- Country
- State
- Suburb
- Street
- Continent
- Area (for any other type)
Maintain Location form (Admin menu, Delivery and Post Codes, Locations - Post Codes):
- If the Type is Country:
- The ISO Code field is for the 3 letter ISO country code.
- If the country Name is cleared then the ISO Code will be cleared and vice versa.
- If a valid English country Name is entered then the 3 letter ISO code for the country will be inserted.
- If a valid 3 letter ISO country code is entered in the ISO Code field then the English country name will be inserted in the Name field.
- If a valid 2 letter ISO country code is entered in the ISO Code field then it will be converted to the 3 letter ISO code for the country and the English country name will be inserted in the Name field.
Defining an area of multiple suburbs/towns
If multiple suburbs/towns are to be selected for a warehouse it is recommended that an area is defined rather than selecting many suburbs/towns for a warehouse.
An area must be wholly in a state, it cannot cross state borders.
How to add a new area
- Right click on the state or country that the area is to be added to - new child
- Enter the Name (e.g. Northern NSW)
- Select the Type (Area)
- Enter Postcode if applicable
- Enter Comments if desired (e.g. Brisbane warehouse)
- Click Save F4
How to add a suburb/town to an area
Change the parent of the Suburb to the area you want it part of