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Shuttle bookings may be provided in XLS and we will need to map the fields in the XLS to import code.

The import code needs to then process the fields in order to create bookings.

The assumption is that each row in the XLS is another booking


Want the ability to map import sheets with all booking information

Spreadsheets from customers have different columns > need to build import mapping / save / use


Shuttle Bookings > Booking Import Mappings > NEW SCREEN (copy from Admin > Sales > Marketplace Order Upload Mapping)

  1. Customer gets selected in top of screen (similar to order upload mapping)

  2. Saved mapping is listed on RHS (similar to order upload mapping)

    1. “Data Type” Columns listed in table below

    2. Some data type columns also require lookups saved per customer

      1. ie data expected and it’s meaning - eg the word “Arrival” indicates direction of travel

Spreadsheet column

Data Type

Where it needs to end up on Shuttle Booking Screen

Other things that May happen from this

Date of Travel (date)

Date of Travel dd/mm/yy or dd/mm/yyyy or dd/mm

Date of Travel

Flight number (text)

Flight Number (Text)

Flight number

Implies Direction of Travel

Implies Destination and Terminal

Implies Flight time

Flight Time (time)

Flight Time (hh:mm)

Flight time

Direction of Travel (lookup list)

Direction of travel lookup list.

Direction of travel

Need a list of possible data passed by the customer and the resulting meaning. Eg “outbound” = From Destination. etc


Direction from flight number

Direction of travel

Infer from flight number history + lookup table


Destination and Terminal from flight number

Destination and Terminal

Need to get this by looking into system history (last 3 bookings with this flight number)

Destination and Terminal (lookup list)

Destination and Terminal

Need a list of possible data passed by the customer and the resulting meaning. eg: sydney domestic = Domestic Terminal

PAX (number)



PAX default (number)


Default value

Extra luggage (number)

extra luggage

Passenger name (text)

Passenger Full Name

Passenger name

Fname (text)

Passenger First Name

Passenger name First part

combine first and last name to single field

Lname (text)

Passenger Last Name

Passenger name end part

combine first and last name to single field

Passenger email (text)

Passenger Email

booking email

passenger phone (text)

Passenger Phone

booking phone

Address in single cell (text)

Full Address

Multiple columns (address, post code, suburb)

Decompose address into line 1,2, suburb, postcode

Address line 1 (text)


Build Address

Address line 2 (text)


Build Address

address post code (text)


Build Address

find in suburb / postcode list

address suburb (text)


Build Address

find in suburb / postcode list

Their reference (text)

External Reference

Their Reference

Hotel Name (text)

Hotel Name


Find Hotel name and compare with customer and with hotels in the system


Use Customer Address


Choose from default customer addresses

Logical Flow

  1. Date provided (is mandatory)

    1. Date is today or in the future

  2. Flight number provided

    1. Yes

      1. Infer other fields > by looking at shuttle booking history (at least 5 bookings prior to today)

        1. Destination

        2. Direction of Travel

        3. Flight Time

    2. No

      1. Destination must be provided

        1. compare with lookup table for this customer

      2. Terminal must be provided

        1. yes - use lookup for terminal

        2. no - default terminal setting

      3. Flight time must be provided

      4. Direction of Travel must be provided

        1. Will need a lookup table that converts text provided to direction

  3. PAX

    1. if not provided then use default value

  4. Excess Bags

    1. Only if provided

  5. Passenger name options

    1. Single field

    2. combine Fname / Lname fields

  6. Passenger phone

    1. may not be provided

  7. passenger email

    1. may not be provided

  8. Address

    1. May be provided line by line

    2. May be provided in a single field > decompose

    3. Hotel name may be provided

      1. Look up in customer name fields (all customers) > use address found

    4. May not be provided = use customer address on the booking

  9. External Reference

    1. May not be provided

  10. Inbound Delegate company > always the customer used

Shuttle Booking > Shuttle Booking > New fields

  1. Has Problem Flag - editable

  2. Problem Text - all data originally imported

Shuttle booking > create booking > enter flight number > update booking details:

  1. Look for flight number on previous bookings

    1. If no values already > infer destination, direction, arrival time from found booking (check last 3 found )

      1. warn user if last 3 were different in some way (indicate differences)

  2. User can over-write any of the fields involved

    1. Warn user if found data different to booking data

Using the upload

Shuttle Bookings > Booking > Clear > Choose “Booking Entity” > upload xls by drag and drop on screen

  1. Edit NEW MENU “Import bookings XXXXX . XLS ” for “Booking Entity Name”

    1. Check all columns identified in the mapping exist

      1. if not - yellow note indicates missing mappings (not found) AND that import cannot proceed until headings/mapping fixed

    2. If all mappings exist > create bookings

      1. Flag any problems found

      2. Flag all bookings with no problem with the problem “Booking to be reviewed” if import has all bookings to be flagged as a problem.

Note that

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