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Sales Runs Module

The concept of Daily Sales Runs is /wiki/spaces/SI/pages/33055150s is managing the sequence of sales reps call on customers and take orders in store. Deliveries are then made in person or on the phone.  Customers tend to want to be contacted on a regular cycle - often on the same day and around the same time.  Using the Sales Run Module the rep enters the sales call cycle, preferred day and time.  Then each day the sales rep sits in front of a list and arranges it to suit the sequence they want to visit or work through it.  The order of the customers is remembered so gradually there is less re-organising and more simply working through the list.

Daily Delivery Runs can use the same visit cycle (often the next day) as delivery drivers take taking stock to store, collect collecting payment and returns and return returning to base.  However Delivery runs may group customers together differently to Sales runs and have restrictions like vehicle capacity to consider however they are often closely related.

Daily Sales run provides:

  1. A tool for the mobile sales force to visit your customers, place orders using a connected tablet in store, capture details of range displayed, accept payments or provide credits and record returns as they go.Orders then or call your customers regularly that can be used within the Sales Rep Portal Module
  2. Allows for reps to re-sequence the list
  3. Allows reps to mark one or many in the list to be managed by/wiki/spaces/SE/pages/32638139

Once orders have been captured they are then ready for pick/pack ship process.

  1. If you run your own delivery trucks you may use Daily Delivery Run
    1. Orders get batched into Daily Delivery Runs
    that are in batches (note may have special batches like Order Batch for 3PL
  2. Pick a Batch to Pack onto Trucks to be delivered on a Daily Delivery Run
  3. The driver then delivers and 
    1. /wiki/spaces/SI/pages/33054968 is used to Pack the Trucks
    2. The driver delivers orders and picks up returns
    3. The driver collects Payments from Delivery Runs for Drivers of cash and cheques
    collected are compared to the expected collections and any expenses incurred along the way.There is also a mobile client for the delivery driver.
    1. and may have some expenses
    2. Returns and undelivered orders are counted off the truck
    3. The Driver reconciles through a /wiki/spaces/DEV/pages/33036788, checks and expenses - the result is then double checked and made ready for Bank deposit

You can define Delivery Zone Rules to use as defaults for customers, delivery days and warehouses associated with delivery runs.