Table of Contents
Changing your password to login to the system
Before you login to the system you can change your password
Your Menu
The menu items that you have and the things you can do are created by the roles that you have been assigned. Have a look at Adding and Managing Users in the System
You can change the menu order by changing the sequence on the roles. This will change which menus appear first (from LHS).
Buttons on the Navigator
You can add buttons to navigate directly to a screen if you like, they will appear just below the menu bar with a picture - have a look at User Preferences to explain how to add these
A button will appear on the navigator that goes directly to the screen
The number of records returned by the system
When you search the system gives you a list. You can change how many records the system returns by updating your preferences
Searching in the system
Searching in the system is done from any field with the magnifying glass - click on the magnifying glass.
Note that you can also use keys to search
- Text + Tab for exact search
- Text + Shift F3 is "includes" will provide the equivalent to the wildcard search across multiple fields
- Text + F3 is 'starts with' searching across Search code + description
Find (CNTR+F3) provides a window to enter details
Stack of Records
Navigate through a stack of records
Create a stack of records using "remember this result" flag as above - or multi-selecting from a list
Have a look at /wiki/spaces/SI/pages/33054916 for details
Searching without clicking the button in a search field
- Text + Tab is for exact search - looks for exactly what you have entered
- Note if if does not find a match it then does a wildcard search to provide a list
- Text + Shift F3
- will provide a wildcard search across multiple fields.
- For example - in the Article screen typing "Book" then using Shift+F3 will search both Article number and also description and result in a list of possible results.
Working with Grids
A grid is a table of information in the system with rows and columns there are two types of grids - a Normal Grid and and Editable Grid
Many fields in a grid have a right click option - sometimes a whole row has a right click option
For options over the whole grid
- Some grids have colours to differentiate records
- Select on a row in the grid will often provide a right click to navigate or do an action
If you do filter the grid - the search is only searching the data in the grid (not all data relating to the records).
- For example - employee screen
Recent Records
In each Screen - you can easily go back to the last 10 records viewed (for this login session
Refresh the record you are viewing
Sometimes you will want to refresh the current record
Copy and Paste Records
When you want to create another one the same - check the Edit menu for Copy - create an in place copy.
Log / Audit /Financials Tabs
Across the system there are tabs that:
- Show a Log of changes to the document you are viewing
- Show any changes to Audit Tracked Fields (not all fields are Audit Tracked)
- Link to related financial documents (invoices, journals etc)
Example from a Purchase Order
Example from the Article Master
Adding Attachments from your hard drive
Attachments are throughout the system - commonly you will either see a tab or add via the edit menu
Simply drag the document you are viewing over the Attachment window - then save
Images will show directly
Other types of documents will show the document type image
Uploading Attachments Directly from a scanner
Click the Upload File link and point at the scanner
Reviewing emails sent by your test system - email diversion
The test system diverts all emails to accounts you nominate. This way you can see exactly what the customer would see if the email had gone to them from the live system.
Suppressing Informational Messages
If you do not want to see informational messages - example "Confirmation this record has been saved" type messages
Note that you will still see Warning messages and Error messages
you can - set your login default to "Off"
You can toggle on any screen to off or on.