Used to group together journals for different reasons in the system eg:
- Navigate to Batch Locator Tab
- Double click to select batch an populate screen
- Review Details in the rest of the form
Debtor Batches
When creating a Debtor patch to receive money
- Varies depending on information in the screen
- Email - choose a template in the next dropdown
- Close batch
General Tab
The group information for the creditors batch
- Description
- Private flag makes the journal batch only visible to the name of the person who raised the journal
- Name of the person who raised the journal
- Date
- Total of the journals and cash only amount
- Journal Type that is to be created
- Sometimes this limitation is not fine enough so special type and subtype are used to categorise further
- Special Type Batches can only hold journals of one type. .
- Undeposited funds
- Commissions
- Total spent (if from a Journal Batches capture)
- Number of cheques (if from a Journal Batches capture)
Journals Tab
Will list the journals that have been consolidated by this batch. Add a journal to a batch through General Journals by selecting the batch from the list
- (note that when querying a general journal batch and reviewing a journal it does not show the reference?)
Batch Locator Tab
List all batches that have been created so far. Double click to populate the information into the form.