- Enter a unique name in SKU or Search
- Choose one of the Article Categories each Service will only below to a single article category
- Enter a name and if required a description
- Enter the Per Period unit of measure and the default sell price
- Setup Prices if required. Review Managing Pricing when you sell products for general information
- Load images if required
- Enter prices for price lists if required
- Save
- SKU is Stock Keeping Unit (although these are not stockable it is a generally used name).
- Category - is from Article Categories and determines visibility to the Webstore, the Agent Portal and is used in purchasing and sales
- Description
- Per period is the base unit of measure to be used for selling and purchasing
- Default Sell Price
- GSTinc or ex-GST selection
- Type indicates if this is a special type of service.
- The only special type currently in use is an Event Ticket. This is used to sell tickets.
- Provisioning Required is for services that then require a provisioning process
- Manufacturer if this Service is purchased from a supplier
- GL Account if the sales transactions for this service are to go to a particular account
- Product lifespan and availability enables the product to be made inactive if required.
Prices Tab
See Managing Pricing when you sell products for more details
- Quantity discounts enables a new sales price to be applied once a particular quantity has been placed onto an order linePrice Category links the service to a Price Categories
- Price by Price list on RHS enables differential pricing depending on the price list used
Images Tab
If this item is to be sold on the Webstore or the Agent Portal then the images and thumbnails can be attached here. Right click in the viewing space to view, download the images.