When using a barcode scanner - first do thisĀ Setting up Barcode Scanners
- Now the system is watching the barcode scanner you have attached and will put anything it sends into a barcode lookup field on the screen
Barcodes are used to quickly find transactions
- Scan of a stock article to find the article
- Article screen to lookup the SKU
- Stock Counting
- Stock Receipting
- Stock Adjusting
- etc
- Scan of a repair barcode to find the repair
- Scan of a faulty sticker barcode to find the faulty claim
- Scan of a POS receipt barcode to find the order and customer
The system uses information in the barcode to determine what to lookup.
If a SKU is being replaced by another (perhaps sourcing an alternative or the supplier has upgraded) then use http://confluence.saasplications.com:8090/display/EX/Product+Forecasting+Based+on+Sales+History#ProductForecastingBasedonSalesHistory-SKU'sbeingreplaced
Central Barcode Store for SKU's
If you purchase Barcodes from global organisations (eg GS1) or if you generate your own for your own use - you can track a central list and where they are used in the system
Upload the list a single column spreadsheet to the Barcode Management Screen
On the SKU > Edit > Get next GS1 Barcode will populate the Barcode and the Carton Barcode from the list of purchased barcodes