Journal Batches

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Journal Batches


Journal Batches are used to group together journals for different reasons in the system eg:

The system creates a Journal batch when

  • Creating an ABA file to send to the bank for Creditor Payments
    • Note the batch will be Type of "direct deposits" and have a bank account reference
  • Creating an ABA file using a clearing account - ie If a single payment on your bank statement relates to multiple records
    • eg: used to batch together credit card payments for the day
    • eg: if you send a group of payments to your bank and it results in a single line on the bank account (tick use clearing account)
  • A delivery run groups COGS journals to more easily report on results
  • A driver collected cash from multiple customers the system links them together as part of the Banking Batches process
  • A driver has collected credit card payment slips and they need to be grouped together for counting total takings by the driver
  • Adhoc grouping of journal batches to more easily manipulate them in the system Batches may be created in other places in the system
  • Bulk Pay Suppliers Creates batches in order to group payments ready to create an ABA file and also to group cheque payments
  • Banking Batches creates batches to group items that may appear as a single payment line (Eg Cash Sales, creditor payments, Banking of multiple cash batches) etc - see Bank Accounts - Creating and Managing#Reconcilingthebankstatement

Journal batches may have a journal type that limits the type/s of journals that can be attached to that batch.

Cash Batches - counting and banking of cash

see also Bank Accounts - Creating and Managing#CashBatches

Each batch is created by the system for different cash situations

  1. A driver is working all day and collecting cash
  2. A cash bag has come back from a driver's delivery run
  3. POS takings for a period are being counted ready for banking

The batch status of the batch moves from new, counted, checked (a second count has been confirmed) and can then combined with other cash batches to be banked

When the batch is banked - the status will move to closed and it will be linked to the bank deposit Journal (see bottom of screen for link)

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