id="74" Type="child" value="UNIFORMS - Uniforms" /> <Row id="204" Type="child" value="SEC - SECURITY/ALARM" /> <Row id="266" Type="child" value="PTPLEVY - Point to Point Booking Levy" /> </Row> <Row id="22" Type="parent" value="ADMIN - Administration Costs"> <Row id="31" Type="child" value="BANKFEES - Bank Fees and Charges" /> <Row id="40" Type="child" value="MERCHANTFEES - Merchant Fees" /> <Row id="42" Type="child" value="FILING - Filing Fees" /> <Row id="47" Type="child" value="LEGALFEES - Legal Fees" /> <Row id="164" Type="child" value="NDE - Non Deductable Expense" /> <Row id="165" Type="child" value="AME - Amortisation Expense" /> <Row id="166" Type="child" value="BADD - Bad Debts Written Off" /> <Row id="168" Type="child" value="DEP - Depreciation Expense" /> <Row id="169" Type="child" value="DON - Donations" /> <Row id="170" Type="child" value="ENTDED - Entertainment - Deductable (Claim GST)" /> <Row id="171" Type="child" value="ENTNON - Entertainment Non Deductable (Do Not Claim GST)" /> <Row id="172" Type="child" value="HPE - HP Charges Expense" /> <Row id="177" Type="child" value="NCA - loss on Sale of NCA" /> <Row id="188" Type="child" value="ACCT - Accounting and Fees" /> <Row id="194" Type="child" value="PAY - Payroll Tax" /> </Row> <Row id="43" Type="parent" value="INS - INSURANCE EXPENSES"> <Row id="44" Type="child" value="PUBLICLIABILIT - Public Liability Insurance" /> <Row id="45" Type="child" value="WORKERSCOMP - Workers Compensation" /> <Row id="173" Type="child" value="TVLIN - Travel Insurance" /> <Row id="175" Type="child" value="OFFIN - Office Insurance" /> </Row> <Row id="49" Type="parent" value="MOTORVEHICLE - MOTOR VEHICLE EXPENSES"> <Row id="54" Type="child" value="VEHICLEINSURAN - Vehicle Fleet Insurance" /> <Row id="78" Type="child" value="CHPLEASE - CHP / Lease Payments" /> <Row id="79" Type="child" value="REGO - Rego/Greenslips" /> <Row id="80" Type="child" value="SERVICE - Service/Repairs" /> <Row id="167" Type="child" value="CLE - Cleaning" /> <Row id="189" Type="child" value="REFIT - New/Repair Fitout of Vehicle Interiors" /> <Row id="229" Type="child" value="GPS - GPS - Gps Tracking of Vehicles" /> </Row> <Row id="62" Type="parent" value="RENTRATES - RENT RATES & LEVIES"> <Row id="63" Type="child" value="WASTE - Waste Removal" /> <Row id="64" Type="child" value="PROPERTYLEVIES - Property Levies" /> <Row id="65" Type="child" value="RENT - Rent" /> </Row> <Row id="71" Type="parent" value="TRAVEL - Travel Costs"> <Row id="72" Type="child" value="LOCALTRAVEL - Local /domestic Travel" /> <Row id="73" Type="child" value="OVERSEAS - Overseas Travel Costs" /> </Row> <Row id="75" Type="parent" value="UTILITIES - UTILITIES"> <Row id="76" Type="child" value="ELECTRICITY - Electricity" /> <Row id="77" Type="child" value="SYDWATER - Sydney Water" /> </Row> </Row> <Row id="3" Type="parent" value="ASSETS - Assets"> <Row id="6" Type="parent" value="CURRENTASSETS - Current Assets"> <Row id="8" Type="parent" value="BANKACCOUNTS - Bank Accounts"> <Row id="9" Type="child" value="SUNCORP - SUNCORP EVERY DAY ACT" /> <Row id="10" Type="child" value="NAB - NATIONAL AUST BANK" /> <Row id="180" Type="child" value="PAYMENTCLEARING - Payment Clearning Account" /> <Row id="181" Type="child" value="CASHDISCR - Cash Discrepancy" /> <Row id="195" Type="child" value="PETTY - Petty CAsh" /> </Row> <Row id="81" Type="child" value="ACR - ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE" /> <Row id="83" Type="child" value="RBOND - RENTAL BOND 1" /> <Row id="84" Type="child" value="UND - UNDEPOSITED FUNDSTS" /> <Row id="231" Type="child" value="OTHERDEBTORS - Other Debtors" /> <Row id="232" Type="child" value="LOANRC - Loans - Red Carpet Pty Ltd" /> </Row> <Row id="7" Type="parent" value="NONCURRENTASSET - Non Current Assets"> <Row id="85" Type="parent" value="PROP - PROPERTY PLANT EQUIPMENT"> <Row id="86" Type="child" value="LAND - Land and Buildings at Cost" /> <Row id="87" Type="child" value="LEASE - Leasehold Building Improvements at Cost" /> <Row id="88" Type="child" value="LAA - Less Accumulated Amortisation" /> <Row id="89" Type="child" value="MVC - Motor Vehicles at Cost" /> <Row id="90" Type="child" value="LAD - Less Accumulated Depreciaton" /> <Row id="91" Type="child" value="PEC - Plant and Equipment at Cost" /> <Row id="92" Type="child" value="SCE - Sale Proceeds of Capital Equipement" /> <Row id="93" Type="child" value="SMV - Sale Proceeds of Motor Vehicles" /> <Row id="228" Type="child" value="PED - PED - Less Accumulated Depreciation (P&E)" /> </Row> <Row id="94" Type="parent" value="GWILL - GOODWILL"> <Row id="95" Type="child" value="AWPT - AWPT" /> <Row id="96" Type="child" value="DMT - Dal Myles Tours" /> <Row id="97" Type="child" value="RCT - Red Carpet Tours" /> </Row> <Row id="98" Type="parent" value="LOANS - LOANS"> <Row id="99" Type="child" value="7A-F11 - Loan - Div.7A F11" /> <Row id="100" Type="child" value="7A-F13 - Loan-Div.7A F13" /> <Row id="101" Type="child" value="UNSEC - Loans-Unsecured" /> </Row> <Row id="102" Type="child" value="PREEXP - Preliminary Expenses" /> <Row id="103" Type="child" value="PREBOR - Prepaid Borrowing Expenses" /> </Row> </Row> <Row id="4" Type="parent" value="LIABTS - Liabilities"> <Row id="11" Type="parent" value="CURRENTLIABIL - Current Liabilities"> <Row id="13" Type="parent" value="CREDITACCOUNTS - Credit Accounts"> <Row id="14" Type="child" value="AMX - American Express Don" /> <Row id="15" Type="child" value="CITI - Citibank Ready Credit Card" /> <Row id="105" Type="child" value="ANZ - ANZ Visa" /> <Row id="106" Type="child" value="NABV - NAB Visa 6353" /> <Row id="107" Type="child" value="NABMC - NAB Property Mastercard 7111" /> <Row id="108" Type="child" value="AMXT - American Express Tane" /> </Row> <Row id="104" Type="child" value="ACP - Accounts Payable" /> <Row id="109" Type="child" value="ATO - ATO ICA - unpaid BAS" /> <Row id="111" Type="child" value="CSA - Child Support Agency Clearing" /> <Row id="112" Type="child" value="OC - Other Creditors" /> <Row id="114" Type="child" value="PAYG - PAYG Withholding" /> <Row id="115" Type="child" value="SUP - Superannuation Payable Clearing" /> <Row id="116" Type="child" value="PIT - Provision for Income Tax" /> <Row id="117" Type="child" value="IAL - Income In Advance Liability" /> <Row id="118" Type="parent" value="HIREP - HIRE PURCHASE"> <Row id="119" Type="child" value="HPLG - Hire Purchase Liability General" /> <Row id="120" Type="child" value="HPUC - Hire Purchase Unexpired Charges General" /> <Row id="121" Type="child" value="HP5863 - Hire Purchase Liabiilty TV 5863" /> <Row id="122" Type="child" value="HPUC5863 - Hire Purchase Unexpired Charges TV 5863" /> <Row id="123" Type="child" value="HP7205 - Hire Purchase Liability TV 7205" /> <Row id="124" Type="child" value="HPUC7205 - Hire Purchase Unexpired Charges TV 7205" /> <Row id="125" Type="child" value="HPTV7504 - Hire Purchase Liabilty TV 7504" /> <Row id="126" Type="child" value="HPUC7504 - Hire Purchase Unexpired Charges TV 7504" /> <Row id="214" Type="child" value="HPTV9033 - HPTV9033" /> <Row id="218" Type="child" value="HPTV8910 - Current HP Liability TV 8910" /> <Row id="219" Type="child" value="HTTV8910C - Current HP Unexpired Charges TV 8910" /> <Row id="220" Type="child" value="HPAUDIQ7 - Long Term Hire Purchase Liabiilty TV8910" /> <Row id="221" Type="child" value="HPAUDIQ7C - Current HP Unexpired Charges AUDI Q7" /> <Row id="224" Type="child" value="MERV250C - Current HP Unexpired Charges 8911" /> <Row id="225" Type="child" value="MERV250 - Current HP Liability NEW 8911" /> <Row id="233" Type="child" value="HPCWD56C - Hire Purchase Liabiilty BMW CWD56C" /> <Row id="234" Type="child" value="HPUCCWD56C - Hire Purchase Unexpired Charges BMW CWD56C" /> <Row id="235" Type="child" value="HP8251 - Hire Purchase Liabiilty TV 8251" /> <Row id="236" Type="child" value="HPUC8251 - Hire Purchase Unexpired Charges TV 8251" /> <Row id="237" Type="child" value="HP8252 - Hire Purchase Liabiilty TV 8252" /> <Row id="238" Type="child" value="HPUC8252 - Hire Purchase Unexpired Charges TV 8252" /> <Row id="239" Type="child" value="HPA2K - Hire Purchase Liabiilty A2K Technology" /> <Row id="240" Type="child" value="HPUCA2K - Hire Purchase Unexpired Charges A2K Technology" /> <Row id="241" Type="child" value="HPASKI - Hire Purchase Liabiilty Saasaski" /> <Row id="242" Type="child" value="HPUCASKI - Hire Purchase Unexpired Charges Saasaski" /> <Row id="253" Type="child" value="HP9582 - Hire Purchase Liabiilty TV 9582" /> <Row id="254" Type="child" value="HPUC9582 - Hire Purchase Unexpired Charges TV 9582" /> <Row id="255" Type="child" value="HP9583 - Hire Purchase Liabiilty TV 9583" /> <Row id="256" Type="child" value="HPUC9583 - Hire Purchase Unexpired Charges TV 9583" /> <Row id="257" Type="child" value="HP9584 - Hire Purchase Liabiilty TV 9584" /> <Row id="258" Type="child" value="HPUC9584 - Hire Purchase Unexpired Charges TV 9584" /> </Row> <Row id="127" Type="parent" value="CHAT - CHATTEL FINANCE"> <Row id="128" Type="child" value="BKC67F - Chattel Finance BKC67F" /> <Row id="129" Type="child" value="5812 - Chattel Finance TV 5812" /> <Row id="130" Type="child" value="6904 - Chattel Finance TV 6904" /> </Row> <Row id="132" Type="child" value="LUC - LOANS - Unsecured/Director/Shareholder" /> <Row id="183" Type="parent" value="GSTLIAB - GST Liabilities"> <Row id="113" Type="child" value="GPC - GST Paid Control" /> <Row id="184" Type="child" value="GCC - GST Collected Control" /> <Row id="213" Type="child" value="WITHHOLDNOABN - Withholding for companies with no ABN" /> </Row> <Row id="192" Type="child" value="SAL - Salary/Wages Clearing Account" /> <Row id="193" Type="child" value="PAYR - Payroll Tax Payable" /> </Row> <Row id="12" Type="parent" value="NONCURRENTLIAB - Non Current Liabilities"> <Row id="133" Type="parent" value="HPL - HIRE PURCHASE"> <Row id="136" Type="child" value="HPLG2 - Long Term-Hire Purchase Liability General" /> <Row id="137" Type="child" value="HPUCG - Long Term-Hire Purchse Unexpired Charges General" /> <Row id="138" Type="child" value="HP63 - Long Term-HP Liability TV5863" /> <Row id="139" Type="child" value="HPU63 - Long Term-HP Unexpired Charges TV 5863" /> <Row id="140" Type="child" value="HP05 - Long Term-HP Liability TV 7205" /> <Row id="141" Type="child" value="HPU05 - Long Term- HP unexpired charges TV 7205" /> <Row id="142" Type="child" value="HP04 - Long Term - HP Liability TV 7504" /> <Row id="143" Type="child" value="HPU04 - Long Term - HP Unexpired Charges TV 7504" /> <Row id="215" Type="child" value="HIREPURTV9033 - HIRE PURCHASE 9033" /> <Row id="216" Type="child" value="HP8910 - Long Term Hire Purchase Liabiilty TV8910" /> <Row id="217" Type="child" value="HP8910C - Long Term - HP Unexpired Charges tv8910c" /> <Row id="222" Type="child" value="HPXAUDIQ7 - Long Term Hire Purchase Liabiilty AUDI Q7" /> <Row id="223" Type="child" value="HPCAUDIQ7 - Long Term - HP Unexpired Charges AUDIQ7" /> <Row id="226" Type="child" value="XMERV250 - Long Term Hire Purchase Liabiilty 8911" /> <Row id="227" Type="child" value="XMERC8911 - Long Term - HP Unexpired Charges NEW MERC 8911" /> <Row id="243" Type="child" value="HPBMWCWDD56C - Long Term-HP Liability BMW CWD56C" /> <Row id="244" Type="child" value="HPUBMWCWD56C - Long Term- HP unexpired charges BMW CWD56C" /> <Row id="245" Type="child" value="HP51 - Long Term-HP Liability TV 8251" /> <Row id="246" Type="child" value="HPU51 - Long Term- HP unexpired charges TV 8251" /> <Row id="247" Type="child" value="HP52 - Long Term-HP Liability TV 8252" /> <Row id="248" Type="child" value="HPU52 - Long Term- HP unexpired charges TV 8252" /> <Row id="249" Type="child" value="HPAK2 - Long Term-HP Liability A2K Technology" /> <Row id="250" Type="child" value="HPUA2K - Long Term- HP unexpired charges A2K Technology" /> <Row id="251" Type="child" value="HPSASKI - Long Term-HP Liability Saasaski" /> <Row id="252" Type="child" value="HPUSASKI - Long Term- HP unexpired charges Saasaski" /> <Row id="259" Type="child" value="HPL9852 - Long Term-HP Liability TV9582" /> <Row id="261" Type="child" value="HPLUC9582 - Long Term- HP unexpired charges TV 9582" /> <Row id="262" Type="child" value="HPL9583 - Long Term-HP Liability TV 9583" /> <Row id="263" Type="child" value="HPLUC9584 - Long Term- HP unexpired charges TV 9584" /> <Row id="264" Type="child" value="HPL9584 - Long Term-HP Liability TV 9584" /> <Row id="265" Type="child" value="HPLUC9583 - Long Term- HP unexpired charges TV 9583" /> </Row> <Row id="144" Type="parent" value="CFL - CHATTEL FINANCE LONG TERM LIABILITY"> <Row id="145" Type="child" value="CF67F - Long Term - Chattel Finance BKC67F" /> <Row id="146" Type="child" value="CF12 - Long Term - Chattel Finance TV 5812" /> <Row id="147" Type="child" value="CF04 - Long Term - Chattel Finance TV 6904" /> </Row> <Row id="148" Type="child" value="LRP - Loans - Related Parties" /> <Row id="149" Type="child" value="LSC46 - Loans - Suncorp Act 108685546" /> <Row id="150" Type="child" value="LSC95 - Loans - Suncorp Account 108685595" /> <Row id="202" Type="child" value="LMNB - Loan - Mark Wardrop Sale MNB" /> <Row id="203" Type="child" value="LPH - Loan Peter Hussey ($44000.00)" /> <Row id="212" Type="child" value="LDRSTG - Loan - Don St George Loan 21/10/15" /> <Row id="230" Type="child" value="LNF - Loan Nicole Flanagan" /> <Row id="267" Type="child" value="LOANDIRECTOR - LOANS - Director Don 2018" /> </Row> </Row> <Row id="5" Type="parent" value="CAPITAL - Capital/Equity"> <Row id="151" Type="child" value="IC - Issued Capital" /> <Row id="154" Type="child" value="EQUITY - Equity CHANGED" /> </Row> <Row id="36" Type="parent" value="OTHER - OTHER INCOME"> <Row id="158" Type="child" value="FR - Fuel Rebate" /> <Row id="160" Type="child" value="INTINC - Interest Income" /> <Row id="161" Type="child" value="MISIN - Miscellaneous Income" /> <Row id="162" Type="child" value="PSA - Profit on Sale of Assets" /> <Row id="163" Type="child" value="CG - Capital Gains Income" /> <Row id="185" Type="child" value="EE - Employee contribution" /> </Row> <Row id="205" Type="child" value="OTHEREXP - Other Expends" /> <Row id="207" Type="parent" value="DIVINTTAX - Dividends Interest and Company Tax"> <Row id="46" Type="child" value="INTEREST - Interest and Finance Expense" /> <Row id="152" Type="child" value="DIV - Dividends Paid" /> <Row id="153" Type="child" value="ITE - Income Tax Expense" /> </Row> <Row id="208" Type="parent" value="COSTOFSALES - Cost of Sales"> <Row id="18" Type="parent" value="TOUREXPENSES - TourExpenses"> <Row id="23" Type="child" value="ACCOMMODATION - Accommodation" /> <Row id="27" Type="child" value="FUEL - Fuel" /> <Row id="28" Type="child" value="LIQUOR - Liquor /Champagne" /> <Row id="30" Type="child" value="WATER - Water" /> <Row id="33" Type="child" value="COMMISSION - Commission" /> <Row id="37" Type="child" value="FERRIES - Ferry Tickets" /> <Row id="38" Type="child" value="NATIONALPARK - National Park Fees" /> <Row id="41" Type="child" value="BOOKS - Books and Publications" /> <Row id="48" Type="child" value="LICENCESPERMIT - Licenses and Permits" /> <Row id="58" Type="child" value="CRUISES - Lunch Cruises" /> <Row id="190" Type="child" value="REFUND - Refunds" /> <Row id="191" Type="child" value="GENERAL - General Expenses" /> <Row id="209" Type="parent" value="VEHICLES - Vehicle Expenses"> <Row id="25" Type="child" value="VEHICLEHIRE - Vehicle Hire" /> <Row id="29" Type="child" value="TOLLS - Tolls" /> </Row> </Row> <Row id="210" Type="parent" value="DRIVERS - Drivers"> <Row id="34" Type="child" value="CONTRACTORS - Contractors" /> <Row id="39" Type="child" value="TRAFFICEFINES - Traffic Fines" /> <Row id="186" Type="child" value="TOURWAGES - Tour Wages" /> <Row id="187" Type="child" value="TOURSUPER - Tour Superannuation" /> </Row> <Row id="211" Type="parent" value="TOURSERVICES - Tour Services"> <Row id="24" Type="child" value="ADMISSIONS - Admissions" /> <Row id="26" Type="child" value="FOOD - Food" /> </Row> </Row> <Row id="269" Type="child" value="junk - test" /> <Row id="268" Type="child" value="1234 - Test" /> </Rows> </Data> <Data id="QuerySearchInclusions" source="Search for enum.ListMe"> <Columns> <Column id="1" label="QuerySearchInclusions" datatype="string" width="200" /> </Columns> <Rows> <Row id="1"> <Cell id="1">Internal Reference</Cell> </Row> <Row id="2"> <Cell id="1">External Reference</Cell> </Row> <Row id="3"> <Cell id="1">All Text Fields</Cell> </Row> </Rows> </Data> <Data id="QueryAcctInclusions" source="Include enum.ListMe"> <Columns> <Column id="1" label="QueryAcctInclusions" datatype="string" width="200" /> </Columns> <Rows> <Row id="1"> <Cell id="1">This Account</Cell> </Row> <Row id="2"> <Cell id="1">Include Children</Cell> </Row> <Row id="3"> <Cell id="1">All Accounts</Cell> </Row> </Rows> </Data> <Data id="HelperJournal.JournalType" source="Journal Type enum.ListMe"> <Types> <Type name="JournalType" image="JournalType.ico" /> </Types> <Columns> <Column id="1" label="HelperJournal.JournalType" datatype="string" width="200" /> </Columns> <Rows> <Row Type="JournalType" id="1"> <Cell id="1">General Journal</Cell> </Row> <Row Type="JournalType" id="2"> <Cell id="1">Debtor Invoice</Cell> </Row> <Row Type="JournalType" id="3"> <Cell id="1">Debtor Payment</Cell> </Row> <Row Type="JournalType" id="4"> <Cell id="1">Creditor Invoice</Cell> </Row> <Row Type="JournalType" id="5"> <Cell id="1">Creditor Payment</Cell> </Row> <Row Type="JournalType" id="6"> <Cell id="1">Debtor Credit Note</Cell> </Row> <Row Type="JournalType" id="7"> <Cell id="1">Creditor Credit Note</Cell> </Row> <Row Type="JournalType" id="8"> <Cell id="1">Creditor Prompt Payment</Cell> </Row> <Row Type="JournalType" id="10"> <Cell id="1">Debtor Prompt Payment</Cell> </Row> <Row Type="JournalType" id="11"> <Cell id="1">Debtor General Journal</Cell> </Row> <Row Type="JournalType" id="12"> <Cell id="1">Creditor General Journal</Cell> </Row> <Row Type="JournalType" id="13"> <Cell id="1">Stock Adjustment</Cell> </Row> <Row Type="JournalType" id="14"> <Cell id="1">Debtor Refund</Cell> </Row> <Row Type="JournalType" id="15"> <Cell id="1">Debtor Deposit</Cell> </Row> <Row Type="JournalType" id="20"> <Cell id="1">Invoice Allocation Journal</Cell> </Row> </Rows> </Data> <Data id="QueryAmountMode" source="Condition enum.ListMe"> <Columns> <Column id="1" label="QueryAmountMode" datatype="string" width="200" /> </Columns> <Rows> <Row id="1"> <Cell id="1">=</Cell> </Row> <Row id="2"> <Cell id="1">></Cell> </Row> <Row id="3"> <Cell id="1"><</Cell> </Row> <Row id="4"> <Cell id="1">Near</Cell> </Row> </Rows> </Data> <Data id="ShowReport" source="Report enum.ListMe"> <Columns> <Column id="1" label="ShowReport" datatype="string" width="200" /> </Columns> <Rows> <Row id="1"> <Cell id="1">Acct Usage</Cell> </Row> <Row id="2"> <Cell id="1">Acct Usage by Company</Cell> </Row> <Row id="3"> <Cell id="1">Acct Usage by Month</Cell> </Row> <Row id="10"> <Cell id="1">Special Types</Cell> </Row> </Rows> </Data> </Activity> </ESA>
Right click menu
<ESA> <Activity activityHandle="636864290723432600.48"> <Context id="157" Type="child" /> <ContextMenu Type="recursiveList" /> </Activity> </ESA>
<ESA success="1" responseTime="1" cpuTime="0"> <Activity activityHandle="636864290723432600.48"> <ContextMenu defaultAction="SELECTPROPERTIES"> <MenuItem action="SELECTPROPERTIES" text="Properties" /> <Separator /> <MenuItem action="NEWCHILD" text="New Child" /> <MenuItem action="NEWPEER" text="New Peer" /> <Menu name="Make child of"> <Separator /> <MenuItem action="MOVETO_1" text="Revenue" /> </Menu> </ContextMenu> </Activity> </ESA>
Select an account from the tree after opening a few nodes
<ESA> <Activity activityHandle="636864281564482561.44"> <MenuAction action="SELECTPROPERTIES" /> </Activity> </ESA>
<ESA success="1" responseTime="5" cpuTime="0"> <Activity activityHandle="636864281564482561.44" ActivityPersistentId="157"> <Field id="ParentName" null="0" valid="1" value="DIRECTINCOME - Direct Income" /> <Field id="Name" null="0" valid="1" value="Tour Income" /> <Field id="Disabled" null="0" valid="1" value="0" text="No" disabled="0" /> <Field id="CoaCode" null="0" valid="1" value="TI" /> <Field id="AccountType" null="0" valid="1" value="1" text="Revenue" disabled="1" /> <Field id="SubType" null="1" valid="1" disabled="1" /> <Field id="DefaultTaxType" null="0" valid="1" value="2" text="GST" /> <Field id="ReportSequence" null="1" /> <Field id="DisplaySequence" null="1" /> <Field id="FixedCurrencyId" null="1" rate="" disabled="1" /> <Field id="SpecialType" text=""> <Item value="10" text="Supplier Claim" /> <Item value="20" text="Stock Adjustment" /> <Item value="40" text="Spend Money" /> <Item value="45" text="Landed Cost" /> <Item value="46" text="Clearing" /> <Item value="50" text="Debt Write off" /> <Item value="60" text="Force Tax Type Default" /> </Field> <Field id="CurrentBalance" null="1" valid="1" /> <Field id="CurrentFCBalance" null="1" valid="1" /> <Field id="NameOverride" null="0" valid="1" value="Tour Income" /> <Field id="OpeningBalanceTemp" null="1" /> <Data id="lvBalanceHistory" menuContext="ERP.GLAccount" source="ERP.GLAccount.listBalanceHistory"> <Columns> <Column id="1" label="As At" datatype="string" width="85" /> <Column id="2" label="Balance" datatype="number" width="120" /> </Columns> <Rows Type="cell"> <Row Type="ERP.GLAccount" id="0"> <Cell id="1">30-Jun-1901</Cell> <Cell id="2">0.000</Cell> </Row> </Rows> </Data> <Data id="lvAccountVisibility" menuContext="AccountVisibility" hasEditableColumns="1" source="ERP.GLAccount.listAccountVisibility"> <Columns> <Column id="1" label="Host Company" datatype="string" width="155" /> <Column id="2" field="VisibleToCompany" editable="1" label="Show" datatype="bool" width="38" /> <Column id="3" label="Name" datatype="string" width="120" /> </Columns> <Rows Type="cell"> <Row Type="AccountVisibility" id="3"> <Cell id="1">AEA Luxury Tours</Cell> <Cell id="2">True</Cell> <Cell id="3"></Cell> </Row> </Rows> </Data> <Data id="lvTransactions" clearOnly="1" /> </Activity> </ESA>
Update Name on the account (enter value then TAB out of the field)
<ESA> <Activity activityHandle="636864281564482561.44"> <Delta id="NameOverride" value="Tour Income now" /> </Activity> </ESA>
Display the system message
<ESA success="1" responseTime="19" cpuTime="0"> <Activity activityHandle="636864281564482561.44"> <Field id="NameOverride" null="0" valid="1" value="Tour Income now" /> <Messages> <Message type="Info" key="" messageSource="Application">Custom Name for this account applied</Message> </Messages> </Activity> </ESA>