Companies are entities you do business with and the parents of Debtor Maintenance and Creditor Maintenance as are Person.
Employees are linked to companies through Generic Person-Company Relation
Company Details Tab
- '''Search code'''. Can Search from here
- '''Profile''' is used to treat different companies differently
- '''Private''' is for general companies
- '''Government''' has tax implications however is information only
- '''Semi-Government'''
- '''Unknown'''
- '''ACN''' is Australian Companies Number
- '''ABN''' is Australian Business Number
- '''Roles''' shows if this organiser is Debtor, Creditor or both
- '''S''' allows a lookup of this organisation on Sensis
- '''Address''' is used for correspondence and shipping
- '''Primary Contact details''' - note this is not a person in the system
- '''Base Currency''' determines the currency to use for Purchase Orders and Sales Orders
- '''Parent Company''' enables you to define a hierarchy of companies and is used when the parent pays the childs bills
- '''Store Number''' - customers store number
Contact Details and Logo Tab
Contact email. Can capture logo or images here Special Button enables actions (note the same menu is exposed on Person screen)
- Address Cleanup - Administrator only
- Export Current
- Export All
- Import
- Sync Latebound Metadata - Administrator only - reloads all datebase metadata such as screen labels where this function is turned on
- Ensure all images are in local filesystem - where images need to be exposed to external systems as URLs they need to be on file system (as well as in a blob on the database). This ensures all images are on file system for companies in the system
- Update Missing Locations
- Make this Entity local or Global to current host company you are logged into. Global companies are able to be selected on Asset Register as owners or renters
- Randomise all names - administrator only - in order to create masked demo data
Profile Tab
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- Events
- Lists Events Menu that the company has participated in as client, host, supporter, supplier etc.
- Enables a message to be sent to the company - or to copy an inbound message to track history. Not all emails sent by the system to this company can be seen here
Audit Tab
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