Payment (no Invoice)

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Payment (no Invoice)

See also Journal Templates as these journals commonly repeat. To create a Journal template from any journal use Edit > Create Journal Template


Prompt payment is used when you do not need to create an invoice in the system

The Resulting Journal is the same as though an invoice and a payment were entered as a single transaction.

Scan and attach the suppliers invoice and you are done.

There are two types of Prompt Payments in the system - Debtor Prompt Payments and Creditor Prompt Payments.

A prompt payment will not create a credit on the Debtor

If you have created an invoice in the system and you then create a Prompt payment instead of a Payment - the end result is as though you had entered the invoice twice and one payment.

If you have reconciled the bank with a Prompt Payment in error - you can delete the Bank Reconciliation, delete the prompt payment, create a payment then reconcile the bank statement again. Note that all bank reconciliations back to the problem transaction will have to be deleted and redone. See Bank Accounts - Creating and Managing#DeletingBankReconcilations

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