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  1. Employee Expenses Portal
    1. Built using php as a web app employees can add new expenses and upload photos of receipts - see Expenses - Back Office
  2. Perishable Items Webstore.  
    1. Built using Laravel with local tables refreshed nightly for anonymous browsing - http://test623.soulfresh.com.au/
    2. Anon can browse all products with no prices.  Can create a wish list they can email to themselves (copy to soulfresh)
    3. Logged in users see all products available to them, use a recommended re-order, use promotions, download invoices, pay outstanding amounts, enter orders
  3. Tour Drivers Portal
    1. Build using php drivers check vehicles, mark travellers onboard, enter meal requirements, capture additional payments - see Tours - Drivers Portal


Each company wants different things from a website - for example some of these might be of interest:

  1. People not already known to your business: (Anonymous)
    1. Browsing products / downloading material
    2. Creating a wish list of products
    1. placing an order (and hence creating a new debtor in the system in the process)
    2. Freight calculations 
    3. registering for information
    4. Using promotion codes for discounts
  2. Known persons 
    1. Viewing order / invoice history or making payments (if on terms)
    2. Simply reordering items ordered previously
    3. Browsing products / prices / promotions / downloads available to them (perhaps a broader range than available to the public)
    4. Making offers on bulk purchases
    5. Seeing availability of products, seasons, services, teams, tours etc.
    6. Placing an order (and hence requiring to know their login - or able to reset their password)
      1. On behalf of a company
      2. On behalf of multiple departments / delivery addresses for a company
      3. On behalf of another person or business (eg Agent / Sales Rep)

Within each area there are normally decisions to make

  1. Can anyone place an order if they pay with credit card
  2. Do you show prices to anonymous users
  3. Do web orders have to be approved and released for picking
  4. How do you provide login details to known users - and what login should they use
    1. Mass email everyone and they must use email address / mobile phone number etc.
    2. Email on create new users
    3. Manual
    4. Self registration process - email confirmation link
    5. Self registration process - manual approval 


So we have defined a Process Flow to Build your Website using information from SaaSplications

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For information about SaaSplications go to http://saasplications.com.au