How to use promotions
See Using Promotions Promotions screen allows the ability to:
- Discount on the items ordered
- Discounts on a list of items
Promotions Module
Note |
See also Price Promotions for stock |
Promotions can have an expected sales quantity uplift that affects forecasting of sales.
Promotions can be entered to be Automatically applied - or manually selected from a list
Promotions can have a GL account to journal the $ benefit provided.
Promotions can be limited by dates, price lists, customer groups, individual customers in a list, branches, frequency (per week, month, ever)
General Tab
Promotion Details
- '''Search''' - Search code
- '''Description''' - user entered description of the promotion
- '''Is Template''' used when a template with a list of items with fixed prices and quantities will be available to add to an order.
- For example if you plan to offer a bundle of 2 of Product A with 1 of product B with special prices and you want to be able to easily add it to the order
- '''If they buy''' x units - qualifying number of items the customer must purchase on an order line to qualify for a promotion
- Valid From and To are dates effective
- IS Global flag - to apply to all companies with no restriction
- Priority - if conflicting promotions are avaialable and you wish to automatically apply promotions
- Expected upllift (For Forecasting) - will apply a % uplift on sales for the duration of the promotion to be used by forecasting
- '''From''' list of values - is a list of suppliers of the products the promotion is limited to.
- It is common in FMCG to offer a discount across an entire suppliers range
- '''Manual''' - affects if the promotion applies automatically when pressing the promotions button in the order or must be manually applied by the user
- The Affected party - Customer or Rep or Consultant
- The customer for the order will either be a Debtor, Sales Rep or Consultant
- '''Receives a bonus of''' is the benefits that can be applied
- Discount Ordered items - will discount the items on the order already
- Additional Discount Items - will provide a list of items that can be discounted
- Discounted Units - is the quantity of items that can be discounted
- Discount % - is the % off that will be applied
- '''Usage Limit''' limits how often a customer may get the discount (weekly, monthly, once, unlimited)
- '''Unless no orders for months''' will limit the discount only to recently purchasing customers
- '''Journal To account''' Allows the discount to create a separate journal line to a particular account to track discounts given. If this is left blank (as for charge backs) it will not use a separate account
Qualifiers or Templates Subtab
- In the case of a template
- The list of items with unit price and quantity will be added to the order verbatim when the promotion is selected if pricing has been entered on the lines
- If no pricing has been entered for each line then the discount percentage above will apply to all lines added to the order
- In cases where promotions are qualified for based on items on the order
- The list will be a list of items that cause the order to qualify for the benefits
- Enter the item code, unit price, quantity for a number of items.
Bonus Subtab
Shows the bonus items that are available to be provided at the discount. During order placement a number (limited to qty) of items from the list may be added to the order at the discounted %
- Enter items onto the list
List of current promotions
Shows a list of all the promotions that are current in the system.
- Search - is search code for the promotion
- Description - is seen on the order form
- Brand - is supplier
- From,to - Date range active
Usage Reports Tab
Lists all the orders this promotion has been used on
Master List Tab
A master list of all promotions, other promotions (eg no others per order, or only if you took promotion x will you qualify for y)
A promotion may be a template of items - to allow quickly entering a standard order with 10 lines etc of these products etc.
A contract promotion is used for agreed pricing by SKU, be linked to one or many companies, or to a company group and can have active and expiry dates
Promotions may have a % that can be claimed from the supplier of the $ sale, $ cost, Volume etc. for supplier assisted promotions - like new product introductions.
- A supplier claim process with supporting documentation is created via the invoice linking to the promotion.
Qualifiers for a promotion include:
- Standard volume discount on a price list (above a number of qualifying cases discount is applied to anyone with the price list
- Brand Volume or $ value promotions - from a selected brand
- Identified basket of items volume or $ value (any 5 from these 10, or one of each from these 5 etc)
- Fixed template of items at fixed prices (normally manual)
Bonuses for a promotion include
- Discount on selected items
- Discount on other items (from a list - often limited to a quantity of bonuses
- Promotional price offered
- Sales Agent commissions (note standard commissions can be set at the Agent level)
Promotions for Tours are specific to Tour companies