- Authority
- Authentication
- FTP - EDI transactions are an example
- Email - emails sent by the system
- Close Financial Period in Financial Years
- Open Financial Period in Financial Years
- Re-Open Financial Period in Financial Years
- Roll Price Change
- Credit Card Authorisation usually done in Sales Orders
- Email -
- Merge Entities - merging of entities in the system through Duplicate Person Merge or Duplicate Company Merge
- Stop Supply - when a Company has been placed on or taken off Stop Supply
- Build Assembly - Tracking all Assemblies built through Article screen
Severity Classifications
- Debug
- Error
- Fatal Error
- Informational
- Warning
- Search Events
- Export Events h4.
Key Features of the screen are:
- Upper Panel displays the options with which you can search various events. The search can be performed by any or all of the following available options:
- User: If user name is known to you, write and search
- Time: If event time is known, specify and search
- Type: Event Types can be of several kinds. This can be selected from the dropdown list.
- Severity: Event severity such as Debug, error, warning etc can be selected from the dropdown list
- Query Date: This button provides options with which
- you can restrict event search on the basis of dates such as AP or AR
- Current
- 30 days
- 60 days
- 90 days
- Today - Events logged today.
- “From” and “To” textboxes will show today’s date.
- Now (Events logged just now)
- This Week (Events logged this week)
- Last Month (Events logged last month)
- Last Quarter (Events logged last quarter)
- Clear (Clears “From” and “To” fields) Lower Panel displays search results.