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When using a barcode scanner - first do this Setting up Barcode Scanners

  • Now the system is watching the barcode scanner you have attached and will put anything it sends into a barcode lookup field on the screen

Barcodes are used to quickly find transactions

  1. Scan of a stock article to find the article
    1. Article screen to lookup the SKU
    2. Stock Counting
    3. Stock Receipting
    4. Stock Adjusting
    5. etc
  2. Scan of a repair barcode to find the repair
  3. Scan of a faulty sticker barcode to find the faulty claim
  4. Scan of a POS receipt barcode to find the order and customer

The system uses information in the barcode to determine what to lookup.

If a SKU is being replaced by another (perhaps sourcing an alternative or the supplier has upgraded) then use http://confluence.saasplications.com:8090/display/EX/Product+Forecasting+Based+on+Sales+History#ProductForecastingBasedonSalesHistory-SKU'sbeingreplaced

Central Barcode Store for SKU's

If you purchase Barcodes from global organisations (eg GS1) or if you generate your own for your own use - you can track a central list and where they are used in the system

Upload the list a single column spreadsheet to the Barcode Management Screen (Column Title "Barcode")

Once uploaded > from the SKU screen when on a SKU that does not have a barcode:

  1. Barcodes: Edit > Get Next Available GS1 Barcode
    1. Gets the next available GS1 Barcode from the list of purchased barcodes
    2. Also calculates and creates the GS1 Carton barcode for the SKU. 
      1. Calculation involves adding 1 to the front of the barcode and then adding a check digit at the end as per GS1 Barcode algorithm

See also Importing Articles Process so when importing new SKU's they get assigned the next barcode in the list

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