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How does it work ?


  1. Channel Advisor has a SKU record with lots of attributes
    1. One attribute is a Label (TAG) of the marketplaces it is live on - a single field with multiple comma delimited tabs
      1. Labels trigger rules to put the product live on the marketplace nominated > BDirect made these rules and included the TAGS to manage the multiple marketplaces.  no Label it is not live - label it is live.
    2. For each marketplace - there is attributes used for related prices - or the default is used
    3. The stock level available is shown on all marketplaces
      1. Distribution centres have stock levels - have two now (sydney and melbourne) - usually products are only in one warehouse so not a problem
      2. Amazon is an option but not used.
      3. Stock changes can be absolution or incremental etc.

This is the channel advisor API requirements

A typical integration  Note in this image all deals are tracked in channel advisor....

Deals are turned on in a marketplace when a Flag of the marketplace is added to the SKU.

Channel advisor flows

Labels (eBay, Amazon Seller Central - AU, etc ) - trigger a rule (signing of a template) to put the product live - until inventory reaches qty of 1 (or date) . Different rules can be setup 

Listing can have multiple SKU's

  1. Templates > 

SKus have multiple prices - on attributes - these are updated and then push to the marketplaces.  Typically hold details for 9 days minimum.

Link to code details

API examples and code samples

SKU information

We need to

  1. Create new SKU's - Create SKU WPF
  2. Update information on SKU's Create SKU WPF
  3. Delete SKU's Create SKU WPF


Code to syn inventory itemSaaSplications Field

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:web="">




host company > Channel advisor API > developer key


host company > Channel advisor API > password


host company > Channel advisor API > APICredentials





host company > Channel advisor API > AccountID






SKU: Name


SKU: subtitle field (new field default on SKU EBAY only MAX55)


SKU: Short Description


SKU: Description


SKU: Shipping Carton Weight


SKU: Supplier code



SKU: Price-GST




SKU: Shopping Cart Status = Hidden


"Hidden" if blocked




SKU: Barcode (if UPC)




SKU: Barcode (if EAN)



SKU: Brand


SKU: New


SKY: Warrantee


Deal: Buy it now price - Av cost - Freight ($)



SKU: HS Tariff code for international shipments (optional)


SKU: Height


SKU: Length


SKU: Width


SKU: Product Category




Warehouse: ID


SKU: Available Quantity in warehouse


"Absolute quantity" including unshipped orders for CA






Shipping Zone ID


Carrier Code


SKU: Carrier Class Code "Standard"


SKU: Carrier $ per item


SKU: Carrier $ per additional item




Deal: Free shipping if buy it now flag ?
















Deal: Buy it now price







SKU:Attribute name - used for by marketplace prices, multiple categories by marketplace,


SKU:Attribute value





SKU: group (yes/no)


SKU: Group Name


SKU: Is Group SKU


SKU: Group SKU











SKU: Image - Placement (eg itemimageURL1)









Marketplaces to be sold on - set values



Set in system already





</soapenv:Envelope>               </web:StoreInfo>

Update Quantity Information using Absolute value

Update Quantity WPF

Update quantity information for all DC in a single request and set quantity to absolute value.  This will be a triggered request for a number of SKU's in a data grid.

Get Order List

We need to:

  1. Get orders that need to be fulfilled (Export Orders) and we have not yet retrieved and mark the ones we have as exported already Get Order AND update order WPF
  2. Update orders with a tracking number Get Order AND update order WPF
  3. Ship Order, Cancel Order, Refund Order - all single order calls see Get Order AND update order WPF 

Request Using visual

RequestSaaSplications Field

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Text;

namespace WindowsApplication13


  public class OrderRetriever


    public List<string> GetSkuList()



      // 1. For this sample to work you will need create a web reference in

      // your VS.Net project by pointing to this URL:


      // Accept the default reference name of com.channeladvisor.api.OrderService


      // 2. You will most likely need to change the namespace above (WindowsApplication13) to match

      // your projects default namespace so that it can see the web reference.

      // 3. Update the code to use your DeveloperKey, password, and AccountKey.

      const string developerApiGuid = "MyDeveloperKey";

      const string password = "myPassword";

      const string sellerAccountGuid = "MyAccountKey";

      com.channeladvisor.api.OrderService orderService = new com.channeladvisor.api.OrderService();

      com.channeladvisor.api.APICredentials apiCredentials = new com.channeladvisor.api.APICredentials();

      apiCredentials.DeveloperKey = developerApiGuid;

      apiCredentials.Password = password;

      orderService.APICredentialsValue = apiCredentials;

      com.channeladvisor.api.OrderCriteria orderCriteria = new com.channeladvisor.api.OrderCriteria();

      // Only grab items that are marked has Shipped

      orderCriteria.ShippingStatusFilter = "Shipped";

      //Only grab orders created from Mar 17, 2013 to Mar 18, 2013

      orderCriteria.OrderCreationFilterBeginTimeGMT = new System.DateTime(2013, 3, 17);

      orderCriteria.OrderCreationFilterEndTimeGMT = new DateTime(2013, 3, 18);

      // Set other properties required by call

      orderCriteria.DetailLevel = "High";

      orderCriteria.PageSize = 50; // Show 50 orders per page

      orderCriteria.PageNumberFilter = 0;

      List<string> skuList = new List<string>();

      bool moreResults = true;

      // Call the API several times to retrieve a list of all matches

      while (moreResults)


        orderCriteria.PageNumberFilter += 1; // Get the next page each time through the loop

        com.channeladvisor.api.APIResultOfArrayOfOrderResponseItem orderResponse = orderService.GetOrderList(sellerAccountGuid, orderCriteria);

        if (orderResponse.Status == com.channeladvisor.api.ResultStatus.Success)


          com.channeladvisor.api.OrderResponseItem[] orderResponseList = orderResponse.ResultData;

          if (orderResponseList.Length == 0 || orderResponseList.Length < orderCriteria.PageSize)


            moreResults = false;


          //step through each order in our returned array

          foreach (com.channeladvisor.api.OrderResponseDetailHigh order in orderResponseList)


            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("OrderID = " + order.OrderID.ToString());

            //step through each item in this Order

            foreach (com.channeladvisor.api.OrderLineItemItem invoiceLine in order.ShoppingCart.LineItemSKUList)


              System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("LineItemID = " + invoiceLine.LineItemID.ToString());

              // Grab a list of all SKUs from invoices on this page



            //step through each Promo.

            foreach (com.channeladvisor.api.OrderLineItemPromo promo in order.ShoppingCart.LineItemPromoList)


              System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Promo code of {0} had a value of {1}", promo.PromoCode, promo.UnitPrice));


            //step through each ItemInvoice in this Order.  These are subtotal categories

            foreach (com.channeladvisor.api.OrderLineItemInvoice line in order.ShoppingCart.LineItemInvoiceList)


              if (line.LineItemType == "Shipping")


                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Shipping charge of {0}",line.UnitPrice));


              else if (line.LineItemType == "VATShipping")


                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("VAT Shipping charge of {0}", line.UnitPrice));


              else if (line.LineItemType == "SalesTax")


                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Sales Tax charge of {0}", line.UnitPrice));


              else if (line.LineItemType == "ShippingInsurance")


                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Shipping Insurance charge of {0}", line.UnitPrice));




                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Unexpected line type of " + line.LineItemType);







          int errorCode = orderResponse.MessageCode;

          string errorMessage = orderResponse.Message;

          System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("An unexpected error occured. ErrorCode={0}, ErrorMessage={1}", errorCode, errorMessage));



      return skuList;





from suds.client import Client

import logging





# Specify Login Information

developer_key = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'

password = 'xxxxxxxx'

account_guid = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'


# Specify URLs

wsdl_url = ''

service_url = ''


# Initialize client.

client = Client(wsdl_url, location = service_url)


login = client.factory.create('APICredentials')

login.DeveloperKey = developer_key

login.Password = password



# Instantiate our GetOrderList Object

getOrderList = client.factory.create('GetOrderList')

getOrderList.orderCriteria.OrderCreationFilterBeginTimeGMT = '2000-01-01T00:00:00'

getOrderList.orderCriteria.OrderCreationFilterEndTimeGMT = '2012-09-05T00:00:00'

getOrderList.orderCriteria.StatusUpdateFilterBeginTimeGMT = None

getOrderList.orderCriteria.StatusUpdateFilterEndTimeGMT = None

getOrderList.orderCriteria.JoinDateFiltersWithOr = None

getOrderList.orderCriteria.DetailLevel = 'High'

getOrderList.orderCriteria.ExportState = None

getOrderList.orderCriteria.OrderIDList = None

getOrderList.orderCriteria.ClientOrderIdentifierList = None

getOrderList.orderCriteria.OrderStateFilter = 'Active'

getOrderList.orderCriteria.PaymentStatusFilter = 'Cleared'

getOrderList.orderCriteria.CheckoutStatusFilter = 'Completed'

getOrderList.orderCriteria.ShippingStatusFilter = 'Unshipped'

getOrderList.orderCriteria.RefundStatusFilter = None

getOrderList.orderCriteria.DistributionCenterCode = None

getOrderList.orderCriteria.PageSize = 20

getOrderList.orderCriteria.PageNumberFilter = 1


continueRequests = True

while continueRequests is True:

    print 'Page', getOrderList.orderCriteria.PageNumberFilter

    result = client.service.GetOrderList(account_guid, getOrderList.orderCriteria)


    ordersInResult = len(result.ResultData.OrderResponseItem)

    print '    Orders In Page:', ordersInResult


    for order in result.ResultData.OrderResponseItem:

        print '        ', order.OrderID

    if ordersInResult < 20:

        continueRequests = False


        getOrderList.orderCriteria.PageNumberFilter += 1


SaaSplications field

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:tns="" xmlns:ns0="" xmlns:ns1="" xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">













            <ns2:StatusUpdateFilterBeginTimeGMT xsi:nil="true"/>

            <ns2:StatusUpdateFilterEndTimeGMT xsi:nil="true"/>

            <ns2:JoinDateFiltersWithOr xsi:nil="true"/>












Create a new Fulfillment

Used to indicate shipping numbers AND mark as shipped at same time

May need to split an order into individual fulfillments

  • No labels