A buying group is a debtor in the systemThe
Normally when a customer is a member of a buying group will receive invoices - hence it is a debtor in the system= they place orders and the invoices will be paid by the Buying Group.
A special case is Buying Groups that invoice from a different entity if they do the delivery to the store ( normally they will charge the store a greater markup) - this is the Alternate on the Buying Group
Sending goods to the Buying Group DC
The buying group may be the delivery address - If if there are multiple addresses on the buying group debtor then the system looks for the one flagged as the DC.
Some buying groups have a different debtor invoiced if you do not send the goods via their DC - this does not apply to all buying groups
There is two debtors listed on the Buying group Definition
The first debtor is the default - if there is no debtor listed in the Alternate debtor and the customer has "Invoice my buying group" then the invoice always goes to the Owner regardless of the delivery method
The second debtor is only used if
- The first Debtor has a DC
- The product is not sent via the DC
- There is a debtor listed in the Alternate debtor - this becomes the invoiced debtor in this situation
To make a debtor a member of a buying Group
Note that if the Debtor is the owner or alternate of a buying group the field will not be selectable.
If the Buying Group delivers the goods to store by default
ie if goods are delivered to the Buying Group DC and they deliver to the store (can be over-ridden on the sales order)
Debtor Main Screen