Accounts Payable Module (AP)
Used to track who you have to pay and who you have paid and allows netting off amounts when an organisation is both a creditor and a debtor.
Your Creditor may be a Company or an individual Person and each Company or Individual may also be a Debtor.
- The details of your creditor are maintained using Creditor Maintenance and that includes all persons with roles and contacts details at your supplier. You
- You can track communications with each person individually and also view the overall communications with the organisation. Emails sent from the system will attach also to transactions (orders, invoices etc).
- Creditor Invoices, Creditor Payments, and Prompt Payment, Creditor Refund, Creditor General Journal Journal Templates and Payment (no Invoice) are all common functions
- Bulk Pay CreditorsSuppliers can be used when you have a limited amount of money to use and want to allocate it across a number of organisations.See Creditors Menu
- Reconciliations can be used where a supplier is not paid per transaction but across a number of transactions in a period - example for all bookings in a month, or all jobs completed
- FuelCard statement entry pre-populates with the list of assets using the cards and ability to enter Litres of fuel as well as overall $ amount per vehicle and will update the Asset detail