Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Country
  • State
  • Suburb
  • Street
  • Continent
  • Area (for any other type)


Maintain Location form (Admin menu, Delivery and Post Codes, Locations - Post Codes):

  1. If the Type is Country:
    1. The ISO Code field is for the 3 letter ISO country code.
    2. If the country Name is cleared then the ISO Code will be cleared and vice versa.
    3. If a valid English country Name is entered then the 3 letter ISO code for the country will be inserted.
    4. If a valid 3 letter ISO country code is entered in the ISO Code field then the English country name will be inserted in the Name field.
    5. If a valid 2 letter ISO country code is entered in the ISO Code field then it will be converted to the 3 letter ISO code for the country and the English country name will be inserted in the Name field.

Defining an area of multiple suburbs/towns

If multiple suburbs/towns are to be selected for a warehouse it is recommended that an area is defined rather than selecting many suburbs/towns for a warehouse.

An area must be wholly in a state, it cannot cross state borders.

How to add a new area

  1. Right click on the state or country that the area is to be added to - new child
    1. Enter the Name (e.g. Northern NSW)
    2. Select the Type (Area)
    3. Enter Postcode if applicable
    4. Enter Comments if desired (e.g. Brisbane warehouse)
    5. Click Save F4

How to add a suburb/town to an area

Change the parent of the Suburb to the area you want it part of