Table of Contents
Planning Capacity Requirements
The capacity planning screen has a 1 week focus by default that shows the bookings by day with separate lines for each destination + any charters
Charters (and incentives)
Are bookings of a vehicle - hence they occupy a unique row in the planning grid.
View the requirements for a day
Decide Number of Drivers Required
Right click to increase / decrease the number of drivers required for any of these. The total drivers for each date shows down RHS.
Assign Vehicles to the Destinations
For each destination - manage the vehicle bookings
Add vehicles you plan to use to this destination on this date
Note - vehicles can only be assigned if they do not have a maintenance scheduled at that time
Assign bookings to the vehicles
For any destination then view the Tour Bookings and Assign them to Vehicles
Assign Transfers to a Vehicle
Transfers are bookings that are at least 3 days in length that require a mid-tour transfer from one accommodation to another on a day
Assign drivers to the run
Validate the Runs
Status button - Validate the run - This will validate across all runs for the date:
- Every booking for that date has a run
- Vehicle Capacities are not exceeded
Scheduling Drivers
Drivers appear in the list of available drivers based on the Roster - see Setting up Bus Tours
Select who will be doing what using a right click in the roster
Tour Runs
View the created Tour runs using the Tour Runs screen to see details