A button will appear on the navigator that goes directly to the screen
Pin screens as buttons when you are logged in - it is the logout process that updates the server with your buttons as it ends your session.
- Clicking the X on the top of the navigation screen does trigger the logout process asking the server to log you out
- Logging out also passes the information
Hints appear when you hover over items in the system
A right click will show the actions available
Right click on a Field
Can copy the information to the clipboard if you want to use it somewhere
The number of records returned by the system
Note that you can also use keys to search and this is indicated to you when clicking the magnifying glass.
- Text + Tab for exact search
- Text + Shift F3 is "includes" will provide the equivalent to the wildcard search across multiple fields
- Text + F3 is 'starts with' searching across Search code + description
Have a look at /wiki/spaces/SI/pages/33054916 for details
Searching using TAB = without clicking the search button in a search field
- Text + Tab is for exact search - looks for exactly what you have entered
- Note if if does not find a match it then does a wildcard search to provide a list
- Text + Shift F3
- will provide a wildcard search across multiple fields.
- For example - in the Article screen typing "Book" then using Shift+F3 will search both Article number and also description and result in a list of possible results.
Working with Grids (Refreshing, Filtering, Exporting to Excel)
Filter - a filter box appears over bottom RHS of grid - enter text to filter by
Note the search is only searching the data in the grid (not all data relating to the records).
You can toggle on any screen to off or on.
Changing Companies (and open screens)
When you change host companies > you need to manually close every open screen you have in the existing host company so there is no chance of getting confused.
Unless you set this flag (which will close all the screens as soon as you click the link to change host companies)
System Internal Messaging to Users
- A Journal is updated or deleted - any type of journal . User has Secure Feature # Notify on Journal Change
- When price lists are updated based on a date applied change - Employees ticked as Sales Reps for the branch affected
- Purchase Order Discrepancies - between ordered and shipped or invoiced count. User has Secure Features: Receive P O Invoice Discrepancies
- Sales Order less than Minimum GP (As set on host company) - Employees with Branch Manager ticked will receive these for their branch (HO branch managers get all of them)
- Tours - Driver has Accepted Tomorrows Manifest - Employees with Secure Features: Is Bookings Manager
- Send to Telesales a call or visit - Employees with Secure Features: Can see Sales Manager Telesales Reports
What is your internet connection like?
The navigator has a series of numbers - these provide information - hover for details
On the RHS is Ping Time - this is your computer sending an "Are you there" ping to the server then measuring the time to get a response. Above the ping is 32 milli seconds (0.032 of a second). If you see a red X - you have lost internet connection. If the numbers get higher than a few hundred - check your internet connection.
Above - 115 characters were sent in the request to the server, 2,784,730 characters were returned, the App server took 1.47 seconds to build that response, the Web server took 1.835 seconds to prepare that response to send and the total round trip took 2.405 seconds to have all the information at your machine.
Click on the numbers and you will be presented with the details of the request and response.
Customer not able to read PDF documents
PDF's can become corrupted - before calling the customer check if the PDF is corrupted by sending an email with it attached to yourself - then check for corruption using an tool such as https://www.pdf-online.com/osa/repair.aspx
More commonly - the PDF is not being correctly rendered by the browser or pdf reader that is reading it. This is most commonly caused by a Font that is not recognised by the PDF reader (some fonts are not on MAC by default for example). The fastest fix for the customer is to download a robust pdf reader - the company that invented the PDF has a free reader https://get.adobe.com/reader/