Managing events that you manage on behalf of others where customers pay to attend in venues with speakers. Setting up the Online Form is to setup a registration area.
How to Use Event Maintenance
To Review Events
- Event Maintenance for the Event in '''Search Code'''
- Review dashboard for metrics about the event
- Review Registrations pricing, important dates, templates, status
- '''Tasks''' Tab to review the status of event tasks
- '''Attendees''' Tab to review individuals attending
- Filter to see persons in each status
- Double click a Person to review and drill to details
- Show invoices to see amounts and details
- Reports to view Profit or Loss for the event or create a summary for client of attendee list
- '''Speaker''' Tab to review speaker status and send follow-up notes
- '''Client or Revenue''' Tab is used to track companies, that may pay some revenue towards the event, notes, agreements and compare budget amounts with actuals from the GL
- '''Venue Suppliers''' Tab to review the venue and room, supplier, supplier contact, agreements documents and status, notes budget amount and actual amount status
- '''Log''' Tab to review any Event Maintenance tracked changes made to the event
- '''Correspondence''' Tab to review all emails sent to lists
- Journals Tab to review all journals that reference the event
To Create Events
- Create a Search Code, Title Brief, Manager, Primary Client, Event Date and save
General Tab
- Search Code is the Event Unique ID
- Title Brief is the description of the event
- Event Date
- Start Time, End time of the event Radek(Assumes a one day event?)
- Creation Time
- Notes to be used internally
- Venue Radek (How to populate?)
- Manager (from a list of Employees that have "Event Manager" Role
- Primary Client is the Debtor Maintenance the Event is being managed for
- Mark new Attendees Owned by Clinet
- Use client specific invoice
- Use Client GL accounts
- Key Metrics area
- Bank Account (Override) is to Radek
Registrations Area
- Accept Registrations to enable or disable registrations
- Web Publish Category Radek
- Prices are entered for the event tickets
- Early or Members price, non-members price,
- Early bird cutoff date sets date only members get the early or members price
- Auto Profile is an event category Radek using item Profile
- Discount Password allows a multi-use password for discounts Radek(is this company specific?)
- Web display text Disc MattD not used in new rego pages but should be problem with member or non-member selection
- Web display text MattD not used in new rego pages problem with member or non-member selection
- Email Templates
- Register Email Template to be sent to attendees once they register
- Invoice Email Template
- Receipt email template on receipt of payment
- GL Account for Radek
- Status Button of the event allows changing of status and displays current status adjacent
- Radek Blank Field?
Tasks Tab
Populates from Task Template with ability to create a list of tasks for an event to track processes and edit in Review Event TasksGrid
- Due Date
- Description
- Status - ToDo, WIP, Done, NA
- Hours estimated Radek (actual recorded?)
- Notes
- Sign Radek
- Attachment if a document has been attached
Task Details
Double click on a task to populate and change the details. Save once changes have been made Radek (Central task list across events? Tasks assigned to persons?)Attendees Tab
Can view the attendees of the event here filtering to view different lists and drill to the details.Grid Area
- list of persons is filtered by Filter +Show unpaid only on RHS
- Name, company, Status of the person, Pay Class, Promotion Code used, Notes about registration (eg Registered online), Invoice Amount, Open Amount, Invoice Number, Email Address, Position, Department h4.Details of Person Attending
- Send or Export button
- Send Emails by group using email in Correspondence tab
- Send emails to all
- Export List
- Purge Non-Attending
- Financial Button will provide a list of those who do not have an invoice attached to their name
- Invoice
- Payment
- Verify financial status of all attendees Double Click on person in Grid to populate RHS
- Invoice amount is amount of the Debtor Invoice to person
- Open amount is the amount of the Debtor Invoice that has not been matched to a payment
- Invoice Details is the invoice unique identifier
- Filter filters the list
- Group is an ad-hoc group used for things like table groups at dinners
- Show unpaid only will filter the list search to persons who have not paid
- more button Radek for extra details for specific events for attendees (how to put more fields in here?)
- Pay class is the ticket type purchased
- FOC reason is the justification if FOC ticket and is mandatory for Free of Charge Tickets.
- Promo Code is the promotion code used to purchase the ticket is a free text field from online registration page
- Person is the event attendee
- Name, Company, Position, Department and Email address are all from the Person
- Status enables an update to the status of this person and the available options may change depending on current status
- To be invited, invited, Registered, Attending, No Show, Not Attending, RSVP-no
- Details of changes to status are tracked in the text box
- Can '''save''' changes, '''delete''' an individual client details
- Can '''clear''' the form to enter new
Speakers Tab
Grid of Speakers
Speakers are Persons who have agreed to be speakers for the event - Search Code is unique id
- Name of the Person
- Status of the speaker
- Email Address
- Group the speaker belongs to Radek (not sure how to use this - does this relate to attendee groups)
Speaker Details
Double click on a speaker in the grid to populate details to RHS - '''Send or Export''' button
- Send Emails by group will send the email in the Correspondence tab to the group filtered in this tab
- Send emails to all
- Export List
- '''Picker''' Button to find Persons who have agreed to be speakers
- '''Search code''' is unique id of the Person. Can Event Maintenance from here
- '''Paste from clipboard button''' can copy a list from the clipboard that has been chosen from Person Picker and used the copy button
- '''Status''' of the speaker
- '''Group''' is an adhoc grouping used for things like dinner table groups
- '''Filter''' to filter the speaker list by status
- '''Notes''' in the free text box can be updated
- '''Create a thank you task for this speaker''' enables tracking of each thank you individually
- Can '''save''' changes, '''delete''' an individual client details
- Can '''clear''' the form to enter new
Client or Revenue Tab
For tracking the agreement with the client for this event. Can link the contract here also.Contracts List
- Debtor Maintenance Radek (is company not debtor)
- Person at the company for this event
- Agreement Summary is high level notes
- '''Create a thank you task for this entity''' button simplifies tracking followup
- '''Progress''' is a free text field to track the latest progress of this agreement
- Contract '''Status''' not completed
- WIP, Delivered, Signed, Cancelled
- Link to contract document with ability to '''open or view''' the document
- '''Budget''' is amount expected to be invoiced
- '''Invoiced''' is the actual amount invoiced
- '''Paid''' is the amount paid for the event
- '''Launch New Journal''' Button allows for quick creation of an invoice for the Debtor Radek(appears to populate with company not debtor in the list)
- '''Get Actuals from GL''' button will refresh the invoiced and paid amounts
- Can save changes, delete an individual client details
- Can clear the form to enter new
Venue Suppliers Tab
Will show the list of suppliers for the event when the event has been referenced in the invoice Radek (need training) h4.List of Suppliersh4. - Company or Person who is a supplier
- Person who is a contact for a company
- Type of supplier
- Contract Status
- Budget amount
- Invoiced amount
- Paid Amount
- Email Address
Supplier Details
Doubleclick on a supplier to populate RHS - '''Agreement summary''' is free form text for a high level overview
- '''Progress''' free text field
- Contract '''Status''' not completed
- WIP, Delivered, Signed, Cancelled
- Link to contract document with ability to '''open or view''' the document
- '''Budget''' is amount expected to be invoiced
- '''Invoiced''' is the actual amount invoiced
- '''Paid''' is the amount paid for the event
- '''Launch New Journal''' Button allows for quick creation of an invoice for the Debtor Radek(appears to populate with company not debtor in the list)
- '''Get Actuals from GL''' button will refresh the invoiced and paid amounts
- '''Recalc all''' Radek
- Can '''save''' changes, '''delete''' an individual client details
- Can '''clear''' the form to enter new
Log Tab
Can manually update a log for the event and see Audit tracked changes as defined in Audit LogCorrespondence Tab
For sending emails and also tracking emails sent by other means to the persons associated with the event.
- Write email, subject, type, who from - send test to event manager
- Review Email
- Attendees tab - Filter to persons who you want to receive the email
- Send or Export will send the email
- Send email to Group
- Send email to All
- Email that has been sent will be in the correspondence page list with number of persons it has been sent to
- Double click to review
- List People to see who was sent the email
- Email will show in Person Correspondence Tab
List of emails sent
- Sent date or time
- Type of email sent
- Eg Attendee Reminder
- Subject of the email
- Number of emails sent
Email Details
Paul Double click on an email in the list to populate RHS - Subject of the email
- From email address Radek (registration of email addresses)
- Body of the email Radek (editor)
- Method of sending
- Expanz Email is sent by the system
- Other types of messages can also be tracked: External email, phone, fax, person, other
- Sent will track the number sent by Expanz
- Number sent if sent by Expanz
- Sent by Employee login
- Type is free form text for your information
- Email ID is unique ID for the selected email
- List People will show the list the emails have been sent to
Journals Tab
Shows all journals that reference the event. Can filter: - Debtor, creditor or All
- Invoices, Payments or All