Automated SMS service
Initially manual
Moving to 7am and 5pm every day automated
Yes or y is considered a confirmation
confirmed green sms badge will show on the booking and confirmed is ticked
any other response will tick the “Problem” flag and add text to the booking notes from the reply
Problem badge will show on the booking
No response to SMS
Clinic phone manually used
open session and sms customer or email customer
No - if they didn’t respond to the automated sms it is time to ring them
We should put the email address and mobile phone number on the screen beside the client
Config settings to configure SMS & email reminders:
TherapySessionSMSAllowResend - the number of hours after which SMS resend is allowed
If you want to be able to resend SMS's regardless of config, either don't set TherapySessionSMSAllowResend or set it to 0 and it will be ignored (and SMS resending will be permitted)
TherapySessionSMSDayOffset - the number of days prior to the therapy session to send an SMS reminder (must be 1 or greater)
TherapySessionEmailDayOffset - the number of days prior to the therapy session to send an Email reminder (must be 1 or greater)