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- Employee Expenses Portal
- Built using php as a web app employees can add new expenses and upload photos of receipts - see Expenses - Back Office
- Perishable Items Webstore.
- Built using Laravel with local tables refreshed nightly for anonymous browsing - http://test623.soulfresh.com.au/
- Anon can browse all products with no prices. Can create a wish list they can email to themselves (copy to soulfresh)
- Logged in users see all products available to them, use a recommended re-order, use promotions, download invoices, pay outstanding amounts, enter orders
- Tour Drivers Portal
- Build using php drivers check vehicles, mark travellers onboard, enter meal requirements, capture additional payments - see Tours - Drivers Portal
Each company wants different things from a website - for example some of these might be of interest:
- People not already known to your business: (Anonymous)
- Browsing products / downloading material
- Creating a wish list of products
- placing an order (and hence creating a new debtor in the system in the process)
- Freight calculations
- registering for information
- Using promotion codes for discounts
- Known persons
- Viewing order / invoice history or making payments (if on terms)
- Simply reordering items ordered previously
- Browsing products / prices / promotions / downloads available to them (perhaps a broader range than available to the public)
- Making offers on bulk purchases
- Seeing availability of products, seasons, services, teams, tours etc.
- Placing an order (and hence requiring to know their login - or able to reset their password)
- On behalf of a company
- On behalf of multiple departments / delivery addresses for a company
- On behalf of another person or business (eg Agent / Sales Rep)
Within each area there are normally decisions to make
- Can anyone place an order if they pay with credit card
- Do you show prices to anonymous users
- Do web orders have to be approved and released for picking
- How do you provide login details to known users - and what login should they use
- Mass email everyone and they must use email address / mobile phone number etc.
- Email on create new users
- Manual
- Self registration process - email confirmation link
- Self registration process - manual approval
So we have defined a Process Flow to Build your Website using information from SaaSplications
For information about SaaSplications go to http://saasplications.com.au